Omnichannel Content Strategy

A Complete Guide To Omnichannel Content Strategy

What’s an Omnichannel Content Strategy?

Multichannel marketing is essentially making sure that your message visuals, tone, and of voice are in sync across all channels you’re using for communication.


An omnichannel strategy to content will ensure that you can reach your customers wherever they are by providing relevant content and helping them stay in your content ecosystem.


In a time where we’re increasingly connected before, the same customer experience is crucial.


The world over, digital users are spending on average two hours and 24 minutes each day on social networks as well as messaging apps.


Social media, email, as well as your website, are all crucial interactions.


However, so are the face-to-face interactions with your customers: in-store encounters, during sales and presentations – even the decks that you display. Each plays a crucial role in the process of buying.


As such, everything must tell the same story about your brand.


A well-thought-out Omnichannel Content Strategy knows where customers are, and identifies ways to be relevant and visible in the market.


It’s therefore important to think about how every touchpoint can provide some worth to the customer such as educational, useful, or entertainment.

Useful content strategy models:

While the kernel model can be, however, I do not believe that any one model of strategy has everything. If you just use one model, you’ll only have one set of solutions.


There are a lot of books that provide theories, models, and guidelines for constructing the most effective strategy. However, as I’ve said that your strategy should be easy.


Simplicity can indeed be challenging to attain at times.


Therefore, I draw using many different ways to frame or reframe the issue and gain different perspectives. This helps me look at the problem differently.


Here are three models that I would like to use when looking at a particular issue The Six Ps”Now Near and Far 70/20/10′.


1. The Six Ps

There are a lot of aspects to take into consideration when formulating a plan.


The Six Ps is a model that outlines the fundamental components of a successful strategic approach to marketing through content.


It requires you to think about how different aspects can be affected, how they relate to them, and what you’ll have to accomplish to effect changes in each of them.


In this case, you’ll have to comprehend who the strategy affects and in what way.


This is a concern for both the people who will be watching and those who will do the work of creating and delivering the content.


You’ll also have to be aware of the current procedures and how they could be modified, as well as how you’ll gauge your success.

They are The Six Ps


1. Purpose:

the main reason why your content (or in fact, your business) exists. The purpose is the same for every piece or piece of material, not only specific campaigns.


It should be able to connect what is important to your clients and what is important to your business. For instance, the vision is to create an improved everyday experience for everyone.


This is reflected in the slogan they choose to use: “The Amazing Everyday.

2. People:

the people who are involved and the way they’ll be organized, as well as the time and expertise required for the project. Create the roles that you think you’ll require.


These could include creatives (to design the images and write the text) along with project administration (to ensure that the machine for content is running and on time).


Data leads are required (to provide insights into feeds and help in evaluating results) as well as community managers (to detect issues and opportunities that arise from your content).

3. Principles:

the core principles that your business and team share to help promote more efficient planning, decision-making, and methods of working in your workplace, and as a team of content.


You could, for instance, have a set of principles that include “Always a seamless experience, “Customer first and be useful’ or.


4. Platforms

These are the channels that you’re planning to utilize to convey your message. These are the channels both offline and online in which you’ll publish or disseminate content to get your customers involved and engaged.


Examples include email, social media, or website, and all places in person.

5. Processes:

The systems and workflows needed to create and distribute content. They should be created to decrease the amount of friction and manage the risk.


Every sign-off and every review can increase the cost of content. Plan your schedule to let you look ahead but still give your editorial and creative teams the flexibility they require to react to new opportunities in the near term.

6. Performance:

It is measured by the results, metrics, and methods for evaluation of the project’s performance in the short and long term. This is the way to demonstrate how your content is working.

This model is the reason why it helps in the creation of an Omnichannel Content Strategy

The six Ps are a fantastic method of gaining insights and gaining a comprehensive view of everything that can influence your approach.


It will ensure that you’re taking into account every possible interaction your customers may have with you so that it’s easy to tie your goal across all of them.

2. It is the Now, Near, and Far model

The Now, Near, Far model assists us in doing the vital task of prioritizing.


A well-designed Omnichannel Content Strategy must be able to meet both short- and long-term objectives.


You must be able to discern what tasks you should prioritize in the short-term (Now) and mid-term (Near) as well as the long-term (Far).


It is then possible to allocate enough resources, time, and budget for each.


This method is great in situations where you only have time to complete only one set of tasks at the moment but you also know that you have an unfinished list of tasks to finish.


It can help you focus to group diverse tasks and tasks into three groups.

1. Now:

What do we need to take today to get closer to our goal? What are the best quick victories?

2. Near:

what do we know we must do and, therefore, need to begin planning?

3. Near:

What’s the long-term chance? What’s the best way to clear our backlog?

The reason this model can help in the development of an Omnichannel Content Strategy

The Now, Near, Far model can help you get a better understanding and begin building your omnichannel content strategy.

3. The 70/20/10 model

The 70/20/10 model works somewhat similar to its counterpart, the Now, Near, Far model in that it assists in prioritizing.


It’s also about trying new things and ensuring that your company allocates funds to be innovative in your strategy for content.


There is a risk of repeating the same method over and over, and then becoming ineffective to the people who read it.


The model can be utilized to design a time frame that you think is best for your business.


By using this model you’ll be categorizing different kinds of content and allocating specific percentages of your total budget for content to each of them.

Here’s how it is done:

1. 70% of your content should be lower-risk, evergreen content. 

This is your normal business content: what you’re sure your target audience would read and enjoys. It could include blogs with how-to articles, newsletters, educational material, and even memes if they fit your branding.


This is where the bulk of your time effort and money should be spent.


The kind of content that the audience is drawn to can shift (especially in the digital age) therefore it’s essential to incorporate reports into your workflow.


This will provide you with feedback loops, which means you can identify emerging trends and trends in the online world of content and culture.

2. 20% on fresh creative ideas. 

The research suggests that you should take 20% off your budget to try new ideas and observe how people react.


This is the place where you need to be looking for emerging trends and testing how your brand will respond to take part.

3. 10% of your budget should be spent on high-risk and high-reward strategies.

The smallest portion of your budget should go towards making sure you’re quick and flexible about any current developments.


This can also be used to support wild-card ideas that come up within the time frame you have specified.


It is believed that if you do not invest in content experiments it could be a missed opportunity to connect with people and acquire new customers.

The reason this model can help in the creation of an Omnichannel Content Strategy

The 70/20/10 model can help you to remain flexible and creative and provides the space to develop new ideas for content.


It can help you determine the most suitable channels for your 70% of business-as-usual media, as well as which could be used to create your 10 percent risky content that is high-reward and high risk.

How do you collaborate to achieve the success of an Omnichannel Content Strategy?

For an Omnichannel Content Strategy to be successful collaboration is the key to success.


If you’re planning to offer seamless experiences across all touchpoints with customers employees within the company must work together to achieve it.


This can be a challenge for businesses that are organized in silos or is large. This is the reason this Six Ps framework is useful you should think about how to deal with this issue before the time.


A problem can be resolved through a myriad of strategies and strategies. The strategist isn’t the only one who can be a part of a successful strategy.


Successful ideas can be derived from any person in the company.


There’s nothing riskier than having just one idea in the room since you risk overprotecting it. Instead, think of possible solutions and choose the one you think is the best for together as a group.


So, you’ll decide the future. Everybody will be aware that in the realm of the strategy of content, there are a variety of ways to break a nut.

Last Words:

In the end, any successful content strategy should be omnichannel since Omnichannel Content Strategy is about communicating the same message and purpose to your customers, regardless of the platform or channel they’re sharing with.


I hope this article can help you begin your Omnichannel Content Strategy confidently. I’ll conclude with a list of the most important points to keep in mind in any planning strategy.


It’s always challenging in the beginning. This is a relief for me as I experience the total weight of the complexity during the initial stages.


The details will become more clear in the future.


The method should be easy. If it’s not you, don’t hesitate to ask further questions. The power of curiosity is an amazing attribute.


If you just use one model, you’ll get one set of results. Utilize a variety of different strategies to determine if they can assist you in framing the issue in various ways.


If all else is the case, they could help you see things from a different angle.


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