
AI and Computer Vision Platforms with Low code and No Code

The usage of no-code platforms and their low-code cousins, which just require a basic understanding of coding – is on the rise. This tendency indicates a step toward computer science’s long-term aim of automating code.

IT leaders are under immense pressure today due to the unprecedented demand for more business applications, the growth of AI technologies, and increased expectations. As a result, it’s no surprise that over 70% of digital transformations fail.

The value proposition of disruptive low-code AI technology provides businesses with the flexibility and agility to react to rapidly changing industry realities while also expediting the time-to-market of new applications in order to keep up with or shift markets.

What Exactly is Low Code?

Low-code is a software development strategy that allows for speedier app delivery while requiring little to no coding. As a result, low-code platforms are a group of software tools that enable the visual development of apps using intuitive modelling and a graphical user interface (GUI). Low-code decreases or eliminates the need for coding, speeding up the process of bringing apps to market.

In 2011, the concept of low-code was introduced. In the world of programming, the concept of low-code is considered to be a revolutionary and cutting-edge concept. As a result, development platforms that simplify code and automate development processes for developers are becoming increasingly popular.

What Is a Low-Code Platform, and How Does It Work?

Model-driven design, automatic code generation, and visual programming are all concepts that low-code development platforms are built on. As a result, low-code platforms are software applications that provide a graphical user interface (GUI) for coding in order to write code quickly and reduce traditional hand-coding tasks.

Low-code platforms, as a result, provide integrated tools that eliminate the need to write code line by line. Instead, the user can utilize a visual editor to create flowcharts, and the code will be generated automatically. Users can develop software applications by dragging and dropping pre-defined components in most commercial low-code/no-code platforms today. Appian, and Creator are some of the most prominent low-code software platforms today.

A low-code platform is a collection of programming and non-programming tools.

When compared to traditional software writing, this approach allows for substantially faster code creation. Low-code platforms, as a result, accelerate the adoption of complicated emerging technologies such as IoT, Edge Computing, and AI. Later in this post, we’ll talk about low-code platforms designed exclusively for AI jobs.

Low-code offers the rapid delivery of applications with the least amount of work to create in a coding language, as well as the least amount of effort for environment installation, configuration, training, and implementation.

What is the Meaning of No Code?

No-code frameworks are software design methods that allow non-IT persons to develop software without having to write a single line of code. The user may visualize the execution process and build the full business logic visually using these software tools, which often feature an easy-to-use UI and drag-and-drop options.

No-code software employs a visual development interface to allow non-technical users to design complete applications by dragging and dropping software components. In most cases, users do not require any prior coding knowledge to create apps.

What are No-Code Platforms, and how do they work?

No-code development platforms, like low-code platforms, are thought to be “extraordinarily disruptive.” No-code platforms are software platforms that allow non-programmers to create whole programmers using a visual development interface. As a result, no coding skills are required for platform users to create software using no-code tools. No-code platforms do not require users to have any prior coding skills in order to create applications. 

What Is An Application Development Platform, and How Does It Work?

The term “application development platform” refers to a set of technologies that assist enterprises and businesses in designing, developing, and deploying applications. As a result, app development platforms are software tools that assist in the development of apps by providing features like analytics, APIs, IDEs, templates, code-free development, and data synchronization. As a result, ADPs help to speed up the app development process.

Apps, mobile devices, and web browsers are all built using a variety of app development software platforms. APIs are provided by these platforms to make integrating with backend services easier. Furthermore, it provides a visual development environment that simplifies the process of developing software applications.

Application Development Platforms include features such as hardware compatibility and workflow design aid. They usually make it easier to create user interfaces, business logic, and data services by doing so. They often oversee an application’s complete life cycle and provide speedy application development, deployment, execution, and management.

Without ADPs, businesses are forced to use a patchwork of technologies, architectures, and programming structures, resulting in application maintenance challenges and operational bottlenecks. Hundreds of applications running on multiple technologies and architectures are common in large businesses. This results in significant inefficiencies, app management cost overruns, and a lack of responsiveness to business needs.

In the IT sector, application development platforms improve agility and the capacity to respond to changing business needs.

Why Do Companies Require Low Code?

Application Delivery is Driven by Digital Business Transformation

  • The demand for technological solutions and AI technologies is rapidly increasing as the technological landscape advances. Large volumes of code, many frameworks, and the Internet of Things are all involved in complex software like AI systems (IoT). A single person’s ability to fully comprehend every technological component is strained by the large range of complicated technologies. While maintaining high-quality requirements, software must be deployed swiftly, efficiently, and securely.

Machine Learning Experts are in High Demand

  • As a result, the demand for specific skills and talents in the computer industry is increasing. As a result, firms in a variety of industries require IT, employees, with a variety of development skillsets. According to Gartner, by 2021, demand for information systems would expand five times faster than IT departments’ ability to offer them, due to a lack of significant workforce growth.

Low-Code Software Development Speeds Up Significantly

  • The introduction of low-code platforms provides solutions to these issues. Companies can use low–code platforms to greatly accelerate application delivery, minimise the number of experts required, and boost the scalability of IT systems. This can be accomplished by decreasing the amount of code required by separating critical functionality into reusable components that can be swiftly assembled and reconfigured.

What Are the Benefits of Low-Code Development?

In comparison to traditional development, low–code platforms will drastically alter the development environment in terms of time to market, scope, development, maintenance, integration, and deployment.

  1. Low-code tools have a simple and straightforward user interface.
  2. Low-code development shortens development time and reduces time to market.
  3. In large projects, low-code development decreases complexity.
  4. Low-code apps are simple to scale from development to production.
  5. Because low code comes with so many integrations, it allows for more flexibility in development.
  6. Low-code systems include built-in security and maintenance, which saves money and time.
  7. Low code reduces development risks while providing a high return on investment.

Low-Code Development vs. Traditional Development

The low-code/no-code development technique has numerous advantages. Most importantly, it frequently accelerates the development process, lowering expenses. Low code also decreases reliance on IT developers and allows other departments to participate in the development process.

The following are the main distinctions between traditional and low-code development:


  • Applications are traditionally planned and built as huge, complex undertakings. Low-code, on the other hand, enables the creation of several, often modest and independent solutions.


Traditional development takes a long time to complete and is difficult to connect with company needs. Low-code development enables up to 5x faster development, more efficient testing, and a larger return on investment.


Common development cycles necessitate greater work and demand costly assistance. Low-code development makes it simple and quick to update or enhance a solution. It’s ideal for prototyping because of this.


Software integrations have traditionally taken a long time and cost a lot of money. There will be a need for developers and documentation, as well as thorough testing phases. Low-code development provides pre-built connectors, real-time debugging, and the ability to create web services without having to code.


 Software deployment is typically sluggish and difficult, requiring several phases and development resources. Low-code development allows for one-click deployment and deployment to various environments – all it takes is a single click to push an app to production.

Low-risk, high-return investment:

Low-code security, data integration, and cross-platform support are all built-in and easily customizable with low-code. As a result, there is less risk and more time to concentrate on the business.

Artificial Intelligence Systems Using Low-Code Platforms

What Is a Low-Code Artificial Intelligence Platform?

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based software and applications have the potential to disrupt businesses in a variety of industries. As a result, businesses must keep up with the fast-paced evolution of technology. Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, is a specialized high-tech area of software engineering that necessitates extensive coding and technological understanding. As a result, high software engineering skills and extensive development expertise are generally linked with AI development.

It is clear that low-code AI development has tremendous potential. Low-code AI is a game-changer in artificial intelligence, simplifying routine application development activities and bringing software development closer to customers, making it accessible to a wide range of organizations.

Businesses who employ low-code platforms for AI development save a lot of money on the development, have a faster time to market for their products, have better product scalability, and have a more smooth and intuitive user experience.

Non-AI specialists can construct AI apps from pre-defined components using low-code/no-code machine learning platforms. In contrast to hard-coded programming methodologies, such platforms rely on an intuitive graphical user interface for application creation and visual programming.

AI Development: Low-Code vs. No-Code

The distinction between low-code and no-code development stems from the fact that low-code software requires minimal programming input from the user, whereas no-code software does not. Building blocks can be used in both low-code and no-code applications, with low-code facilitating the integration of custom software in the form of such building blocks.

When it comes to generating AI solutions, more people will be able to design AI apps and employ AI technology, allowing highly skilled coders to focus on the most difficult problems.

Computer Vision AI Platform with Low-Code

The development of a low-code AI platform for automating computer vision applications is a challenging and demanding task fueled by several research and technology issues. Brisk Logic, a Swiss computer vision startup, is behind the latest AI low-code platform, which is intended exclusively for computer vision.

Brisk Logic’s technology is noteworthy because it is likely indicative of where the AI vision software sector as a whole is headed. Today, Brisk Logic is a leader in AI vision software, allowing customers to build custom computer vision and deep learning applications that analyze video inputs from multiple cameras in real-time using AI algorithms. To accomplish this, the business pre-integrates a number of cutting-edge computer vision techniques and algorithms.

Because the platform works by essentially fine-tuning pre-trained AI algorithms and combining pre-built modules in a visual editor, a custom AI vision solution may be swiftly created. The platform is designed for AI applications to be continuously optimized in a quick and automated manner to get increasingly better results.

Brisk Logic’s low-code AI vision platform enables developers to create apps for various computing platforms at the same time, quickly embrace cutting-edge hardware, and demonstrate stakeholders working examples in days or even hours. The rapid development reduces time-to-market and increases the commercial value of AI technologies.

What Is Low-Code Computer Vision and How Does It Work?

  1. Low-code AI allows anyone with little or no coding experience to build AI systems. As a result, even non-technical users can swiftly assemble the required software programme using visual building pieces. The following components are found in most low-code AI platforms:
  2. The GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. AI vision apps can be easily built using an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) with distinct visual elements that are understandable even by non-specialists.
  3. Integrations that have already been built. Ready-to-use building blocks are provided to the user for the developed AI vision application to function with visual input from cameras and pre-trained AI models. Secure data storage and communication are ensured by the Low-code AI platform supplier.
  4. Manager of applications. The software development process does not end with the creation of an application using a low-code AI platform. The application must be properly maintained and updated in order to function properly. The platform frequently provides tools and support to help users reduce issues and improve the functionality and performance of their applications.

What Comes Next?

Low-code AI solutions assist organizations to minimize the time it takes to bring AI solutions to market, save money on employing software and Computer Vision Engineers, and provide the speed, simplicity, and flexibility of ready-made software.


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