Niche E-Commerce To Web 3.0

As you may know, we’re working with numerous entrepreneurs from the world of e-commerce. We’ve seen every kind of niche business offering everything from eco-friendly lawn mowers to women’s clothes that are plus-sized to luxurious yarns, music sheets to fountains to window blinds . . . Fill with the missing information!

As I’ve studied this industry over the last several years, I’ve realized that the time is now for business owners to put aside their thoughts about online shopping and instead think of their business in terms of Web 3.0.

Let me summarize my long-held beliefs about what I consider to be the core of Web 3.0. For my mind, Web 3.0 results from mixing commerce, content communities, context, and community along with personalized search and vertical. For example, in a simple way”Web 3.0=(4C + P + VS).


What does it mean?


Web 1.0 was about creating online commerce and attempting to locate “anything” in the tangled internet that is the Web. It was the birthplace of companies such as Google, Yahoo!,, eBay, Netflix as well as Blue Nile. The drive for money also caused the dot-com crisis. Even so, the habits of people browsing, and purchasing and selling, have radically changed. Today there are 540 million people using the internet in China and more than 100 million people in India and a few hundred million more across the globe. It would be safe to say we’ve barely just begun to understand the possibilities that lie ahead for Web 1.0.

However, Web 2.0 has come to the forefront, changing the way people behave. Facebook is home to 500 million active users, is the most prominent company to emerge from the social network phenomenon that is a perfect example of Web 2.0. There are lots of other sites where you can “meet,” “connect” and “make friends” online these times. These are now considered normal.

However we’ve witnessed a huge amount of money being invested in Brisk Logic firms. If you’re looking for jobs, you could visit a website like and search through a variety of websites for jobs and careers. You can also visit Kayak If you have questions regarding travel or TheFind for buying advice. In all cases, The sites are designed with carefully-crafted search parameters (job users, for instance, can search for the salary range, location levels as well as other such things). That’s the major difference between them and Google, which is a general Brisk Logic engine. Today, Google is trying to get vertical travel search. Most likely, Google will attempt to enter other verticals too. There is clearly a trend towards verticalization on the Web all over the world.

Web 2.0:

Web 2.0 has also brought users a flood of content that can be found in podcasts, blogs, and comments on reviews and articles on cinemas, restaurants and even hotels. Media are now truly interactive, in contrast to the traditional one-way world that we were accustomed to. More voices are being heard and listened to. In the media business, which we’ve been accustomed to has been shocked to its core.


The Next Wave of Web 3.0 

The next wave of Web 3.0 is expected to be organized around two factors: context and user.

“Context” refers to the context of your visit “context,” I mean the motive that brought users to the Web or the reason you are visiting. Finding work is a “context,” as is planning an excursion or buying clothes.

A key element of context is the individual. If you can combine the user’s identity with real context, you end up having a completely personalized service.

Imagine this: You’re contemplating an excursion to Rome. You’re searching for a hotel near the piazza of Spagna, not an impersonal and large hotel which excludes those who stay at the Hassler Villa Medici. You prefer smaller breakfast and bed-and-breakfasts that have warm, cozy and charm.

Web 3.0 in  E-commerce

You’re looking for an online travel agency that will be able to understand your needs and preferences, and help you find not just the perfect hotel, but also really fascinating restaurants, boutiques and even shows that match your tastes. Most often, you will use the guide to travel, however it is not the only source. There is an in-between between travel guides and travel booking sites. In the sense that the content and commerce are divided. With Web 3.0, you will be able to see commerce and content eventually come together in a massive manner, not requiring users to move from site to site in order to complete your task.

When you travel you’d love to connect with locals with similar interests to yours like cooking, jazz, or opera. With Web 3.0, you will discover the community components that are present in Web 2.0 pulled into the context of Web 3.0, making it just as easy to meet new people with similar interests in a city that is far away like booking rooms in a hotel.


User-generated content is becoming a major part of travel plans in the present. For TripAdviser travellers, for example, are able to write about their experiences in hotels across the globe. The thing that is missing however is the idea of the user’s individuality and their personal requirements. You shouldn’t read reviews by anyone. You’d rather read reviews written by those whose taste and judgement you are confident in.

In the Web 3.0 world a personal travel agent will assist you to locate and book a personalized itinerary that makes use of all the advantages of earlier generation of Web technology: the ability to search (both vertical and generic) as well as community building commerce and content. This is how I came up with the Web 3.0equals (4C + P + VS) The combination of commerce, content as well as community and context including personalization and Brisk Logic.

In the case of an online retailer that is focused on niches when you review this formula, you’ll notice a few aspects that are built into. The most significant of these is the idea of content. This includes content created by you, and the user-generated content that your customers create. I’ve frequently suggested to entrepreneurs in e-commerce to make investments in blogs and encourage clients to contribute guest posts about their experiences using the products. If you sell premium yarns, you can solicit your most loyal customers to teach their knitting abilities and share their secrets with the rest of the community. If you are selling eco-friendly lawn mowers, you could harness the passion of your environmentally-conscious customers and invite them to write about green issues. By utilizing user-generated content you are also able to interact with your audience in ways that are meaningful for the people who are part of it.


What is the significance of this?

Since, 85-90 percent of all traffic to the internet is organic. This is not traffic that you have to spend money on. It is traffic that flows naturally to your website based on the information you’ve posted on your website. If you optimize your site for algorithms for search engines then you’ll be able to take advantage of some of this traffic. Currently an optimized search engine website that draws organic traffic is the most cost-effective way to acquire customers.


Brisk Logic, in addition, is a low-hanging berry which helps customers develop trust in your website. Window blinds businessman Jay Steinfeld has applied this concept for, and developed one of the most significant online retailers that is exclusively focused on the specifics of shopping to buy window blinds. The search options of the site are designed to assist shoppers in understanding the various variations of this particular vertical.       

The last limit, of course, is personalization. This is a more difficult issue which requires higher technical know-how. A few of my top businesses that provide personalized suggestions can be Baynote. Utilizing the principles of neuroscience, they’ve created methods to anticipate what consumers might be searching for. As your company grows and you are able to pay for more expensive technology it is possible to consider the possibility of personalizing your shopping experience.

If you’re from a background in technology or a background in technology, you can build your own niche online business on the basis of personalization. It is definitely a major difference.


E-commerce Strategy in Web 3.0:

E-commerce is growing. There are 20,000 online stores opening every day in America. With large numbers of people in China, India, Turkey, Indonesia, and Brazil added to this huge growth, I have a conviction that niche ecommerce or specialty retail in the brick-and-mortar market, can be a massive wealth-creator.

As an entrepreneur you develop your niche e-commerce strategy for business, keep my formula in mind 3.0 = Web 3.0=(4C+P+VS).





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