AI solution for automobile and travel recommendations

Artificial intelligence has made advances in many industries since it was invented. The ever-changing travel industry is also taking advantage of AI to revolutionize the way it operates.



We understand that a business requires custom and robust solutions to build up a powerful artificial intelligence system for your business and you are able to achieve your goals.

A hybrid recommendation model

Based on content and collaboration.


In this system we ensured that design to be responsive and keep checks to be in place with developed AI solutions for the automobile industry and travel recommendations.
The goal was to distinguish the most ideal way for the vehicle by examining the total racing track. We utilized the track utilizing sensor information and furthermore executed best in class Deep Q learning with Tensorflow.
Prescribed spots to visit dependent on their past movement history shown a list of close-by vacation spots when they visit a specific spot. Dependency on their preferences and inclinations and furthermore refreshes from different travelers who had comparable interests. Machine learning models to assemble recommendation engines and afterward prepared the calculation to investigate key information focuses.
We utilized the most high-performing tech stack, for example, Python and PyTorch to guarantee speed and accuracy and constructed a profoundly successful AI racing assistant. The tech stack we implemented in building these Machine Learning models was Python, Tensorflow, Sklearn, iOS CoreML, Elasticsearch
Brisk Logic was drawn closer by an organization to manufacture a movement proposal motor on AI and ML models for their locale-based travel mobile application. Through this application, clients could take outings to close by places, investigate the network and so on.
The travel and tourism industry has seen a surge of AI applications on every spectrum. In this project, we have ensure your data to be safe and secure and security checks to be in place. An app which is adaptive and intelligent.
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This isn’t about what we’re capable of. It’s all about what you can accomplish with us by your side.

Reach out to us anytime and lets create a better future for all technology users together, forever.