Low-code Programming for Visual Programmers

Low-code Programming, Data, It’s everywhere, and in huge amounts in this world that is driven by data.

The thing that is important about data is how it is displayed and then interpreted into data.

To achieve this visualization of data using visual programming is utilized to guide decisions in solving real-world issues.

Who would rather scroll through spreadsheets instead of a chart or an image?

There are probably not many.

Through the use of IoT (Internet of Things) or connected devices, it is possible to have a continuous stream of data, which leads to an enormous amount of information (Big Data). From demographics such as consumer behaviour data, statistics on device usage, and app downloads to the efficacy of marketing campaigns data is now the primary driver for decisions in every field across all sectors. The ability to make the most of this wealth of data is something every company is striving for.

How do you deal with this amount of data?

What do you do with the data from yottabytes? It’s one million bytes! What has made data accessible is the use of visual programming techniques and visual modelling. Through the transformation of data into visual elements like graphs, charts, maps and tables visualization of data is becoming essential to support real-time decision-making.

Let’s look at real-world issues like the COVID-19 crisis that is currently in progress. The importance of numbers has never been more important. To solve real-world issues, you need to find progressive solutions, and this is what low-code platforms can provide. Low-code platforms have taken the art of visual programming to a new level. With their user-friendly drag-and-drop features and widgets that can be customized Low-code platforms enable visual modelling and enable the creation of device-agnostic crucial applications that are flexible dashboards.

To explain Low-code Programming’s claim to fame take this example “It took just one developer just one week to develop an application that was complete!”

visual modelling techniques consider our Corona Tracker application as an example. Many API sources have API sources that have COVID-19 data.

Utilizing Brisk Logic, it is easy to build the dashboard, plot maps, or design charts to display information that comes from any source. There is no requirement for programming visual programming or visual modelling has become a breeze and with built-in widgets and dashboards, applications can be developed within a matter of days. Check out this video from the Brisk Logic app that was developed in just several days…

Understanding Data through responsive dashboards

The dashboard is the primary interface of the application. The amount of work and time that is spent on visual programming is apparent in the way that the dashboard is designed. The degree of responsiveness and accessibility it is will determine the effectiveness of the program.

With Brisk Logic, It is possible to not only create an impressive dashboard with speed but can also ensure it’s user-friendly and accessible to mobile devices as well as large screens. Its Corona Tracker application showcases a vast dashboard with important metrics like verified cases, recovery rates and deaths that have been reported across various countries. In the example of the Dashboard, it is possible to evaluate the mortality rates of the top 10 countries affected against their recovery rates as well as the number of affected individuals per million people and provide valuable data on the current situation. Low-code

What is the process to construct the necessary elements of a dashboard similar to this? With Brisk Logic, creating an effective dashboard is a matter of visual programming, and it takes only four steps, without having to write any code. All you have to be able to complete is…

  • Import data from the sources (REST APIs)
  • Create variables for accessing the REST API
  • Drag and drop widgets onto the editor or the canvas
  • Bind the widgets to variables.Nvd3

For more information on how to create an interactive dashboard with Brisk Logic, read this blog. Utilize Prefab Tools to Create Maps and Reusable Components

Data Visualization using Maps and Charts

Graphical representation – that’s the basis of all visual modelling. The visual representation of information in the form of graphs, maps, or charts helps to understand. The Corona Tracker application example, in addition to the dashboard, includes data maps and charts. Through the integration of data from John Hopkins University, you can view the global situation in a timeline with interactive maps and charts. What has changed with low-code is that with just only a couple of Low-code Programming for Visual Programmer clicks, you can apply visual modelling techniques using minimal effort to code.

Utilize Drag-n-Drop Visualization Techniques to Create custom datasets for charting

Low-code Programming for Typically, with traditional visual modelling techniques, creating custom charts required several codes. By using low-code charts, graphs that include customizable metrics can be built with a couple of clicks. To create graphs and plots for display in the application Brisk Logic comes with built-in, Nvd3-based charts. Drag-n-drop the chart widget onto either the canvas or editor, and connect the property of the dataset to the Variable to plot the data.

This is the way a simple chart is drawn and analyzed, when it comes down to customizing data low-code code plays a significant aspect in using JavaScript Visual Programming. In this case, using the data from more than 180 countries that are UIs available through the API you can select the top 10 countries, and calculate the metrics for the “rest of the entire world” by creating JavaScript code. When the API response has been downloaded, you can calculate your metrics and then create your dataset according to how you wish to present the data.

Utilize Prefab Tools to Create Maps and Reusable Components

A map that graphically displays information isn’t easy to design and not every platform has built-in widgets. By using Brisk the Logic application, one can make the Prefab by using the JavaScript library’s data maps. By using the JSON input for the countries as well as a colour map in your code you can draw the visualisation you want to make.

Prefabs or widgets are generally developed by JavaScript developers with experience in visual modelling and experience working using the JavaScript library. Prefab projects are where the widget, designed as a reusable component can be added to the canvas by dropping it onto the work surface. Through the addition of test data in editors, the widget can be tested in isolation within the application.

In the current world of data-driven technology Data visualization is a crucial part. Visual tools for programming have been in existence for a long time. Think back to the past 25 years, when Visual Basic and Access were employed to create User Interfaces (UIs) from databases, in a way that was automated. While the traditional tools for visual programming helped with data visualization, most of the time it required writing multiple lines of code. And as time passed, it became more complicated to comprehend or write. Utilizing the same principles of earlier visual programming languages Data visualization has changed through the advent of low-code systems.

What low-code offers is ease with the rate at which data visualization is accomplished, with the minimum of code and the highest value. With the rapid pace at which applications have to be built nowadays, developers are under tremendous pressure to meet deadlines for delivery. No matter what industry of the sector or whether they aim to present data visually or provide a customized customer experience or update outdated applications, critical business applications are being developed with greater speed. Low-code technology provides professional developers with the flexibility that will allow them to build custom applications faster.

Improve your visual programming and visual modelling techniques with low code.


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