
With 62% of companies either using or planning to use microservices, there is a clear preference. Microservices are IT components that are built around business capabilities.

Product Ideation

Low-code platforms can help phase out monoliths faster. Companies can use low-code to expedite the development of transactional microservices applications.

Product Planning

Starting with low-risk, high-impact functionalities, companies can use APIs to re-architect monolithic apps into low-code-based microservices. Organizations are even exploring the use of low-code to expose information from legacy databases like Oracle (known as “master data microservices”).


In a pandemic-disrupted world, software is the new lifeblood of our daily lives and the connective tissue holding together the global economy. However, traditional software development takes far too long and very often fails to deliver the results business needs and users love. Even prior to COVID-19 there were simply not enough professional software developers in the world to build all the software currently required.


We solved one of the stickiest challenges every developer faces – data integration. With us Data Hub, all of an enterprise’s data resources are at the fingertips of the development team, with appropriate enterprise control and governance. This, plus advanced AI and workflow capabilities, industry-leading options for mobile, augmented reality, and more.

Final Product

Low-code from Brisklogic is a powerful enterprise-grade visual development approach empowering citizen and professional developers to make cloud-native applications more than 10X faster for web and mobile using drag-and-drop components and model-driven logic – all through an intuitive graphical user interface.
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