Brisklogic low-code Case study With Industry examples

Agility and velocity are important in software development operations, but they’re especially critical in ar industries that need to scale their operations or quickly pivot against broader market changes.



Although almost every business can benefit from low-code development in some fashion, it isn’t always the right option for every business need.

When low-code make sense

It empowers people of all experience levels to create functional and adaptable technology.


It’s easier to achieve strict performance goals when you write all the code yourself. Auto-generated code from a low-code platform is unlikely to be optimized for performance, unlike code produced by a skilled developer.
Education. The landscape surrounding both K-12 and higher education continually changes as enrollments fluctuate and educational strategies and assessments evolve, especially considering the rollout of hybrid and remote learning in the midst of the pandemic.
Healthcare. Healthcare providers must make data more accessible to patients on more platforms, and adhere to stringent security requirements. Low-code tools allow developers to build customer-facing apps that integrate with enterprise systems on the back end that allow patients to more easily access information.
Finance. Similar to healthcare entities, financial service companies must build user-friendly apps for customers that integrate with complex back-end systems, and these interfaces must work across multiple platforms and devices.
Retail. Retailers must build apps not just to serve customers, but also to manage inventory and process order fulfillments in both online and brick-and-mortar environments.
Even before the pandemic, dedicating or hiring a large team of developers to build all these apps using traditional methods wasn’t an affordable option for many retailers as they struggled to adapt and survive in the digital world. Low-code tools can help retailers build the software they need at a lower cost.
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