Web Application Architecture

What are the Web Application Architecture types in 2023?

In the past three decades of its presence in the IT market, Brisk Logic has witnessed a gradual but steady transition from on-premises software to web-based software.


While I have a lot of respect and love for the on-premises software but we cannot deny the fact that today, web applications are the best method to ensure that your software idea is viewed by an extensive audience and gets the value it deserves.


The article I am writing will break down the essential web development terms, inform you about the various types of web app architecture, and help you select the most suitable one.

Web Application Architecture

A Web Application Architecture defines a structure of interaction between components of the web application. How the interaction is designed will determine the durability, performance, and security of a new web-based application.


But, there are two distinct ways in which web app components communicate with one another as well as the term “architecture is a bit confusing.


In this post, I’ll use the term ‘web application components model’ in order to allow you to identify the different architectures that are focused on the number of databases/web servers and the one that addresses the distribution of logic for the app.

The types of Web Application Architecture

To let you know whether the recommended approach to your product is in line with the needs of your business.


We’ll examine modern Web Application Architecture in accordance with the factors we believe are the most important for companies, i.e. speed, performance, SEO, UI as well as the speed of implementation on the part of the development.



When we talk about the most basic web concepts, we typically refer to the client-server model. Clients request content from a server which is where the business logic as well as databases are stored.


Utilizing a simple JavaScript and the static web page transmits the request to an API (possibly using an API). The service retrieves the data and shows the HTML webpage to the user.


If your application runs on server-side rendering the content is downloaded from the server and then passed to the browser, where it is shown to the end user.


When you are using HTML pages rendered by the server the user must go to the page prior to the browser downloading the web page of the server.


This means that more time will be required to display the content for the user. To store the content of the page This method is typically implemented using Nginx which is a web server that is also utilized as a mail server as well as a load balancer.

Pros & cons:

The fact that HTML renders by the server has many advantages like SEO linking, speed, and speed of initial page load. It is because Server Side Rendering is working while JS is turned off on the web browser.


When the code is being executed on the server, no particular requirements for the browser are enforced making it possible to detect errors instantly.


But, SSR cannot handle large server calls (repeated HTML or CSS) and causes slow rendering whenever the server is loading or a page is restarted.


The problem with this simple web app is the poor interaction with the end-user, and the inability to build a full-featured user interface.


This means that SSR is an easy and cost-effective option for those who want to build an easy-to-use website. The implementation of this type of architecture is achievable with every programming language, as well as the backend.

2. STATIC SITE Generation (SSG)

The procedure for Static Site Generation involves a generator that can automate the creation to create each of the HTML pages, generating pages from templates.


By selecting Static Site Generation, you will receive a static site hosted on the CDN or any other server which holds an already created HTML page, which is available to visitors upon request.


This means that you don’t have to create it every time you visit your site – the server simply sends the existing data via an API.

Pros & cons:

In the first place, this method is appropriate solely for web pages. Additionally, the content on the created website pages will not change unless you insert additional data or components.


This means you’ll need to completely rebuild your website if you want to add information. This is among the biggest drawbacks of the system that restricts the business situations that it can be applied.


One of the benefits, however, is the speed of static content delivered by CDN. CDN. In addition, it is the case that in SSG every server operation as well as the work with databases is performed via an API that is distinct from the website.


This is a simple process and is therefore cost-effective to implement.


Simple static-site generators including Jekyll and Hugo and Gatsby and VuePress can be used to help you create more complicated solutions.

3. SINGLE PAGE Application (SPA)

SPA is a kind of application on the web that runs within the browser. It doesn’t need to reload the page whenever new data is required to appear.


This type of Web Application Architecture is widely utilized in everyday life: Facebook, Gmail, Google Maps, GitHub, and Twitter Each of them are one-page app.

Pros & cons:

Contrary to SSR and SSG, SPA has a number of advantages. SSR as well as SSG, SPA allows you to create an interactive web application. It utilizes an API to connect to the server.


This design is ideal for quickly scaling your product. Additionally, if a mobile-friendly app is required there is no extra effort needed for API development The mobile application could make use of the same API as the Web Application Architecture.


SPA provides fast rendering once the application is downloaded in the internet browser. It provides highly responsive software to users.


In the same way the SPA “kills” your SEO and reduces linkability, since the actualization of this functionality will require additional effort.


Other disadvantages include the time it takes to complete the initial load, ineffective routing, and limited support for older browsers. As a very expensive web architecture, SPA is a fit for creating a responsive UI that is suitable for B2C users.

4. PROGRESSIVE WEB Application (PWA)

It’s like in the last couple of years, everyone has been discussing PWAs. What’s special about them? Can they actually solve all the problems of web application development?


Progressive Web Application Architecture utilizes the principles of a single-page web application with a set of services that are running in the browser.


This means that the most important aspect to consider is the fact that both browser and OS must comply with this set of standards.


For the end-user, an app that is progressive physically means a pop-up offer to include the app on the screen that launches it (not an actual browser, but rather your Operating System’s screen) upon visiting an online site.


If the user agrees to the application, it is installed on the device.


Implementing PWA lets your web application provide offline experiences such as background synchronization, background synchronization, as well as push notifications.


This gives you access to features that used to require the use of a native app. In addition, when choosing the PWA structure for your application it is important to keep your eyes on the fact that the vast majority of functions aren’t accessible on iOS.


It is important to look at each individual business scenario.

Pros & cons:

The progressive web app technology is available on Windows, Android, and iOS (for iOS, offline mode is not enabled, however).


Developers can update an app on the web from a remote location. PWAs are secure because they’re using HTTPS. PWA is secure because it is using HTTPS.


In addition, users are able to install the PWA without visiting an app store like Play Market or App Store. One of the disadvantages of this type of architecture is the requirement to choose a browser and operating system that allow it.


If you are deciding on the best Web Application Architecture ensure that you consider your company’s needs and weigh the various options.


If you’re still in the decision-making process and would like more information to make the best decision do not be reluctant to reach out to Brisk Logic and request our web development team’s advice.


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