
How Design Thinking Improved MVP?

In MVP, Up until recently, it was okay for companies to overlook the importance of an excellent UX for the development of mobile apps. But not anymore. Customers’ acquisition and retention, and satisfaction aren’t going to stand a chance against a bad customer experience.

People are very selective with mobile apps. If an application is designed to be able to get the top spot on a person’s mobile and earn it, it should prove it. That is why delivering flawless digital services is a requirement for all businesses. UX design should be a top priority at every step of creating an initial minimal viable product (MVP) to avoid disappointing customers. This is even true when your product is in place and it just needs to be updated.

Making an Effective MVP

The definition of an MVP could be highly subjective depending on the requirements of the competitiveness, industry, function, the product you have, and your audience segment. However, the current most popular mobile apps started as stripped-down versions of the more mature apps they are now. Additionally is that an MVP is an effective method to upgrade existing apps and make them more effective. An MVP offers immediate value quickly, while also reducing development costs and providing the most appropriate direction to further develop.

Viability is the primary concept of an MVP. The idea behind an MVP product, even though it is tiny, should be able of working efficiently. To be precise the MVP must be usable, useful, and enjoyable. Users search for high-quality mobile applications that are simple to use and serve the purpose of their lives. But performance determines first impressions. Although the MVP is a compact product that addresses a limited subset of user issues in the context of a larger business plan, its capabilities and UX design remain crucial to attracting and keeping users.

The significance of User Experience

UX is the natural human-centric, empathic, and compassionate method to manage a person’s relationship with technology. UX is everything that influences people’s perceptions, their interactions, and emotions prior to as well as after their interactions with a digital item or service.

Today digital experiences, specifically mobile ones, are embedded in everyday activities. In fact, people are unaware of how little the gap exists between their online and offline actions. Digital experiences are an official extension of our subconscious human behavior. The data are from the Brisk Logic Attention Index survey are enlightening:

  • 85 percent of consumers think that digital and mobile applications have become an integral element of their lives.
  • 83% of respondents believe the availability of digital tools has made certain activities easier to access and integrate into other obligations.
  • 83% of respondents have reported having experienced issues in digital and application services over the last 12 months and are much more likely to act whenever they encounter issues.
  • The massive social and cultural shift to mobile-based technology has created high expectations for the way people interact and transact and conduct conversations with companies. 
  • In the end, businesses have to reconsider their approach to customer interaction, and this is currently an online-based relationship.

The Effects of Poor UX

In 2022, the App Survey on Attention shows that the performance, quality, and individualization of mobile apps are the primary factors that influence buying decisions. In confronting performance or usability problems individuals are prone to stress, frustration as well as anger, and anxiety. Particularly, the percentage of users who are likely to move to another application when they experience issues is now 96 percent. These kinds of actions can be devastating for companies in part because 93% of users will continue to inform others about their experiences. The customers are not forgiving and become more recalcitrant when confronted with issues with mobile apps.

Despite these alarming and disconcerting facts, companies shouldn’t overlook the business opportunities offered by mobile devices. The benefits of mobile app development begin by conducting a thorough study of the mobile app’s user. This means knowing the way users think and feel, as well as what features they are interested in as well as what they dislike as well as what they consider valuable, and, perhaps most important, the reason for that. To be able to understand customers, you need the use a different method of thinking: a method of thinking that helps you see complex business issues from the perspective of the customer to determine what is significant to them. This is why the process of design thinking is extremely useful in creating a positive customer experience that is consistently generating the business with a new value.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a process of iterative problem solving that helps companies reconsider and consider problems that affect their business in human-centric ways. Design thinking allows companies to look at business goals in a different way and whether or not they are achievable. Additionally, it will prompt business executives to think about their business plan and how it could translate into a strategy for the product. The practice of design thinking offers numerous advantages in terms of strategic benefits and deliverables. The entire process provides new and innovative ideas to test and prototype. It helps businesses set goals for their products, analyze the impact of business decisions, outline user routes, prioritize MVP features and develop an upcoming roadmap for the product.

The Five Stages Of Design Thinking

The process of design thinking encompasses the following phases: empathy, identification, thinking, creating a prototype, and then testing. The design thinking framework is iterative and flexible, and it involves the involvement of teams from product development and real customers to design mobile devices that are influenced by the way users perceive, feel, and behave.


The Empathize Stage

Empathy for customers requires knowing the challenges and the realities of the customers whom you’re designing for.

Good UX design leaves a lasting impression. Many businesses struggle to create an MVP that is meaningful and establishes a relationship with their customers. Furthermore, the majority of products on the market are attractive and functional but lack an objective. It is crucial to know the impression that the item leaves with its customers. This is the distinction between an application that users return to and an app they remove. It is vital to be able to relate with customers to build this relationship. In the best way feasible, business executives must step out of their own frame of reference and comprehend the needs of customers to create mobile solutions that stand out from the crowd. This applies to both new and existing products.

The development of empathy for the customer is the very first step of the design thinking process. IDEO’s toolkit for human-centered design defines empathy as a thorough knowledge of the issues and needs of the people whom you design for. The first step is to learn about the challenges faced by customers and identify their unspoken needs in order to help them understand their digital behaviors more clearly. It involves observing and engaging with the users the app is designed for and observing their physical surroundings. If you’re working on redeveloping an existing app, you may already have a lot of user information. It’s time to review this data.

With empathy, teams in the product industry are able to share the same viewpoint with customers. Empathy also aids teams in product development to think beyond their own assumptions and realize that people with different needs have distinct requirements and needs. Through practicing empathy and embracing the viewpoint of the user Product teams can understand the needs of users more precisely.

2. The Define Stage

The second phase in the process of design thinking is focused on creating a pertinent and practical problem statement. This is the basis for the direction of design for the project. Problem statements require teams of product designers to build upon the users’ research results at the empathize phase of this design-thinking process.

When the creation of an MVP the product must be focused on a single or a limited set of issues that customers face. Focusing on a narrow group of issues can help develop a clear problem-solving statement. This method allows the product team to define specific criteria for success and define the goals for the next phase of the process of design thinking Ideation.

3. The Ideation Stage

The ideation phase of design thinking is where team members from the product development process discuss ideas. The objective is to create the most ideas possible and incite innovative methods of thinking. Then the team will limit the ideas to the most sensible quality, innovative, and high-quality ideas.

In the process of ideation, it is a time to cast the net broadly to look beyond the obvious solutions to problems for customers and to come up with more sophisticated, rational, and satisfying solutions to issues that affect the impression that customers have of the product. Overall, ideation helps product teams:

  • Be sure to ask the right questions and think outside the box.
  • Increase the quantity and variety of solutions
  • Look for solutions that aren’t immediately obvious
  • Blend different perspectives strengths, experiences, and perspectives in a group setting

It is essential to promote open-minded thinking in the process of ideation. The goal is to focus on quantity prior to making a list that is tapered to discover the best quality. What has been successful in the past? What’s not working in your current application? This is the perfect time to engage in creative thinking outside the box.

4. The Prototyping Stage

Mobile prototypes for apps are yet another type of research conducted by users to confirm a product’s design strategy. A prototype is a preliminary visual representation of a product in its final form. When developing mobile apps, prototypes help to establish a clear understanding of the app’s design and feel. This will help assess how customers will interact with and react to their design in general UX design. Utilizing a prototype for usability testing gives sufficient time to make adjustments to design problems that are critical prior to the product reaching its final stages of development. At that point, it’s far too late (and too costly) to make significant modifications to the UX.

Look at the image above. If you begin testing on the basis of an “almost-finished” product, you may discover serious problems that are too late to fix. Research on prototypes is the key to avoiding this which means you’ll pay less when you start your research early. The closer you are to launching the more costly changes will be. Start prototyping early and repeat the process until the design is simple and fun to operate and to ensure that you ensure that all design decisions are aligned to the needs of users and protect the project’s profitability.

Prototyping the phase of the mobile app assists product teams in understanding what users do with the “rough draft” of a product in order to discover new ways of solving the problem or to determine if the current solution is effective. The lessons learned from the prototype allow the team of product developers to reconsider some or all of the problems that were identified during the earlier design thinking stages. In the end, all members of the team have an improved understanding of the problems users will face while using their product within its context in their daily lives.

Mobile app prototypes are able to take abstract concepts and transform them into tangible products. The entire process requires the product teams to take a step back and look at the product from different angles. Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO Explains the concept of prototyping “slows us down and accelerates our progress. If we take the time to develop concepts, we can avoid costly errors like becoming too complicated too soon and then settling with an idea that isn’t strong enough to long.”

5. The Test Stage

To create successful mobile applications the testing phase of design thinking should occur throughout the whole process. However, the majority of testing occurs during the prototyping phase. As part of the design thinking process testing, it is the process of collecting user feedback from the prototype. If conducted correctly Testing feeds into every stage of the design process. Testing can help:

  • Keep empathizing with your customers.
  • Develop insights that change the concept of the problem statement.
  • Perpetuate thought.
  • Find new ways to test the solution.

At the point of testing at this point, the whole design thinking process is brought up completely. Design thinking is essentially an ongoing process wherein team members continuously evaluate and improve the concept of the product and return to the start of the process many times until the idea is in line with the requirements of customers and business objectives. In the end, the process can help detect and correct issues at an early stage of the project which is a lot less costly to make adjustments.

Find the Best way of MVP design Process with Brisk Logic:

Brisk Logic takes on the best way to utilize design thinking when it comes to MVP development. Of course, no one is perfect except the design we develop with our clientele and you are able to adjust the method to suit your individual requirements. 

If you think with a  design you can develop something greater than a product that is at least viable. You could come up with a minimally loved product. Do you want to know more about this?


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