Madison Reed is a prestigious, direct-to-consumer hair color brand, providing customers with luxurious hair color made with salon-quality ingredients.



Madison Reed partners with honest and transparent hair color manufacturers in Italy — all operating under strict EU regulations — to formulate a collection of professional, high-performance hair color and care products.

Ensuring quality inspection was

100% accurate, 100% of the time.


Remove Human Error with Technology In the short term, placed human quality inspectors at the end of the fulfillment line to manually inspect and ensure 100% order accuracy, every time. Of course, even the most well-intentioned inspectors could still leave room for human error.
To solve the order accuracy issue with smart technology, incorporated two barcode readers at the end of the order fulfillment line. Now, as a Madison Reed package exits the pick-to-light picking zone, it enters the “scanning section” of the fulfillment line.
Where this innovative scanning technology scans two barcodes to ensure order accuracy; one being the order ID on the side of the box and the other being the dye box barcode. If the scanning technology identifies the wrong dye SKU has been picked, the system sets off a sound alarm, and the order is redirected to another part of the line for mandatory manual correction.
As Madison Reed continues to grow, the expectation of maintaining 100% order accuracy will remain. With new order accuracy technology in place, the team can recreate the solution on multiple lines to ensure this high level of quality will always scale to match Madison Reed’s order volume.
Madison Reed’s customers can order with confidence and know they’ll receive the high-quality hair color they ordered, with exceptional matching technology, delivered right to their door every time.
Founded on the belief that a confident woman is a beautiful woman, Madison Reed makes it their mission to ensure every woman has access to products that will help them feel confident about their hair.
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