New trend report: Into the Metaverse

Since more and increasing proportions of our life is on the internet, it’s becoming increasingly difficult and harder to differentiate “real” life from that which is digitally mediated.



The defining components of the metaverse, case studies, and brand takeaways, as well as unique research conducted by Brisk Logic.

93% of worldwide customers agree that technology is the way of the future.

93% percent of businesses believe that innovative technologies are required to achieve their digital transformation objectives. New technologies have transformed practically every area of human life, including how businesses sell their products.


The metaverse’s applications are not restricted to educational integration… UI design, like fashion and tech toys, is not immune to new trends.
The smartphone isn’t only a gadget is used,” claims Daniel Miller Professor of Anthropology of University College London. “It’s transformed into the space where we reside.”
• 96 % of consumers around the world believe that technology is the future. • 81% say their day-to-day life and activities are influenced by technology. • 72% believe that a brand’s online presence is as important as the physical presence.
As our habits evolve, we’re outgrowing the bounds of the internet as it was first created–precipitating a new era of digital platforms. But less than 38% the world’s people have had a glimpse of the metaverse. It’s time to define the concept of the metaverse and create a path for entry.
Virtual possessions Liminal spaces Gamevertising New frontiers in retail Meta Societies.
The report focuses on new trends in the consumer market and its implications for businesses and brands as well as the original research carried out through Wunderman Thompson Data, exclusive interviews with experts from 15 different fields and the key elements of metaverse as well as case studies, and key insights from brands.
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