SEO Content Strategy

How to Conduct Keyword Research for Your SEO Content Strategy?

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SEO Content Strategy

Although Google keeps us up to date by releasing every algorithm changes they roll out, there is one thing that has remained pretty constant for inbound marketers trying to improve their sites for keywords: research.


In this article, we’ll explain the concept of keyword research, why it’s essential, and how to conduct your own research to help you develop your SEO content strategy and select the most appropriate keywords to use on your site.

What is keyword research in SEO Content Strategy?

Keyword research involves identifying and analyzing search words that users enter into search engines with the intention of using the information for a particular goal, typically to optimize search results (SEO) and general advertising.


Keyword research may reveal the specific queries specific keywords, their popular search terms, their ranking difficulty, and many more.

What is the importance of keyword research in SEO Content Strategy?

Keyword research allows you to determine the most relevant keywords to focus on and gives you valuable insight into the search terms that your intended audience is looking for on Google.


The insights you gain from these keywords will help you determine your SEO Content Strategy and your overall marketing plan.


Keywords are used by people to locate solutions while doing research online. If your content succeeds at gaining the attention of people as they search, you are likely to increase traffic. Thus, you must be focusing on those search terms.


Additionally, when using the approach inbound it is not our intention to create content that is based on what we would like to share with people. Instead, we should create content around what people would like to learn about. Also, our customers are visiting us.

For a detailed look at the ways Arel=,” no opener” target=”_blank” hyperlinks can help you in your research on SEO content strategy keywords look over this case study, as well as an exclusive interview here.

Keyword research can have many advantages, with the top benefits being:


Marketing Trend Insight

Conducting a thorough keyword analysis will give you insights into the latest trends in marketing and assist you in focusing your content around relevant topics and phrases your target customers are looking for.

Traffic Growth:

When you determine the most appropriate keywords for the content you post the higher your ranking in search results and the more visitors you’ll draw to your website.

Customer Acquisition:

If your company has material that other business professionals want You can satisfy their requirements and give them an opportunity to take action which will guide them on a buyer’s journey from the initial awareness stage until the point at which they purchase.


By looking up terms to determine their popularity, their search volume, and general meaning You can address the issues that the majority of people within your target audience are looking for answers to.

How to Research Keywords for Your SEO Content Strategy

I’m going to outline the steps you will be able to follow to create the list of keywords you need to be looking for.


This means you’ll be able to create and implement an effective method to use keywords that allows you to find the right search terms that you really care about.


Step 1: Create an outline of the most important pertinent topics based on the knowledge you have of your company.

To begin the process, consider the subjects you’d like to rank for within the context of general buckets.


You’ll be able to come up with approximately 5-10 topic categories you believe are essential to your business You’ll then utilize those topic buckets to come up with specific keywords later on in the process.


If you’re a frequent blog, then these are the topics that you blog on the most often. Maybe they’re also the topics that are most frequently discussed in sales meetings.


Consider yourself as one in the shoes of your buyers What kinds of subjects would your intended people search for and what would you like your company to be found for?


For a business that sells tools for managing your business (which has an array of fantastic SEO content strategy-related software… however, I’m getting off track) 


Are you able to see the numbers in parentheses just to the right for each word? It’s their monthly volume of searches.


This info will allow you to determine how crucial these subjects are to your readers and also how many sub-topics you may require content for to succeed with the keyword. For more information on these topics, we proceed to step 2 

Step 2: Fill in the topics with keywords in SEO  content strategy:

Once you’ve got several topic buckets that you’d like to focus on, you need to find some keywords that are in these buckets.


These are keywords you believe are crucial to rank for in SERPs (search engine result pages) because the person you want to target will likely be conducting searches for these terms.


For example, if I selected the final topic of software for inbound marketing business -“marketing automation “marketing automation” — I’d come up with some keywords that I would think people might enter in relation to that subject. 


These could include:

  • Marketing automation tools.
  • how to make use of marketing automation software.
  • What do you mean by marketing automation?
  • How do I tell whether I require software for marketing automation?
  • lead nurturing.
  • Marketing automation for email.
  • Top automation tools.

And so so on. The purpose of this step isn’t to create your final list of keyword phrases. It’s just to end with a list of keywords you believe potential clients might be using to search for information associated with that specific topic bucket.


We’ll reduce the list at a later time so that you don’t end up with something heavy to carry around.


As increasing numbers of keywords are being protected by Google each day, an efficient method of coming to terms with keywords is to find out what keywords your website is being indexed for.


For this, you’ll need website analytics software, such as Google Analytics or Sources report, which is accessible in your Tool for traffic analytics.


Go deeper into your site’s traffic sources and then look through the organic search traffic bucket to determine the search terms people use to find your website.


Repeat the exercise for as many topic buckets as you’re able to. Remember If you’re having trouble finding appropriate search terms, you could always reach out to your customers’ colleagues who are either working in Sales or Service and ask them about the terms they’ve heard their customers and prospects are using, or what the most frequently asked questions they’ve had. These are usually good sources for keyword research.


We make use of a template called the Search Insights Report in this section of our process. It has been designed to assist users to do the same. group the keywords you want to target into clusters of topics, examine MSV, and help you develop the editorial calendar as well as a plan of action.

Step 3: Understand How Intent Affects Keyword Research and Analyze Accordingly.

As I mentioned in the last section the user’s intent is one of the key elements for your website’s ability to rank highly on search engines such as Google.


It is essential that your website is able to solve the problem that searchers want to solve, rather than simply carry the keyword that the user utilized. How will this impact your keyword research?


It’s easy to accept keywords at face value however, they could have a variety of meanings underneath the surface. Since the purpose of a search is so crucial to your search engine ranking it is important to be very careful in the way you view the keywords you are targeting.


Let’s say for instance you’re searching for the term “how to start a blog” to write an article you are planning to write. “Blog” can mean a blog post or the blog’s own website. the searcher’s motive for that search term will affect the direction of your post.


Are they looking to know how to begin the blog’s own article? Do they wish to learn how to start a new domain to allow blogging?


If your content strategy is focused on people who are interested in this then you’ll have to be sure that the keywords’ purpose is clear before you commit to it.


To determine what the user’s intentions are in the keyword, it’s a great option to enter the phrase into Google on your own and observe what kind of results show up.


Be sure that the kind of content you’re putting up on Google is in close proximity to the type of content you’d like to produce for the keyword.

Step 4: Conduct research on similar search terms:

This is a unique idea you might have thought of while doing keyword research. If not, it’s an excellent option to complete the lists.


If you’re having trouble thinking of additional keywords people might be searching for about a certain area, look at the similar search terms that pop up when you type in the word “keyword” into Google.


If you enter your keyword and then scroll down to the bottom of the results on Google there are ideas for searches that match the input you originally typed in. These keywords could provide thoughts for other keywords you could think about.


Are you looking for a reward? Try typing in one of these related search terms, then take a look at the related search terms.

Step 5: Utilize the tools for keyword research for your benefit.

The research of keywords as well as search engine optimization tools will help you come up with additional keyword concepts that are based on specific match keywords and phrase match keywords that are based on the suggestions you’ve come up with to now. The most well-known keywords are:

How to Find and Choose Keywords for SEO content strategy Your Website?

If you’ve got an idea about keywords you’d like to rank on Now is the time to narrow down your list of keywords for SEO content strategy based on the most effective ones to use in your strategy. 

Here’s how:


Step 1. Utilize Google Keyword Planner to cut down your list of keywords.

Within the Google Keyword Planner, you can determine search volume as well as estimates of traffic for keywords that you’re interested in. Take the data you’ve gathered through Keyword Planner and apply it to Google trends for filling in the gaps.


Utilize Keyword Planner Keyword Planner to flag any phrases in your list that have far too small (or far too many) searches, or do not help keep your mix healthy similar to what we mentioned earlier.


However, before you erase any of them, take a look at the past trends and forecasts in Google Trends. You can determine if specific terms with low volume might be something that you should invest in now, and reap the rewards in the future.


Or maybe you’re browsing through the list of terms which is too overwhelming and you’re trying the ability to reduce it . Google Trends will help you identify the terms that are trending upward which is why they are worthy of your time and attention.

Step 2: Prioritize hanging low-hanging fruits:

What is meant by prioritizing low-hanging fruits is to prioritize keywords that have the potential to rank on the basis of your website’s credibility.


Large corporations typically target large search volumes for keywords as they are well-known brands. that have already established themselves, and Google typically rewards them with authority in a wide range of subjects.


It is also possible to consider keywords with a low amount of competition. Keywords that don’t have multiple articles competing to be the most popular could give you the position in default, provided there’s no other competitor seeking to claim the spot.

Step 3: Examine the month-long search volume (MSV) for the keywords you’ve picked:

You’ll need to create articles that are based on what people would like to know more about, and checking MSV can assist you in doing exactly that.

Monthly search volume refers to the number of times that a search keyword or query is searched by search engines every month. Tools such as or Google Trends can help you figure out the top searched keywords in related keyword clusters at no cost.

Step 4: Consider SERP‘s features when choosing keywords for SEO content strategy

There are a variety of SERP feature short snippets of content that Google will highlight if you use them properly. A simple method to learn about the features is to type in the keywords you’d like to use and then see what the first result will look like.


However, for a quick overview of the different types of SERP’s featured snippets, we’ll explain what they’re about in this article.

Step 5: Look for an amalgamation of headwords and long-tail keywords within each bucket.

Head terms are keywords that are usually smaller and less generic generally, they’re three or more words long, based on who you’re speaking with. Long-tail keywords are, on the other hand, longer keywords typically containing 3 or more terms.


It’s crucial to ensure that you’re using a mixture of long-tail terms and head terms, as it’ll provide you with an effective keyword strategy that is balanced with short-term goals as well as long-term successes.

Step 6: Look at the way that competitors rank for these keywords:

The fact that your competition does something, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to follow them. Similar is the case for keywords. If a keyword is significant to your competition does not mean that it is important to you.


Knowing the keywords they are trying to achieve is a good method to provide your list of keywords with an additional review.


If your competition is ranking for specific keywords that are in your own list, too it is logical to work to improve your rankings for those keywords.


Don’t forget those that your competitors don’t seem to pay attention to. It could be an excellent opportunity to control your market share in important areas also.

Keyword research can have many advantages, with the top benefits being:

Marketing Trend Insight

Conducting a thorough keyword analysis will give you insights into the latest trends in marketing and assist you in focusing your content around relevant topics and phrases your target customers are looking for.

Traffic Growth

When you determine the most appropriate keywords for the content you post the higher your ranking in search results and the more visitors you’ll draw to your website.

Customer Acquisition

If your company has material that other business professionals want You can satisfy their requirements and give them an opportunity to take action which will guide them on a buyer’s journey from the initial awareness stage until the point at which they purchase.


By looking up terms to determine their popularity, their search volume, and general meaning You can address the issues that the majority of people within your target audience are looking for answers to.

Best Keywords for SEO content strategy:

Know that there aren’t “best” keywords, just those that are searched for by your visitors. When you consider this it’s your responsibility to devise a strategy to assist you in ranking your websites and driving visitors.


The ideal keywords to use in your SEO content strategy should consider relevancy, authority, as well as volume. You should look for high-volume keywords that you are able to have a chance of competing for, based on:

The competition level you’ll be competing against.

The ability to produce content that is better than the current content that is ranked.


And You’ve Got the Right Keywords for Your Website SEO content strategy 


Now you have the list of keywords that will aid you in focusing on the most relevant subjects for your company, and help you achieve quick and long-term benefits.


It is important to review the relevant keywords at least every couple of months. Once a quarter is an ideal benchmark for some businesses, however, some prefer to review their keywords more frequently than the recommended ones.


As you build up authority on the SERPs you’ll be able to add increasing numbers of keywords to your list of keywords to consider as you work to keep your current position as well as expand into new areas in addition to this.


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