Healthcare market in low-code

Brisk Logic has designed using low-code functionality to develop a new Healthcare market in low-code applications for communicating between medical experts and the patient.



It is common to use wireframes to organize content and functionality on a web page while considering user journeys and needs.

Healthcare market in low-code

We’ve identified ramifications, major annoyances, goals, requirements, and values for the typical user based on quantitative and qualitative research.


The information architecture of an app is, basically, the structure of your app’s content. The main aim of the designer working on Information Architecture is to make it simple and intuitive to navigate.
This app is helping a large number of patients globally who want to connect digitally with their concerned doctors and track their health condition .
Our developers faced difficulties collecting data from various resources while building this app.
To Resolve this error by X-factor the functionality takes place within the body scanning of the patient, which allows medical professionals to get a better perspective on the medical recommendation.
Providing medical care in a more advanced manner makes people’s lives healthier, and it is also providing doctors with a platform to build a bigger network for their practices.
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