
Digital Product Development Process

A Breakdown of the Digital Product Development Process

The process of creating a digital product is the creation of a digital idea through stellar design and best-in-class development. All this is done using cutting-edge workflow techniques.

The process of creating a digital product is complex and requires time. It’s best to approach the task with thought and purpose. You will be proud of the product and your end-users will love it.

How can we make an idea into a great digital product? We are glad you asked.

Phases of Digital Product Development

These are the key ingredients to turning your brilliant ideas into real-world solutions.



Product Development

Continuous Engagement

Phase 1: Assessment

You can create a digital product by taking a step back. The Assessment period allows you to evaluate the needs of your project as well as the capabilities of your team. DPD firms can perform code and design audits on existing systems and recommend the best solution. They can also help you get started by providing leadership and guidance.

This assessment takes into account both your business’s unique needs and the needs of your end users. Although pen and paper have not yet met, this step is essential to building a digital product you love and that your users will never stop using.

Phase 2: Discovery

This stage is where you and your user actively engage each other and usually involves a lot questions. How do you envision your app functioning? What problems are you trying to solve? What can your users expect from your product’s products? For the best accuracy, you and your customers will need to share their expectations.

This is like a friendly game of tennis where ideas and questions are exchanged between the client and the product team. This step is more efficient and saves money than creating a product that doesn’t solve client problems.

Phase 3: Product development

Here is where the rubber meets the road. Or, the Nerds meet Ranch, as we like putting it. A complete DPD Team starts the actual work in designing and developing your product. A firm that uses the information gained from the first two stages will be able to follow the experience-driven transformation or keep your end-user in mind throughout the development process.

Two main steps are typically taken by the product team:


This process involves extensive modeling and testing to ensure that the product meets high standards of utility and usability. The following diagram shows the process:

Napkin sketches turn into wireframes.

Multiple lo-fidelity prototypes eventually produce a few high-fidelity ones.

These hi-fi prototypes can be reduced down to a Minimum Valuable Product (MVP).

Your MVP is eventually a final product ready to launch.

A MVP is a way to quickly test your solution. You can then add functionality or UI layers as you continue testing and iterating.


This is the best time to identify and fix display problems, bugs, and other issues. Numerous devices and operating system will be tested for compatibility and functionality. The UX/UI will then be polished and sanded as if it were a fine piece of mahogany.

Phase 4: Continuous Engagement

A product, no matter how flawless it is, will never be perfect. This is okay. You will be able to succeed if you have found a digital product company worth their salt. Your product and your team will be ready for future expansion because of the guidance and leadership provided by them throughout the process.

That expansion can often take the form of user feedback and continuous testing. Smart design and development practices will make sure that any future improvements are only minor ones.

Do I Need a Digital Product Design Firm?

Digital product development extends beyond “building an app.” Many businesses hire a Digital Product Development agency to manage all the nuances. These are reasons you might want to reach out to a DPD agency if you are considering it.

You have an idea, but the team is not there to make it a reality.

Your idea is too complex or difficult to realize.

Your team is lacking the skills required to create your product, such as web design, IoS or Android.

You wish to enhance or optimize an existing digital product.

Once you’ve decided that digital product development is for you, it’s time find the right agency who will help you create your dream product.

Brisk Logic Wants You to Solve Your Most Toughest Problems

As digital product development agency that is just as passionate about your product. We’re invested in helping your company reach the next level. We also mentor your employees.

Three main categories are the areas in which our expertise falls:

App development for iOS, Android and the Web

Design (UX/UI).

Project Strategy

Our flexible and dedicated team offers guidance and development on a wide variety of projects, including but certainly not limited to the below:

The internal systems that manage finances and productivity as well as sales and supply chain.

Your website will be mobile-friendly and given a stellar UI.

IoT integration can be used for both client-facing as well as internal applications. For example, connecting mobile apps with household appliances and connecting internal systems to production control.

Integration of streaming, social-sharing and geo-locating into mobile and internet apps

Implementing e-Commerce functionality to your website platform

All your digital platforms need to have a refined UX/UI.

If you need help with a large digital project or just a boost to your existing system, we have the right person for the job.

Building the Right Products For Your Business

Brisk Logic does more than just provide DPD services. We are a team of professionals with over two decades of tech industry experience and a history of teaching. We believe that problem solving should be done with mentorship.

Here are some areas that we believe offer growth opportunities and user engagement.

Field Service – A custom-built application for your employees who work mostly outside of your firewall.

Digital Brokerage: Solutions that allow your end-users to access their data or connect them more efficiently with digital marketplaces.

Security and regulatory – These solutions are highly regulated and require high levels of compliance. They tend to be centered around healthcare and FinTech markets.

Chat Bots and VoiceUI – Provides a simpler and more efficient connection with the consumer.

Multiexperience development – Provides your users an intuitive, engaging experience across all platforms.

How we can help your team

Our DPD process is what enables us to find the right solution-focused approach. If you are facing a digital product issue, we have the solution for you.

Depending on your project, we may perform code or design audits to gain a deeper understanding of your product goals. We also determine the skills necessary to achieve your end goal. This will guide how we lead your team and how we assemble ours.

We will evaluate the existing skills and team dynamics and design the best training plan for ensuring effective workflows and continuous improvements if you are interested in our group mentor.

With a focus on design thinking, we will engage in the DPD process to create a stunning digital product that your end-user loves and increases your revenue.

Our proven workflow practices and continuous engagement will provide your team with the expertise and passion to continue improving your digital product.

Reach Out To Us To Reach Greater Goals

Reach out today. Let’s get together and let’s discuss how we can make your next digital product successful.


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