
What are the difference between Industry 4.0 or 5.0?

What is Industry 4.0?

What is the definition of industrial 4.0 or is it just for manufacturing? The term Industry 4.0 is the name used in the current manufacturing world to describe that the 4th industrial revolution is in full swing that is characterized by the wide adoption of electronic systems. From a historical standpoint the term the term Industry 4.0 is the most recent phase in the series of technological developments over the past 200 years:

The History of Industry 4.0

If you’re involved in manufacturing You may have heard of the ever-growing often-used word “Industry 4.0.” How do you define Industry 4.0 and what’s the background to it?

The story of Industry 4.0 tracks the manufacturing industry from the Industrial Revolution through the digital revolution and beyond. Every new phase represents an innovation in the manufacturing process which has transformed how we view and operate in the industry.

Industry 1.0 is the Industrial Revolution

The story started with the first industrial revolution, also known as what historians generally call simply “The Industrial Revolution.” The primary manufacturing process was changed from manual labor to machines.

The use of steam and coal made machine usage more viable and the idea of making products using machines quickly became popular. Machines made it easier and faster to production, and also enabled all sorts of new technological advancements feasible as well.

Industrial 2.0 is the Technological Revolution

First Industrial Revolution represented the period between the 1760s until around 1840. This was when The second Industrial Revolution took up. The historians often use the term “The Technological Revolution,” which saw the development of superior electrical technology that allowed an even higher level of production and advanced machines.

The Industry 3.0 – – The Digital Revolution

While we rarely consider the 50s to be the time that saw the transition to digital, it was when the digital revolution was born with the introduction of computers. These early computers were usually small, bulky, and huge in comparison to the computing capabilities they could offer, yet they set the foundation for a future which is impossible to imagine without computers.

Industry 4.0 The Automation Revolution

We have now arrived at Industry 4.0 which was first used during the time of Germany in the Hannover Trade Fair in 2011 by Bosch. Industry 4.0 is defined by the degree of automation we’ve attained, in which machines generally be controlled through a variety of ways, making use of internet technologies, also known as “the Internet of things.” Other characteristics associated with Industrial 4.0 include the cloud-based technology as well as the significance of large data.

The advocates in Industry 4.0 refer to the concept as akin to the smart home, an internet comprised of “smart factories” as they say. In a smart house, the many luxuries and security features that are typical of a modern house — lights appliances, appliances, alarms clocks are enhanced by digital capabilities like scanning, sensing programming memory, facial and voice recognition. Additionally, Industry 4.0 integrates the below innovations of the fourth generation of computer-based technology in the factory setting:

Cyber-physical system is an electronic device controlled using computer algorithms.

It is the Internet of things (IoT) is a network of interconnected automobiles and machine components with computerized scanning, sensing as well as monitoring features.

Cloud computing – offsite hosting of networks and backup of data.

Cognitive computing is a set of technological platforms that use artificial intelligence.

The term comes from German Industry 4.0, which picked up popularity during in 2011 at the Hannover Fair. In the next year, an industrialist group called the Working Group presented the concept to the German government. Since then the idea has spread across the globe as businesses across the manufacturing industry consider the possibility of cognitive, interconnected cyber systems within factories.

What is required to run the industry 4.0 Facility or System?

In concept, industry 4.0 comprises the following four design concepts that businesses are expected to apply to fully utilize the potential of technology today:

Interoperability – it is the linkage of equipment, vehicles and tools into an electronic IoT framework.

Transparency in information — the ability of computers equipped with sensors systems to create virtual copies of real-world machines as well as objects.

Technical assistance — computerized equipment that is equipped with Artificial Intelligence that can aid human workers in making decisions and physical tasks.

Decentralized decision-making is the capacity of computers to take action and accomplish tasks independently.

The critics who are critical of the industry 4.0 concept and term claim that technological advances from the beginning of the industrial revolution have been slow. In addition, critics claim that the current concept of revolution suggests that technological advances were only recently able to emerge from a stagnant period however this is not the reality.

The truth is that technological advances have always been gradual The previous revolutions usually took place over many years. This fourth revolution marks the very first time that cyber and digital technology has been integrated into every level of manufacturing to the point that high-tech cognitive machines automatize intellectual and physical tasks.

The proponents of Industry 4.0 claim that the recent technological integration in the industrial sector allows an unprecedented level of autonomy for computerized machines. When fully implemented at every level, Industry 4.0 creates autonomous factories that can perform physical tasks and quickly rectify any errors without the involvement of humans’ hands or minds.

A few of the most ambitious people who are driving Industry 4.0 claim they will allow for manufacturing companies to network globally. That is the limits between factory sites will disappear in a virtual sense due to factories’ IoT facilities of every factory will be connected through artificial intelligence and cloud computing.

Despite the enormous scope of the potential offered by Industry 4.0 in the area of manufacturing, a number of obstacles are against its full and universal application at the moment and include:

Issues with reliability with machine-to machine (M2) communication isn’t quite at the performance levels and stability as envisioned by Industry 4.0 supporters.

IT security issues are becoming more important when older, inefficient equipment is brought into the system.

The fear of IT glitches as long as artificial intelligence is proved itself on vast IoT systems, the risk of costly failures has left many companies skeptical.

Insufficient skills for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in factory engineers.

The fear is that Industry 4.0 when fully implemented, may cause mass layoffs throughout the industry which could leave a lot of factory workers without jobs.

In the coming years advanced technologies for detection in cyber-physical technology will almost eliminate the possibility of errors and increase the number of Industry 4.0 participants to the industry. Many proponents already claim that cyber-systems are more secure than traditional manual-operated systems in giving consistent results with precise accuracy.

In the minds of a lot of manufacturers, the benefits of Industry 4.0 can easily outweigh the risks when you consider the physical potential that cyber-based systems offer into consideration. IoT and cognition computing may be utilized to help lift heavy pieces of machinery and automobiles and free humans from the strenuous elements of their work. Because of these advancements factories can eventually experience an almost complete elimination of accidents and deaths caused by work.

Additionally, computers can also be able to take on jobs that require extreme temperatures and toxic chemicals which could shield humans from dangerous exposure. In the end industry 4.0 won’t substitute human workers in the same way as it would take on the types of jobs that humans consider unacceptable.

In the meantime, training for jobs may shift to the administration and maintenance for cyber-related systems a field which will likely to see an increase in demand for highly skilled professionals. As we prepare for the next revolution new methods of human-computer interaction may eventually emerge.

Cognitive computing and the cyberspace could also help to increase levels of production consistency since technology eliminates human error from production line. This can lead to higher quality and consistent products offered by businesses across the manufacturing industry. The benefits are bound to be huge as companies have better reputations for quality, and their customers are more loyal and eager to purchase.

The technology capabilities of the industry 4.0 model could provide an advantage to the emerging manufacturing markets including India and China, where the production capabilities could transform from being primitive to advanced within the space of just a few years when increasing numbers of companies in the region embrace the model. For new companies this new model may be an easy way to get to the top of the line. However, those who are more sluggish and resistant to adapt could eventually be beaten by competitors.

In the meantime in the meantime, in the meantime, the United States is warming fast to the idea of Industry 4.0. The city in which one has established itself as a pioneer in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Cincinnati, Ohio, which has designated itself as to be a “demonstration city” to promote Industry 4.0. The Midwest may eventually be the central point in the fourth industrial revolution, as manufacturers from across the rust belt are able to see the potential of the cyber world, IoT technology and the cognitive computer. While certain U.S. manufactures fear job loss, technology has led to a 40% rise in productivity of that U.S. manufacturing sector over the past 20 years.

The advantages from Industry 4.0 for Manufacturing

The concepts in Industry 4.0 — interoperability information transparency actionable insights, and automation — will aid companies in the manufacturing industry. If businesses follow these principles in a professional and complete manner this Industry 4.0 model will improve the scaling and visibility, security, customer relationships, the ability to tailor and the innovation capabilities of manufacturing firms across the globe. The advantages of the model are as follows:

#1. Scalability

The principle of automation in Industry 4.0 could help to increase the scalability of manufacturers. Automation will allow manufacturers to have the ability to shift staff across departments, and away from physical dangers of the production. Automation will also enable more efficient production. This will allow companies to compete in the global arena.

Automation can help manufacturers to concentrate on their strengths, and then hand the rest of their tasks for artificial intelligence. Cloud technology is at the core of these advancements because it allows firms to simplify their IT-related operations. This will be particularly beneficial for smaller businesses with small IT resources. Instead of having hardware and software networks monitored and maintained by personnel on-site, networks will be managed remotely through cloud servers hosted by third party.

#2. Security

One of the main worries about Industry 4.0 among manufacturers is the risk of accidents because of problems with cognitive computing. In this regard there are companies who are worried that cyber-physical systems within an industrial environment could undermine the security of production processes. There are elements of risk management in the implementation for industries 4.0 to take into consideration.

Cloud computing can play an important part in reducing these concerns by maximising the security capabilities that are inherent to Industry 4.0. As the capabilities of the cyber-physical and cognitive aspects of IoT advance, managing these networks will take place through cloud computing. When this all goes into effect, businesses won’t be required to put their internal resources on maintenance of the database software or the backup of system files because the fulfillment of such tasks will be done at the server’s at the end of the day.

#3. Control and Control and

With the globalization of manufacturing in the coming years, it is vital to expose digital processes to every aspect of a system. Once fully implemented Industry 4.0’s principles Industry 4.0 support responsiveness by making information accessible worldwide in less than a second. They also improve collaboration by linking workers and factories across various regions using cloud servers.

The greatly enhanced communication capabilities of Industry 4.0’s vastly improved communication capabilities Industry 4.0 framework will also allow for a much simpler process to reduce compliance requirements. In essence the framework of Industry 4.0 provides greater visibility of all the links within manufacturing.

#4. Satisfaction of the Customer

When fully utilized and fully utilized, when fully implemented, Industry 4.0 can be a boon for customer relations between companies that operate in the manufacturing industry. The capabilities to communicate across channels of IoT cyber-based systems will enable companies to connect with their customers throughout the way, from processing of orders through to the delivery of final products.

In the same way, Industry 4.0 will enhance manufacturing companies’ ability to work with both customers and suppliers. This process is completely transparent throughout all stages of the production chain, starting beginning from the time someone puts an order in or submits designs until when the goods arrive. Industry 4.0 can facilitate collaboration capabilities for manufacturers and other organizations on a global level.

#5. Customization

Industry 4.0 can take customization to new heights through printing with commercial printers with more than 23,000 employed across the globe. This technology can speed up the production of new designs and lets you create items in a short time on a lower scale, which increases flexibility for customization. If you are in need of a new component to replace an existing product, it is possible to input your designs into the system which will create the component in a timely manner. The process will take only one-third of the time it takes to make the item by hand.

In the case of fixing and repair of defective design, the cognitive computer can manage the necessary changes while reducing downtime for machines. It is able to quickly manufacture better products and parts without the manual work required in previous manufacturing processes. Furthermore, these products may prove to be more durable as well, and they last for longer. This can eventually lead to higher profits.

How to Prepare and Other Things to Consider

For companies in the manufacturing sector, the biggest obstacle to Implementing industry 4.0 faster than later lies in the shifting of their internal resource towards IT and towards the implementation of cutting-edge cyber-based systems.

Although, the deployment of an IoT framework in any industrial context would require advanced capabilities, like those of which are scarce in the field. A few manufacturing companies have satisfied with the current tools and the new technologies which have been slowly gaining momentum over time. The abrupt shift from a human-powered system to an overwhelmingly computer-driven infrastructure is a huge challenge for the average manufacturer.

The most critical step to Implementing Industry 4.0 involves the integration of business systems that are already in place, like:

Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

The ideal scenario is that the companies who are looking to transition to the new system within the next few years should concentrate their internal resources on the necessary innovations to facilitate the change. However, companies that are currently burdened by a series of IT cycles could delay the transition since the majority of funds are used for in maintaining existing systems. Although this may seem important, forecasters warn that it could put the companies who adopt the technology slowly in the long term.

Manufacturing companies of every size and ages can profit from the adoption in Industry 4.0, which could eventually prove to be an important game changer as the underdogs embrace and rise to the top of the pack, while established businesses are struggling to stay current. In the coming years, Industry 4.0 might turn small-known businesses into market leaders.

What is Industry 5.0?

A little less than a decade has been since the idea about Industry 4.0 first appeared within manufacturing circles, and people are already planning the next big change -called Industry 5.0. If the current revolution focuses on manufacturing factories becoming IoT-enabled intelligent manufacturing facilities that make use of cognitive computing, and connect using cloud servers, then Industry 5.0 will focus upon the integration of humans’ hands and minds to the industrial structure.

The concept of Industry 5.0 is the revolutionary process that sees machine and man come together and discover ways to collaborate to improve the tools and effectiveness of production. Incredibly, the fifth revolution may be already underway in companies just taking on the fundamentals in Industry 4.0. Although manufacturers are beginning to use advanced technology, they’re not immediately firing large portions of their workforce and becoming fully computerized.

In a way the concept that Industry 5.0 could ease some of the fears that some manufacturers have expressed about the current technological advancement. For instance, computer-controlled technology and cyber-machineries will remove the requirement for human hands and take many millions out of jobs. In contrast Industrial 4.0 could result in reorganizing human activities in the field of manufacturing to will benefit employees. Humans may be more able to be able to do the work that is less strenuous while machines handle the more strenuous tasks.

The most significant advances anticipated for Industry 5.0 are the result of the interplay between the human brain and cognitive computing. Humans and computerized machines are predicted to bring production to new heights of efficiency and speed. The fifth revolution might be beneficial to the environment, as businesses are developing systems that run using renewable energy and reduce the waste.

In the end, the advancements in Industry 5.0 could prove to be the realization of what the creators of Industry 4.0 had only dreamt of in the decade. As artificial intelligence gets better and factory robots acquire more human-like characteristics interactions between robots, computers and human employees will be more productive and stimulating. What could be more beneficial for industrial environments than working in a positive way?

Industry 4.0 Today, Industry 5.0 Tomorrow

As technological advancements become faster, revolutions will eventually follow each other rapidly in the next decade and beyond. The first three industrial revolutions took years to unfold, today’s revolutions are only in the time required for the entire industry to implement itself. With the speed at which these changes are taking place it’s normal that the talk regarding a new revolution will swiftly come after the fourth.

However fast or slow some companies adopt their industry 4.0 approach, its concepts will surely determine the way that manufacturing will operate in the future. As more companies join to the fold and adopt the model, some will experience an exponential increase in production due to the capabilities of IoT devices such as cyber systems, cyber systems, and the cognitive computer. In just a few years humans and factory robots may be collaborating on design and sharing tasks in a range of manufacturing processes.


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