e-commerce startups

How Can E-Commerce Startups Deal With Consistent Problems?

The Indian market for e-commerce is predicted to reach $38 billion by the end of the year. That’s an incredible 67% growth over the $23 billion in revenue it racked up in the previous year. For those that are connected to the industry, this number means much in terms of new possibilities, new ideas and innovative experiments.

This also means that India is on the verge of massive growth in e-commerce companies. It is the right time for entrepreneurs in the e-commerce industry to succeed and earn a share from the $38 billion we’re talking about!

However, e-commerce companies cannot hope to reach the top league without facing certain of the most common difficulties and issues. The most frequent issues faced by companies operating in the e-commerce sector in the US are:

  • The lack of confirmation Problems with Orders and Shipments are measured.
  • Unnoticed Customer Issues Due to Inadequate Integration
  • Mobile Experience Is Horrible
  • Customer Loyalty is Low
  • Unpredictable Results Across Channels

There are ways that e-commerce startups can hope to get over these hurdles and experience the fruits of their labour. 

Find out what to do:

e-commerce startups

1. Measures of Verification

When it comes to acquiring new customers online stores are usually unaware of the individual customer other than the data provided by the customer. This causes a huge problem when a buyer asks for COD (Cash on Delivery) because it’s difficult to verify if the buyer is legitimate. Online sellers often lose significant amounts of revenue because of this. This issue can be resolved by sending an SMS or an email to customers in order to confirm their identity. For COD customers, the customer can be contacted via an automated call or an IVR message could be delivered to the recipient to confirm that the address of delivery is valid.

2. Shipping and Order

While shipping customer orders, multiple problems regularly crop up, such as non-compliance with cash collection or on-time delivery, selection of a third-party logistics vendor, route planning/consolidation of shipments, and vendor payments based on shipments. These issues can be overcome with the help of providing an estimated date of delivery for customers. increasing the number of notifications that are sent out about delivery and order via SMS, and utilizing applications that have features built into them because Millennials prefer to use their mobile phones to keep track of updates.

3. System Interconnection

The customer experience is comprised of various systems in operation. These include order management systems and customer support systems, dispatch systems, and tracking systems, among others. But, there are plenty of issues that could be created when these systems are incompatible. This can lead to ruining the customer experience. Contact centre software can do wonders by integrating various systems, synchronizing the available information across all systems and then displaying it on an interface. At the present, contact centres also are able to connect the use of social media and chat rooms, and messaging, mobile and other media to give a full and distinctive customer experience.

4. Issues with Customers

Customer service is extremely important in an industry in which customers who are already customers can opt to purchase from a rival at any time. Online businesses are subject to a lot of inbound communications, and more than 75 per cent of these are related to complaints or concerns. If these issues aren’t addressed properly in a timely manner, the credibility and quality of the company will be ruined and so does public opinion. However, with the right ticketing systems and simple to navigate interfaces, brands are able to accommodate every ticket produced by any time. In addition, prioritizing tickets can go a long way to making sure efficiency is not compromised.

5. Unparalleled Mobile Experience

Today, 50 per cent of consumers visit online shopping sites using mobile phones and apps therefore, they expect personalized service when they shop on mobile. Businesses that are successful in focusing on customer service provide a live customer service representative to communicate with customers. This is possible by using advanced features, such as chat in-app support and missed calls solutions. If clients aren’t content with static help and support pages, companies often redirect customers to cheaper call centre options, such as web chat or WebRTC.

6. Customer Loyalty

Startups in the field of e-commerce must ensure that the quality of customer service remains an important aspect and component of the policy to retain customers. This is due to the fact that the majority of buyers cease working with a business because of bad customer service. Thus, businesses must offer the highest quality of customer service, more discounts/offers, and a consistent customer experience in all forms of communication to boost customer loyalty. A good CIM (Customer Interaction Management) technology will ensure that each customer is on the radar. Customers’ loyalty can be made through efficient tools for nurturing customers and the integration of multimedia.

7. A Consistent Experience Across All Channels

The rise of mobile chat and SMS as well as social media has provided businesses with the chance to create high-quality customer experiences that build loyalty and increase revenue. Customer interactions and behavior can be traced by using Sentiment Analysis, which allows brands to improve their customers’ satisfaction. Additionally, an effective Omnichannel solution can allow e-commerce firms to keep customers engaged for the long haul by building profitable relationships while reducing costs and guaranteeing constant quality improvements.

E-commerce startups Challenges and Solutions

e-commerce startups

The absence of authentic online identities, to the difficulties to create multi-channel user experiences, are just a few of the most pressing issues online store owners could confront in 2022:

Identity Verification on the Internet

If a user registers on the eCommerce website, it is possible that the data they provide could not be authentic so you don’t know whether they’re truly interested in buying.

For instance, purchases made with cash-on-delivery that are made using a fake phone address or number could cause huge revenues to be lost.

It’s essential to conduct online identity verification for every prospective customer.

The solution:

Find indications of suspicious activities. It could be a large number of orders and zip code numbers that don’t coincide with the city or state. Always provide an automatic verification hyperlink to customers who sign up, to confirm that the user is real.

Create an automated phone call for the purchase of cash-on-delivery. Then, you can ask the customer to verify your delivery addresses.

Utilize software applications. These software solutions can identify fraud attempts with multi-layered authentication. They include options like SSN verification as well as identity checks and instant authentication, which makes it possible for businesses selling eCommerce to keep a step ahead of scammers.

Problems with Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks could cause security issues for your eCommerce website, by infecting it with viruses. And more importantly, they could cause security issues for your registered customers’ information.

Hackers may get access to this private data, which includes credit card information.

This is among the biggest challenges to face when it comes to eCommerce and is definitely one of the greatest problems faced by every eCommerce owner.

The solution:

Control your servers. Be sure that your eCommerce site runs on a distinct server exclusively for you. The sharing of the space of a server with several other websites is risky. If one of these sites is attacked and malware is spread, it could affect the entire server – including your online store.

Create regular backups of your data. Making backups to your complete database as well as every single file is vital for your eCommerce business. It’s not difficult to find the frequency at which you do this, however, the rule of thumb is that the larger the site is, the more frequently the backup needs to be done. Digital Silk is a company that runs daily backups of all its websites. Digital Silk, we run daily backups of all websites we keep.

Install security plugins and other safety components. They’re specifically made to stop hack attacks. There’s a marketplace of security-related plugins that are compatible with various platforms and systems including firewalls and two-factor authentication, and many more.

Make sure you update your eCommerce platform frequently. Whatever CMS or platform that your eCommerce website is running on be sure to keep it updated with the latest official patches, plugins, and other software created by the creators. The teams of their experts are active in finding current threats and developing solutions to prevent them from happening.

Abandonment of a Shopping Cart

One of the biggest issues eCommerce companies face regardless of their size – is the abandonment of carts.

Statistics indicate that online customers abandon their carts at 68 per cent of the time, and certain stores may have abandonment rates of up to 80percent.

The solution:

Redesign your shopping cart. Be sure that there aren’t any bugs or unnecessary lengthy and time-consuming processes like filling out forms. The most frequent reason for abandoning your cart is long checkout procedures that are tedious.

Keep your customers engaged via live chat. A support team that actively reaches out to and interact with potential buyer at crucial points in their buying journey can stop them from abandoning your store without making a purchase.

Optimize your mobile experience. 70 per cent of all online sales are done via mobile devices. Speedier loading times optimized images, as well as disabled pop-ups on mobile websites, mean fewer hurdles for customers to complete their purchases.

Utilize retargeting for marketing. Retargeting is a method of advertising products online to those who have been to the eShop and looked over the products. Customers who have been retargeted have a 50-60 per cent probability of conversion.

Send reminders via email. If your eCommerce site requires customers to sign up to purchase they can make purchases, chances are you have their email addresses stored in the database. Make an elaborate email that reminds users that they haven’t done their purchases. Some platforms, such as Shopify offer built-in reminders for emails.

Customer Loyalty Rewarding

Customer loyalty is an unpredictable thing, even with the most elegant eCommerce websites that have a vast selection of products and well-functioning features.

Without loyalty from customers, businesses can be in trouble because acquiring a new customer can be more than five times more expensive than keeping an existing customer.

Retention rates for customers that are increased by five per cent could increase the profits from 25% up to 95 per cent.

Customer loyalty is a sign of brand integrity as well as mutual trust between a seller and customer.

Because there isn’t a face-to-face interaction, like in a traditional physical store, the building of trust, loyalty and confidence requires longer and requires more effort in eCommerce.

The solution:

“Your culture is your brand.” This statement is true on a variety of levels. Customers’ loyalty comes from exceptional customer service. Therefore, you must ensure that your customers are happy with all aspects of buying online starting with browsing your site at leisure, to placing an order online and even shipping. Enhance your customer service according to the competitive advantage that you possess over other retailers on the internet.

Add live chat. A live customer support expert who is able to respond quickly to customers’ questions in a friendly and comforting manner increases the trust of your customers and makes your company solid and reliable to the shoppers.

Be honest. Show your address, telephone number, testimonials from customers and reviews as well as photos and other pertinent details about your staff. This helps to identify your eCommerce business and adds a personal aspect that makes it more visible.

Utilize loyalty programs. Multi-tiered programs that reward loyal customers with discounts, points and coupons are a fantastic customer service tool which builds loyalty of customers and keeps them returning.

Publish blog articles. Content marketing, such as interesting blog posts that appeal to your target audience build trust and improves your credibility.

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