social media marketing

Six Positive Effects of Social Media Marketing for Your Business:

Social marketing is a method of developing activities that change or maintain people’s behavior for the benefit both of themselves and society.

Social marketing is a combination of ideas from the social sciences and commercial marketing. It has proven to be a cost-effective and sustainable way to influence behaviour.

Social marketing is marketing that is designed to make social change and not directly benefit a company. It uses traditional marketing techniques to raise awareness about a problem or cause and to persuade an audience to change their behavior.

Social marketing is not about selling products, but rather promoting a lifestyle or behavior that benefits society in order to bring about the desired change. The primary goal is to bring about the benefit of the public good. Social marketing is not about demonstrating how a product can be better than other products. It “competes” against negative thoughts, behaviors, and actions.


Here are 6 positive effects of social media marketing on your business

1. Website Traffic: 

Social media is a popular way for people to spend a lot of time.

Social media allows you to share text, images and videos in many formats. You can attract more people to your website. Social media allows you to share your posts easily, allowing you to reach multiple users from different locations and time zones.

Social media has a direct impact on the traffic to your site.

2. Brand Awareness:

Brands have a lot of creative options when it comes to social media. ItOCOs is a platform that allows brands to reach their target audience and capture their attention to increase brand awareness.

It takes dedication over a long time to build brand awareness. Customers need to be able to trust your brand.

You will be more visible on multiple social media platforms, which will allow you to connect with more people and give you a foothold. The content you create can make you appear an expert. Your articles should be rich with informative infographics, charts, and pictures. Your brand will be seen as an authority by using educational content.

Your brand awareness will increase multiple fold if you put your efforts into teaching, and not on selling social media.

3. Influence on Brand Loyalty

Marketers agree that loyal customers are their ideal customer. We all know that it is cheaper and more efficient to keep customers than find new ones.

A brand loyalty is when consumers choose to buy one brandOCOs product over another. When a company builds trust, brand loyalty is developed. Businesses need to be loyal to their customers. This leads to repeat purchases and higher revenues.

Social media can be used by brands to build trust and connections with customers and prospects. You can cultivate a following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms. This will help you build a loyal customer base and brand followers that will purchase your products. They will also carry your brand as an ambassador.

A research found that 66% of social media users aged 18-24 are more loyal to brands they follow.

Excellent customer service on social media can build brand loyalty. Respond quickly to any complaints or queries that are posted on social media. Social media allows customers to share their experiences, which increases trust and credibility.

4. Customer Service: 

HavenOCOt has seen customers post their complaints and queries on Facebook and Twitter.

The face of customer service has changed dramatically thanks to social media. Today’s customers prefer to communicate via social media to avoid having to speak with call center representatives. Customers would rather post their issues on social media about the product with the intention of gaining immediate action from the brand.

Brands will not allow social media to damage their brand image and will instead seek out solutions. This will help customers, but it will also show how responsive brands are to customer complaints.

This brand action has a positive effect on social media audiences as it shows that you care about customers and are proactive.

5. Competition Effects

Social media has changed the face of competition. Social media marketing makes it seem like you are competing with everyone in real-time.

Social media is full of brands. Facebook, for example, is a highly crowded market. However, you cannot ignore the presence of brands on social media.

Most brands are driven by competition to be more successful on social media. It is easy to check the actions of your competitors, their most recent campaigns, which posts are currently floating, and the best performing posts.

You might be ahead of your competitors in creating a strong brand presence on social media. There are high odds that they are spending their time and effort to create a positive online presence in order to gain customers.

If you donOCOt have social media brand presence, your competitors will automatically gain the advantage. You will miss out on all the social media benefits if you don’t have a social media presence.

6. Sales Effects

Brands can increase their conversions through social media because of the interaction they have with customers.

According to research, social media marketing has a higher lead-to close rate than outbound marketing by 100%.

This data makes social marketing crucial for any brand, big or small, as well as for anyone who is trying to increase sales.

A proactive approach to social media marketing can help a brand strengthen its marketing strategy. Learn how to inform and engage your social media audience about products so they ultimately buy. Numerous brands have already incorporated social media into their marketing strategies.

embedded the ÔÇÿBuyÔÇÖ button on their sites so as to take the social media interactions up to sales.


Social Media Marketing: The 4 Ps

Let’s now look at the definition of social marketing. These are the four essential elements of any marketing campaign. We’ll also discuss the “4Ps” and how they fit into the social marketing world. These “Ps” refer to product, price and place. They’re also known by the “marketing mix”.


In social marketing, the product is the desired social action as well as the benefits it offers. This change should be presented as attractively as possible. You might even consider framing the negative behavior as negative. Clarity is also important. Your audience should be able to quickly understand and appreciate your product and its benefits.


Reduce the price your audience thinks they must pay to get the desired social action.

The price of this is not only monetary. It’s also about minimizing the difficulty, time, and psychological/emotional costs that people will incur. When you design a social media marketing campaign, it is important to consider (and research) what obstacles might prevent your audience from achieving the desired behavior.

Next, find practical and intuitive ways to overcome these obstacles. Consider offering free indoor exercise classes if you want to encourage more exercise in your local community.


Where do your audience want to exhibit the desired behavior? How can you reach them in a way that makes it easy for them to do the desired behavior (and makes it more desirable than other behaviors)? To make your campaign more accessible, do you need to recruit “ambassadors” from your audience?

These are some examples of “place”:

Set up a helpline to teens by making it available 24 hours per day via phone, text and online messaging.

You can drive donations to food banks by running a campaign in grocery stores. Have donation bins at the store’s exits. Take a look at the FeedSA example:

What are the five concepts of social media marketing?

The Production Concept

Production is all about operations. It is based on the belief that customers will be attracted to products that can be bought quickly and for a lower price than similar products. This idea was born out of the rise in early capitalism in the 1950s. Companies were concerned with efficiency in manufacturing in order to maximize profits and scalability.

Although this philosophy is useful for companies that market in an industry with high growth, it can also pose a risk. Focusing too much on low-cost production can lead to a loss of touch with customers and eventually, business.

The Product Concept

In that the product concept assumes that price and availability don’t play a role in customers buying decisions, it is opposite to the production concept. People prefer quality, innovation and performance over low costs. This marketing strategy is focused on product innovation and continuous product improvement.

Apple Inc. is an excellent example of this concept at work. The company’s target audience is always excited about new products. Many people will not compromise their quality for cheaper products.

A marketer who focuses solely on this principle could lose out to those who are motivated by price and availability.

The Selling Concept

The selling concept marketing focuses on the transaction and not on the customer’s needs. This is a costly strategy. This approach often leads to customer dissatisfaction and does not lead to repeat sales.

Selling is about convincing customers to purchase a product or service. This is done by aggressively marketing the benefits. One example is soda pop. Ever wonder why Coca Cola ads continue to be seen despite its popularity? We all know what Coke has to do with it, but we also know that soda is poor for our health and lacks nutrients. Coca Cola is well aware of this and spends a lot of money to promote their product.

Marketing Concept

Marketing is about increasing a company’s competitiveness and maximising profits. This concept involves marketing ways that it provides better value than its competitors to customers. It all boils down to understanding the market and identifying its needs in order to meet them best. This is often called the “customer first approach”.

Glossier is an example of this marketing strategy. They understand that many women are unhappy about the effects of makeup on their skin. The company also realized that many women don’t like being told which makeup products to use. Glossier created a line of skincare and makeup products to nourish skin and encourage individualism.

The Societal Concept

A new concept in marketing is societal marketing. It emphasizes the well-being of society. This concept is based on the belief that marketers have a moral obligation to market with conscientiousness to promote what’s best for people, rather than what they may want. The employees of a company are part of the communities they market to and should promote their products with the best interest of the community.

One example of the societal concept is the fast-food industry. Fast food is a popular choice, but it’s high in fat and sugar. This leads to excessive waste. Despite the fact that the industry serves modern consumers’ needs, it is a threat to our health and hinders our society’s pursuit of environmental sustainability.


Learning Social Media Marketing Is Not Difficult At All!

A high percentage, as high as 90%, of marketers claim that social media has a huge effect on their brand. Hence social media marketing has become a substantial portion of every marketing strategy.

The positive effects of social media marketing are so great that you will miss out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity if you fail to implement it.



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