
What are the Advantages of a Low-Code IT Growth Strategy?

What is Low-Code Development?

Low-code development is a broad term that covers solutions for process development and low-code development of applications as well as software tools for development.

Low-code development tools provide the building blocks IT users can combine in workflows, applications and workflows. The building blocks abstract the code that runs behind commands and actions and allows IT to build business applications and workflows without having to write code manually.

Why is Low-Code Important?

In the past twenty years, the range of technology and tools that organizations can use has exploded. In the end, IT departments no longer manage the same stacks of technology, but a variety of complex environments. As these environments have changed and changed, so too has IT.

Twenty years ago, an IT department could count on highly skilled employees, such as the DBA who was familiar with AS/400 completely as well as the director who was able to declare COBOL as an official language of the company, etc. If there was an ETL procedure was required to transfer data into Congo’s the script could be written by someone who knew the process.

Nowadays, the use of customized scripts is no longer able to match the speed and agility businesses need, and customizing is in opposition to the process of integrating different platforms that are becoming more widespread. There are a few developers who are proficient in using every tool that is involved in any particular end-to-end process.

Low-code development platforms allow IT to rapidly build new processes and develop applications without the need to study and write new scripts. Additionally, IT professionals don’t have to be experts in each tool or technology used in the process since codes are abstracted. If they have the right low-code tools and a good understanding of the low-code technology, almost every IT group member will be able to design efficient, cross-platform business processes and improve the speed of application delivery.

Benefits of Low-Code Development

“Low-code” or “no-code development” is a term that refers to a variety of tools that are used to create everything that ranges from IT processes to software for business. However, there are some features that low-code development platforms share in common, such as:

  • Direct integrations as well as API accessibility that is low-code
  • Drag and drop workflow designers
  • Facilities for testing and prototyping workflows

Based on the platform used depending on the platform, a low-code development software could also provide monitors, resources management as well as advanced tools that can assist to simplify the development process. However, whether you’re trying to build the application-development platform, or a more comprehensive solution that combines enterprise procedures, the low-code approach offers numerous benefits to the company:

Increased Business Agility

The majority of low-code platforms can be extended and can be integrated directly with the major vendors and allowing IT to transform APIs and web service commands into reusable components. This speeds up the time needed to implement and deploy new technologies and tools and helps companies keep ahead of the latest trends in market and consumer demand.

Reduced Capex/OpenX

Typically, buying a new program is more efficient than developing in-house software. Low-code development alters that dynamic. Instead of buying brand new software to manage SAP tasks, IT can use a low-code platform to build the required processes. In addition, instead of spending weeks or days researching or writing different scripts, IT could develop these processes in much less time using a smaller amount of resources.

Less Need for Shadow IT

Business teams are prone to the practice of installing and managing software with IT’s permission. The reason is the same: it was too slow. Utilizing an application that does not require code to quickly implement new applications and processes, IT can drastically reduce the requirement of shadow IT.

In addition, intuitive user interfaces enable business users to perform and monitor their processes, while coders and citizen developers can build their applications.

Automate More in Less Time

Low-code platforms equipped with the right tools for DevOps can speed up the development process for automating tasks as well as end-to-end processes. Workflows can be initiated by IT or business events. templates are a great way to create new processes, while the use of variables as well as flow controls makes it simpler to control data on multiple different platforms. Integrations built into the system and API access enable you to automate almost every digital business procedure.

Rapid Iterations

The demands of business are constantly changing. To meet these needs Low-code development platforms provide tools that allow developers to quickly modify and modify existing processes. For example, they can pass modifications down to the child jobs, requiring documentation and providing a history of revisions for changes to be easily cancelled if required. Testing facilities can also be utilized to make sure that processes run efficiently when the process is put into production.

Greater Productivity

By streamlining the process of development and increasing the number of automated processes, IT can achieve more work within a shorter amount of time. Furthermore, low-code software includes tools to simplify the entire process lifecycle. It can be the ability to monitor and notify tools that alert people when a procedure is in danger of failing. If the server is overloaded it is possible to redirect processes to avoid delays and bottlenecks or perform remediation workflows to ensure SLAs and reduce the amount of time IT is fighting fires.

Enhanced Innovation

The rising demand for a platform that doesn’t require code and low-code business applications does not mean that traditional programming is gone. No-code strategies aim to assist your developers with the basics of applications and free them from having to keep fixing bugs and updating their existing software. This allows them to concentrate on more complex applications that require creativity.

Citizens-developer and No-Code are designed to improve the connection between your business and IT. It helps to create a more harmonious relationship between the business and IT. It allows both sides to benefit from their talents and skills.

What About Existing Scripts?

Low-code’s goal isn’t to replace all scripts (unless that’s what you’re looking at. The majority of IT businesses possess script libraries which are the outcome of hours of effort. The scripts are reliable and extremely efficient and have no reason to eliminate them. A low-code platform is a great way to secure and enhance the existing software.

Certain enterprise software solutions that are designed to support processes that require low code have script language independence which allows IT to integrate scripts into complete processes without additional programming. Script vaulting is also a common feature as it provides a central repository that can be used to keep, manage, and protect scripts. Audit trails, as well as rev histories, change sets and automated documentation, could be used to secure and enhance scripts.

Low-Code vs. No-Code

Low-code and no-code features are typically integrated into an identical platform. For instance, a low-code software for automation of processes will include all the integrations and tools required to create processes without writing customized programs (no-code). However, the same solution can also offer the scripting environment, and permit IT to incorporate either existing or new code so that the possibility of using low-code is still available.

The main distinction between no-code and low-code is in the intended user – is the platform designed to be used by non-technical people or people with development expertise?

No-code platforms or those which offer pre-built actions are intended for non-IT teams who require only a limited development process or application (a project management application or a mobile app for an event.). There is an opportunity for no-code technology in IT however, explicitly no-code systems can limit personalization and decrease the variety of applications that can be made available to the app.

Where Low-code Development Generates the Most Value for Enterprises

Platforms for development with low-code code are typically employed to create “get work done” apps. This software helps automate and streamline routine tasks that are low value and help to improve efficiency.

The apps could comprise:

  • Business process management applications
  • Applications for managing projects
  • Applications for managing databases
  • Applications of innovation
  • Legacy migration software

For example, Vertie, an international non-profit with commitments across 70 countries, utilized low-code development to boost its project management reporting as well as centralization of data.

With the aid of Brisk Logic, the team developed new features that led to:

In addition, you can make use of LCAPs to develop a variety of other customer engagement apps as well as mobile-based solutions. In addition, you can avail yourself of a range of internal and external applications which are not easily available off the shelf.

  • The use of a low-code application development platform is the best choice when:
  • Solutions already in place are complex or expensive, or they do not satisfy the requirements of your company.
  • You would like to have greater control over the future capabilities of your product.
  • The application is a common business use scenario (supported through the LCAP).
  • Your business users should be able to be empowered to build applications for them.
  • Examples from the industry are the best way to show the complete range of advantages of development using low-code.

Examples of Low-code Applications for Enterprises

Process Automation Applications

As part of the legacy systems modernization, Morrison & Foerster needed to move 2,500+ employees across three continents, to new software. To boost efficiency, the company developed custom progress dashboards for Brisk Logic and also automated the majority of their checklist tasks in their app designed using low-code software. This department of IT has saved an estimated 9,840 hours of human hours.

Service Now is a well-known ITSM platform that also offers low-code tools for the development of enterprise applications. We’ll go over the fundamentals of developing enterprise-level apps using Brisk Logic in the next article.

Proof-of-Concept Apps

The time of digital transformation is now upon us and businesses are being pressured to develop at a rapid pace. Agile low-code development can be a reliable method of testing the new ideas of new products and integrations without “going all in”.

In other situations, they also use Salesforce low-code tools to provide innovative software to internal teams as well as retail locations.

Companion Mobile Apps

 one of the biggest roofing companies operating in Collier County, Florida, is determined to increase the efficiency of its workers on site as well as improve the process of reconciling data and photos. Before utilizing Power Apps, the Power Apps platform developed by Microsoft the contractors needed to input data into their company’s Dynamics 365 manually. It was a time-consuming and error-prone procedure that took up lots of time.

Utilizing Power Apps, Kelly Roofing launched a brand new mobile application that contractors can utilize to snap photos that they automatically upload and sort into the CRM, enter additional job details and then share the information with customers in a single click.

Is Low-Code the Future?

Probably, Computer science is at the end built on abstraction. Binary abstraction is incorporated into languages are abstracted to Operating Systems and GUIs. Solutions that are low code abstract the programming needed to connect these Operating Systems, Databases with enterprise software (from BPM to BI, CRM to ERP). Since IT environments are getting more complicated, the need to abstract these integrations will only increase.

Organizations are swiftly adopting new technologies to keep up with ever-changing markets and increasing expectations for customer service. In the meantime, business managers are pushing CIOs to design and lead initiatives for digital transformation that are focused on providing live information to end-users and customers.

To fulfil the requirements of these organizations, IT organizations need to be able to swiftly build, orchestrate, and test processes and applications. low-code is the way that this is happening.


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