Education Startup

How to Avoid Education Startup Failures – 7 reasons

In light of the increasing desire to start developing Education Startups as a business and the increasing use of these applications, individuals are advised to begin their own companies. A larger share of the edtech market awaits them when they launch their next BYJU, Duolingo, or Udemy. We will explore the causes that edtech startups fail, If you’re an entrepreneur thinking of entering the edtech sector but aren’t quite sure about the fact. Our aim is to assist you in preventing Education Startup from failing in the edtech sector by sharing our expertise and experiences.

Education Startup failure is very frequent. Based on the Small Business Administration, over 50% of new businesses fail within the first five years of existence. Many of these fail because of unfortunate luck or a poor economy, while others occur because people don’t know what they’re doing wrong, and are unable to acknowledge their own mistakes.

Before you put a lot of money, time, and effort into your business make sure you are familiar with the following list of reasons why companies fail. Knowing these common pitfalls will let you avoid them and what you can do to address small problems before they grow into larger problems.

We will focus on the most important reasons behind the failure of an app for education.

Education Startup: seven mistakes that you must avoid

The inability to develop an app for Education Startup can be attributed to many reasons and we’ll cover seven of the most well-known reasons in this article. Let’s examine each of them separately.

Education Startup

1. The lack of experience

Do you have experience managing teams or assigned tasks? Are you experienced in your particular field? A successful and smooth operation requires a thorough understanding of the business, expertise, and management abilities. Many new owners do not have leadership abilities and are unable to effectively communicate their ideas to other people. Effective ideas require effective execution, a thorough understanding of the market, and an executive who is able to communicate the vision of the company to their employees. Leaders shouldn’t just be competent in communicating but also be able to inspire employees while keeping their respect for their employees.

How to Prevent:

Develop the skills you need through individual development and training classes, which is best before you begin your own business. Skills for leadership, client relations, fundamental business techniques, and management skills can be learned through study and practice. Consider reading books written by influential CEOs, and meeting others in the business world for their advice.

2. There is no clear and well-formulated strategy or plan

Although this might seem straightforward it’s essential to clearly define the vision you have for your company and the way you plan to achieve your objectives. What kind of product or service do you offer? What are your goals and how do you reach them? Customers must also be able to understand who you are, the things you do, and why you are important to them. It is essential to be concise and convincing. Are you unable to explain your business in less than a minute? It’s possible that you require a revision of your business strategy.

How to Prevent:

Create a comprehensive business plan and confirm your business plan before you begin. It will be simpler to answer questions and present your business’s objectives to others during your journey. Be prepared with the right communications skills and strategies. This will allow you to easily present your ideas and goals to investors, customers employees, and other key people.

3. Not understanding customer needs

You might have a brilliant concept for a product but if you do not engage in a productive conversation with prospective customers, you might not be aware of the details they actually need. If you take too long to inquire or ask for feedback, you might waste lots of time and money on an idea that isn’t the best choice.

How to Prevent:

Begin a conversation at the beginning of the process and take note of the feedback. Make changes to your product or business as a result of this feedback (this is known as to be the Agile Methodology). Conduct surveys, organize focus groups, pose queries on social networks, and meet with people in person to determine your performance and what you could do to enhance your performance. Be sure to let a lot of people (who represent your market) test your product in person Make sure they can tell you exactly the features they love and would be the most beneficial to them.

Tips: Sometimes, people don’t know what they’re looking for, and it’s your job to discover what they are looking for. If you’re developing products or solutions to the needs of a client take the time to shadow them so you can discover requirements they may not have thought of.

4. Incapable of managing expenses

All businesses begin with a finite amount of capital and eventually be in debt. Even if you have enough funds to cover your  Education Startup expenses but it’s easy to overlook the amount of time it will take to repay the initial costs or even make profits. You should be able to sustain your financial needs for at minimum six months and be ready to finance your business in challenging times. It is your responsibility to determine what your financial breakpoint will be and then determine how you can begin earning money prior to this point.

How to Prevent:

Learn how to raise the necessary capital through investors or other forms of financing. Test your product (through devices such as web pages for landing) to determine whether or not you’ll be able to earn money before you launch the whole product. Give your product away to a test group and see what customers will purchase. Be sure to keep the cash reserves to cover the difficult times.

Education Startup

5. Not having a unique value proposition

It is essential to be unique and provide something different to your clients for your business to be successful. If you’re too similar to the other businesses operating in the market that means you’ll need to spend a lot of time competing instead of innovating and growing your company. If the market is sufficient it’s acceptable to offer an identical product or service to competitors however it is essential that you have a unique strategy.

How to Prevent:

Take a look at the size of your market and your competition. How many of your target customers are in the market, and who’s already contacting them? After you’ve finished an analysis of your marketplace, you need to decide how you’ll distinguish yourself from the competition. Do you have lower prices? Do you intend to target a particular segment, like young adults aged 18-25 or small businesses with less than 10 employees? Before you start a business you must ensure there’s a market that will take your product. And, if there’s plenty of competition, you have a distinct marketing method.

6. Unprepared for the unexpected

Entrepreneurs are at risk of losing their company much time and money if they respond to issues rather than anticipating them. Unexpected problems will always occur, such as natural disasters, an economic slump, or changes in expenditure. Although many of these problems can’t be avoided, however, it is the responsibility of the business owner to be aware of the potential issues ahead of time.

How to Prevent:

Get insurance in case of unexpected incidents, accidents, or natural disasters to avoid the need to pay the entire bill in the event that there is a problem (see an entire guide on insurance for your business here). Prepare an additional cash reserve and be prepared to change the direction of your business when the market is shifted. You must ensure that your business is legally compliant in every single aspect (for instance, you must onboard employees correctly, and not infringe on the intellectual property of another company) and there’s no reason for you to be involved in a costly legal dispute which could be prevented.

7. There is no clear plan for marketing

Don’t think that people will flock to you simply because you provide products or services that consumers require. Even if you believe that your product is fantastic but you shouldn’t count on viral or word-of-mouth achievement. You require leads, referrals advertising, and other marketing strategies to attract the attention of customers. They won’t patronize your company when they don’t even know that there’s a business named.

How to Prevent:

Create a successful marketing strategy for your business as well as your customers. Take into consideration online advertisements (through services such as Google AdWords or Facebook) Newspaper or print ads along with social media, email, and marketing. Don’t be afraid of being daring: the purpose of marketing (especially when you’re beginning your journey) is to attract attention.

What do you think about Brisk Logic assisting you in the development of Education Startup?

Brisk Logic has a wealth of experience in the development of Education Startup employing the most advanced learning techniques such as gamification, social learning blended learning, and interactivity. We also have the ability to make custom applications specifically for your L&D requirements.

Our most well-known solutions are:

  • Flexibility in usage
  • More push notifications reach
  • Higher rate of completion for higher course
  • The ability to adapt to the most recent methods of teaching
  • Greater engagement & inter activeness
  • More effective adaptation to the training needs
  • Tools for performance analysis and support
  • Interaction in real-time
  • Improved cost-effectiveness

If you’re planning to create an educational technology platform, you can work with an experienced educational software firm such as Brisk Logic. Our specialists will help users through all the steps and help make the development of your app simpler. Contact us!


We have a broad range of experience developing Education Startup that make use of modern learning techniques including social learning, gamification interactivity, and blended learning which have been demonstrated to be extremely effective. Based on the specific requirements of your requirements in the field of learning and development We can also design your own app.


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