
How No-Code Startups are Disrupting the Tech Industry?

The software industry is facing massive transformation, similar to the turmoil seen in other industries such as healthcare and manufacturing and No-Code Startups can help it.


We’ve already seen Google Docs take the world by storm with free, cloud-based software, forcing Microsoft to change its Office 365 business model.


Cloud-based software is the norm today. Now we see another shock in the software industry. But unlike other transformations disrupting existing markets, low-code, and no-code software promise to make the software itself even more ubiquitous than it is today. 


To be clear, I’m a co-founder of a “no-code” software platform called Praxie that creates a marketplace for instantly customizable business process apps, and I’m in the low-code and no-code market space.


 I am actively involved. Whether you’re in the software industry or not, it’s essential to understand the market and the impact of no-code and low-code software. If you’re a developer, you’ll need to shift your focus to adapt to some significant changes.


 Running a business opens up new opportunities, allowing you to move faster and be more innovative than ever before.

Low-code vs. No-code software platform

Low-code software is software that can be fully customized with “little” (minimal) programming effort. Instead of spending weeks or months developing a custom application, you can do it in hours or days.


Low-code software, which must be programmed by someone who knows how to code, is faster and cheaper than ever before. Salesforce and Zoho are examples of low-code platforms.


 No-code software, on the other hand, takes the concept of low-code to another level, allowing literally anyone with no coding knowledge to customize an application to suit their needs.


Pipedrive and Airtable are examples of no-code platforms. 


Today, both types of software are often lumped together in the “low-code” category, but no-code software could become a market category in its own right in the next few years, gaining traction as a no-code software attraction.


may collect. For everyone, including those with no technical code knowledge, for business processes, dashboards, etc.


Big change the big market opportunity in No-Code Startups

Gartner predicts that low-code application platforms will account for 65% of all app development by 2024. 


This means that the majority of apps created in 2024 will be developed using platforms and tools that provide turnkey programming capabilities. what is the effect?


Enterprise software vendors such as SAP and Oracle must continue simplifying their solutions to enable faster customization. 


This also means that the next few years will see an entirely new set of software infrastructure platforms to enable faster development. Zapier and GitHub are examples today.


As a result, the days of enduring years of customizing enterprise software or having to hire a development company to completely rewrite your application from scratch are over. 


As for revenue, Forrester says the low-code market will cost him over $21 billion by 2022. This is a huge number and an opportunity.


Investors will benefit from supporting larger incumbent players who can move quickly to new low-code models, even if it means giving up short-term service revenues for long-term competitive advantage. you can get good service. 


There will also be startups helping the industry build new low-code and no-code application platforms, such as his design app Canva, which recently reached a valuation of $3.2 billion. 


Anyone in the software business should delve into the various tools, APIs, and business models that are driving the industry’s next generation.


Check out Google’s Data Studio to keep track of various data connectors, or check out GitHub for open-source, ready-to-use code snippets.


Learn new skills with online courses like Udemy, or search YouTube for a basic overview.


Now is the time to embrace software disruption. Disruptive innovation is only a threat if you are in the game but on the sidelines.


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