
Six Steps to a Successful Mobile App Launching in a few weeks

The ultimate purpose for the development of a Mobile App involves launching or restarting a Mobile App that does not just drive downloads, but also ensures that it has high user retention and engagement rates. However, getting attention from potential customers and making a mark on the market for apps is becoming more difficult. This is because of a market that is now extremely competitive. Today, having a complete plan for the launch of mobile apps is crucial for companies looking to get an advantage and gain success in the mobile app market.


A Mobile App launch strategy will have a significant effect on attracting and retaining users. It is marketing-related and will require a lot of research and constant efforts to achieve the results. To increase the chances of success we’ve created a checklist of six steps you should follow throughout the process of launching. These guidelines can assist you in developing a plan to ensure maximum retention of users, increase daily use, and decrease the rate of abandonment following launch. You’ll have to plan to adjust and be flexible. Your strategy is likely to evolve as you go along.


Step One: Know Your Audience

The first step to preparing your Mobile App launch strategy is conducting market research. Start by developing a comprehensive knowledge of your target audience. Understanding specific demographics and issues such as this one can make it easier to save time and money later. Knowing what your target audience needs will allow you to determine how your Mobile App can address their needs and can be integrated into their daily lives. In addition, this study can help you understand what they don’t like about apps currently on the market. This will give you the chance to ensure that your Mobile App doesn’t fall into the same trap. It’s crucial to determine the root causes of the user’s anger by studying their behaviours and attitude.

Of course, conducting market research isn’t just necessary to create an app to meet individual needs. It’s also necessary to develop messages that can draw users toward the Mobile App. This means that the launch strategy must be grounded in research conducted by users. Each aspect of the app’s branding including its listing in the app store and website’s messaging as well as its social media presence, its content marketing initiatives including press kit collateral and even its visual representations – should be in line with the users it is targeting.

Furthermore, there may be multiple user groups of an app. This means that you’ll need to determine the Mobile App’s primary demographics and develop user personas at the beginning of the planning and discovery phase that will determine the scope of your project. A persona of a user is a fictional depiction of the ideal customer. The more specific your personas of users are, the more detailed they will be. Behaviour patterns, demographic motivations, goals, and motivations are only a few of the elements that should be included in the user profile.

Why Are User Personas Important For A Mobile App Launch Strategy?

A persona for a user is one of the most useful tools within a design for the User Experience (UX) designing field. The main benefit of the use of user persons is that every persona’s fictional identity helps the team stay focused on a valid product’s final product, and prioritize the way that users will view the result. User personas can also help to prevent scope creep and limit self-referential design choices.

Personas of the user will provide information on a range of key questions. This will help guide your launch strategy and establish the stage for your overall strategy for launching your mobile app.

  • Who is this product intended for?
  • What are the issues that users require a solution for?
  • What is the reason this goal has to be achieved?
  • What is your app doing to provide the most value to its customers?
  • What kinds of content does this particular audience consume on the internet?
  • What tone, voice, and style of content resonate with this particular audience?
  • Are there any branding visual patterns that are apparent in the activity of this group on the internet?
  • Do they follow any influential influencers of repute in this product’s niche on social media?
  • Which platforms are the most effective to use for paid advertisements?

In addition, a persona for a user must:

  • Intuitively interpret research findings
  • Be realistic, rather than creating idealized assumptions about behaviour;
  • Establish a base for the UX of the product;
  • Give the context(s) within which the app will be utilized;
  • Consider any goals that the user might be pursuing;
  • Find out what obstacles a person is trying to overcome in their current situation.

In simple terms, if do not know the demographics of your target audience the launch strategy you choose to use won’t focus on users in the right way. Thus spending time on market research will ensure you have a solid foundation for the remainder of your mobile app’s launch.

Step Two: Define Your Positioning Statement

When the market research has been completed You must turn those findings into useful deliverables. This can be done by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your product and communicating this information to your staff and other key stakeholders.

With over five million apps on both the Apple as well as Google stores, you have to provide something distinctive and worth the money to attract prospective clients to sign up for your Mobile App. Once you’ve identified your ideal customer, you need to identify what sets your app apart from the competition. This is known as the Unique Value Proposition and will explain why your Mobile App is worth the investment and why customers should purchase. Keep in mind that your message will be drowned out if simply explain what your app does. Instead, concentrate on the reason your app is different from every other app on the market.

It is also essential to ensure that your staff is aware of the purpose behind the product. Effective internal communication is a vital aspect of launching a mobile app. This is because if you aren’t able to effectively communicate with your team members within the company and team members, you’ll be unable to effectively convey your message to outside stakeholders. Furthermore is that you’ll not be able to achieve the desired buy-ins.

Step Three: Define Your Success Criteria

To provide stakeholders with the most important information about your achievements or lack thereof, you’ll need to establish goals and establish the criteria for measuring them. Your success criteria define the benchmarks your app will be evaluated against to determine whether your app’s launch is successful. You should set your goals around things like active installs, the number of reviews, and the average score. To achieve success, it is essential to determine what success means to your particular project.

Step Four: Prepare Launch Activities

You’ve conducted all your market research, and now you need to concentrate on the implementation of your mobile app’s launch. For a launch to be successful, it must have a well-defined marketing strategy in place. This will ensure that each stage is planned and completed promptly.

Promoting Your Content

It is a great time to create an inventory of your marketing strategies. A few examples of the types of campaigns you can comprise are social media ads early access for bloggers, traditional advertisements as well as website design. Create a timeline that will lead to the Mobile App launch, and then decide on a launch date before the date.

Identify Key Influencers

It is essential to find influential industry figures who are participating in discussions about your field or talking about other apps that are related to your field and users. Meet and interact with them, either through networking events or joining them on social networks. Create a compelling pitch that convinces influencers to help promote your app. Make sure to highlight the ways your Mobile App can address an issue that is specific to you and can add value to areas that others do not.

Create A Press Kit

To increase your chances of getting media exposure, ensure it is simple for influencers and bloggers to highlight your app. Include your content in an online directory, so they have access to the details necessary to market your Mobile App. Here are some ideas of things you could put in your press kits

  • Graphics and Creatives (Your Mobile App logo icons screenshots, promo video)
  • A description of the application
  • Links to your site Social media accounts, and so on.
  • Contact details

Product Curation Sites

There are many websites that showcase new startups and products that can help you build some buzz. A lot of them, like Product Hunt, have a review section or an upvote/downvote feature. Make sure you select the right product curation website that is appropriate for your market and mobile application.

Here’s a list of related websites to look into:

  • Product Hunt
  • Beta List
  • Hacker News – Y Combinator
  • CrunchBase

Optimize Your Product Page Description

Take care when deciding the way you’ll write your product’s description to convince potential customers to download your application. On the App Store, for instance, users will only see an initial glimpse of the opening five words of your description. Users must click to read the rest of the description. This means that you must draw attention to the opening paragraphs of your description.

Treat your app store description like advertising copy. Inspire your users to be enthusiastic about using and downloading your app. Be sure to adhere to the ASO’s best practices to ensure that your app will be more prominent on the App Store. The higher your app’s ranking and the more prominent it will be to users who are looking for it. It also increases the chance that editors from the app store will notice your app, increasing the chances of your app being featured in the store you submit it to. This is an excellent method of organically boosting marketing and promotional efforts.

Place keywords strategically (words that are commonly used by your intended audience for looking for information) in your listing and description to ensure that your listing appears when users are searching for these words.

Keep in mind that every app that is successful has one thing they share solving a problem for the users. This is why you must ensure this is stated clearly when you describe your app. Incorporate a few important characteristics in the description too. Let the users explore the remainder of the application after the app has been downloaded.

Once you’ve planned each aspect of the launches, consider the resources you’ll require. This could consist of demos decks, image designs, materials for design, as well as other design-related resources. Your target audience will collect information from a variety of sources, and you’ll have to adapt your messages to increase the effectiveness of each channel. Therefore making a plan for your marketing strategy in advance of time and taking proactive steps is as important as preparing the product.

Step Five: Launch Your Mobile App!

It’s now time to submit your application in the application store(s). Be aware of the guidelines for submitting the app has to adhere to prior to submitting your app to any app store. Apple’s guidelines are available on this page and the guidelines for Android are available here.

Alert Your Email List Of Your App’s Launch

Once you’ve completed your application It’s time to get the word. Send the news to your media list or influencers as well as social media communities. Let them try the news.

Spread The Word

Make sure to promote your app on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

Step Six: Post-Launch Follow-Up

According to a report  around 50% of apps are deleted within thirty days. Although driving downloads and gaining users is essential, keeping the users you have is just as important for the long-term success of your app. So, it’s crucial that your app creates a positive initial impression within those first days of launch, offering immediate value and an excellent user experience. This is the moment to highlight the benefits of your application to improve the process of onboarding. If you fail to make your new customers feel welcome rapidly, you’ll likely get them off the hook completely.


When your mobile app is launched You must consider the best way to gauge the app’s success by looking at the good points and what can be enhanced. Follow-ups should focus on the satisfaction of customers, and their engagement in addition to retention and satisfaction rates. Reviews and feedback from customers can assist you in determining whether or not you have met your previous success standards. The reasons that users leave an application include a lack of interest, a change in the needs of users, and a poor user experience. It is important to keep track of changes in market requirements and be able to adapt to changing customer expectations.

Listen To Your Users

Apps are constantly evolving, whether they’re the latest MVPs as well as mature, refined with full functionality. Keep users engaged and interested by continually improving the experience of your app and providing new features and customized content frequently. Utilizing analytics, monitoring the user’s behavior, and listening to feedback from users to determine the needs of your customers and what features in the application are driving use. This data can be used to determine the direction of your product’s road map and ensure that all changes are beneficial to users. When you update your app in response to feedback from your users, keep in mind that, while providing value to your customers, every feature should be able to meet your business’s needs.

Incentivize Continued Usage

There are a variety of strategies you can employ to boost the engagement and retention of your users. One of the most effective methods is to offer users incentives to download your application. It could include anything from mobile-specific rewards such as specialized access to content coupons, special promotions, or other promotions. Each one of these offers users an incentive to select your application over another. This will increase conversions and increases engagement.

Naturally, the way to motivate users depends on the specifics of the application. For instance, apps that employ in-app purchases as a way to earn money can be able to benefit from discounts that are time-sensitive, however, freemium apps can encourage users with rewards that are based on their usage.

Re-Engage Your Users

Push notifications are a great way to encourage users to re-engage who have fallen off the funnel of conversion. But users don’t want to be bombarded by irrelevant messages So be strategic and thoughtful in your approach to your users. Be sure that the message is relevant. Indeed, even though Apps flyer says that the average 30-day retention rate of mobile apps is between 15 to 20%, App tentive’s data indicates that when a strategy for active user engagement is employed the average retention rate increases to 67 percent. This is a rise of three times more than the average!

Keep Ratings High

The reasoning behind using reviews and ratings as a ranking element is that they provide a reflection of the user’s experiences. When users decide to download an application, one of the first things they consider is the ratings of the app. This is why it’s recommended to keep an average of 4.5 ratings or better. A positive user experience as well as a reliable application will usually result in favorable reviews and excellent ratings.

Developers should encourage users to write reviews, be thorough in managing and trying to address negative reviews, and keep channels for communication open to feedback from users.

Closing Thoughts

An app’s launch on mobile isn’t just a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. There is always the need for improvement, making the process of launching an app to be a cycle that requires periodic review in the event that market requirements evolve. Mobile apps that have recently been launched should be regularly updated and relaunched to keep users entertained with the latest updates and features. In reality, launches for mobile apps should take place long before the release date. To get the most effective results, a mobile application launch strategy should provide several points of interaction for users who are interested to look around before the app is made accessible to download. The process of establishing awareness prior to the launch helps users get a sense of the function and the benefits of the product. So that when they visit the app store your app makes an impressive first impression.


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