
Top 8 Machine Learning Platforms with “No Code” You Should Use in 2022

In the last decade, we are witnessing an explosion of No Code AI platforms. A growing number of companies are looking to tap into the potential of artificial intelligence to create smarter software-based products. However, execution is a problem for many. Startups face the difficult task to find individuals with the right machine learning skills since machine learning is a constant process in progress. A large number of companies that invest a lot of money in the hiring of engineers with PhDs or research backgrounds in machine learning do not launch their products. This adds visual drag-and-drop tools to the scene that assists in filling the data scientist’s gap as well as making artificial intelligence more intimidating to those who aren’t technical. Companies are now able to create data sets, and train and deploy models using little or no programming knowledge in a significantly shorter time while remaining cost-effective.

Developers of mobile applications This is certainly an advantage in disguise since the machine-learning capabilities on devices are in great demand today. You don’t have to be a doctor to get a PhD in machine learning and are more creative in using the data and models you’d like to learn from. In the coming sections, we’ll go through some of the most effective no-code machine learning software available at the present. Some are completely free, while others may charge you for additional trials beyond the free ones. But, they all can help you bring your AI idea into action.

Top 8 Machine Learning Platforms with “No Code” 


Create ML

As an iOS developer, I was required to get started with Apple’s zero-code drag and drop application, Create ML. It was initially launched using Xcode it is now Create ML an entirely separate macOS application that comes with a variety of models that are already trained.

Transfer learning can help you design your own models. From style transfers to image classifiers as well as natural language processing recommendations systems, it has all the models that you need to be covered. All you have to do is provide the validation and training data in the appropriate formats.

Additionally, you can refine the metrics and establish the number of repetitions you want before commencing the learning. Create ML offers real-time results of the validation data used for models like style transfer. At the end of the day, it will produce a Core ML model which you can use to test and test iOS applications.

Google AutoML

While Apple is in the lead using Create ML, Google couldn’t afford to fall in the dust. The AutoML tool functions like Create ML however it is hosted using the cloud. Google’s Cloud AutoML currently includes Vision(image classification), Natural Language, AutoML Translation, Video Intelligence, and Tables in its suite of machine-learning products. This allows developers with a lack of experience in machine learning to create models specifically for their usage situations. AutoML is hosted on the cloud and can eliminate the requirement to understand how to transfer information or build a neural network by offering standard support for fully tested deep learning algorithms.


Make is a development tool designed to create semantic segmentation and object detection models with no programming. It offers a macOS application that allows iOS developers to build as well as manage datasets(such as enabling annotations of objects within images). In addition, they have an online store for datasets that includes available computer vision data that can be used to create a neural network in only two clicks.

MakeML has demonstrated its capabilities for sports-related applications, where you can perform ball-tracking. They also have an all-inclusive tutorial for potato segmentation and training nail models that should provide anyone who is not a machine learning expert an advantage.

With their annotation tool which works with videos, you can make the hawkey detector employed in tennis and cricket games.

Fritz AI

Fritz AI is an evolving machine learning platform that can bridge gaps between data scientists and mobile app developers. iOS as well as Android developers are able to quickly develop and deploy models, or make use of their already trained SDK which comes with out-of-the-box support for image segmentation, style transfer and pose estimation, similar to models. The Fritz AI Studio allows you to quickly transform your ideas into ready-to-use apps with tools for data annotation and synthetic data that can create data sets in a seamless manner. Alongside the introduction of assistance for Style Transfer before Apple, Fritz AI’s machine-learning platform also offers solutions for model retraining, analytics easy deployment, as well as security from hackers.


This is a great machine-learning platform that is specifically designed for makers and creators. It gives you a beautiful visual interface for quickly training models that range from text and picture generation(GANs) and motion-capture, detection of objects and more without having to write or think about code. RunwayML allows you to explore a variety of models that range from super-resolution images, background removal, and transfer of style. Exporting models from their software isn’t without cost, designers is able to make use of their already-trained neural networks that generate new images using their models. They have a Generative Engine which synthesizes images when you type is one of their highlights. The application can be downloaded for macOS and windows, or run it with their web browser directly(currently being tested).

Obviously AI

Naturally, AI makes use of state-of-the modern natural language processing technology to carry out complex tasks with users’ defined CSV data. The concept is uploading the CSV file and then selecting one of the columns that predict, answers questions using natural language and analyze the results. The platform helps train machine learning models by selecting the best algorithm for your needs. With just only a couple of clicks, you can obtain a forecast report, whether it’s for forecasting revenue or forecasting demand for inventory. This is extremely useful in medium and small enterprises trying to break into the world of artificial intelligence, without an internal data science department. Naturally, AI allows you to integrate data from different sources, like MySQL, Salesforce, RedShift . In other words, without knowing about linear regression and text classification work, are used, you can make use of their software to run an analysis that is predictive of your data.


Beyond the model training phase, Data processing takes up the majority of the time spent on the creation of machine learning-related projects. Cleansing, labelling and storing data could take up a lot of time, particularly when working on hundreds of photos. SuperAnnotate is an AI-powered annotation platform that uses machine learning capabilities(specifically transfer learning) to boost your data annotation process. With their video and image annotation tools, you can swiftly make annotations on data with the help of their built-in predictive models. Therefore, the process of creating databases for object detection and image segmentation is going to become much simpler and speedier. SuperAnnotate can also handle duplicate data annotation that is often seen when you watch the video.

Teachable Machine

Last but not least is another Google machine learning system that does not require code. In contrast to AutoML which is more friendly for programmers, Teachable Machines allow you to quickly train models to recognize sounds, images and poses directly in your web browser. Drag and drop files to instruct your subject or utilize the webcam to make a short and dirty data set of sounds or images. Teachable Machine uses the Tensorflow.js library in your browser to ensure that your data for training stays in the device. This is definitely a major move taken by Google for those who wish to learn machine learning but didn’t have any programming knowledge. The model’s output can be exported into Tensorflow.js and flite format, which can be then used on your app or website. It is also possible to transform the model into other formats with Onyx.

Here’s a basic image classification model I was able to develop in under one minute.


Brisk Logic  observed how non-code machine learning platforms can bridge the gap between data scientists and non-ML professionals. Although there isn’t a one-size that fits all, however, you are able to choose a platform that allows you to create models or generate data with speedy speed. Additionally, these tools help make machine learning more enjoyable to work with. SnapML will be an excellent no-code machine learning tool that allows you to create or create your own models to use to create Snap Lenses. It certainly assists creative indie developers and creators show their creative ideas before millions of users.


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