WordPress vs. Webflow

WordPress vs. Webflow: Which Should You Choose in 2022?

In this thorough review, we’ll look at these two solutions to ensure you can determine the one that is most suitable for your needs. Everybody has known about WordPress and my mom has heard of it too. Take a look at how many people search about it on Google each month. To put it in perspective, here are the identical statistics for Webflow: Google searches are about 5 per cent of WordPress’s 298,000. WordPress powers 41 per cent of the world’s websites which is more than three-quarters!

Webflow against WordPress isn’t an especially fair battle I’ve heard you say. Then again, doesn’t everyone love an underdog?

What exactly is Webflow and why is it a perfect match with WordPress.org?

In 2013, the company was founded and located in San Francisco, Webflow claims to have numerous advantages over WordPress such as greater creativity, greater security of the site and ease of use. It’s important to note it’s true that Webflow boasts a significant amount of money in its back and an estimated value of 2.1b!  which means that this site builder is a business.

Let’s dive in to find out the components each tool is made from and which is the most appropriate for your particular project.

This article is focused on the open-source version of WordPress.org.

WordPress vs. Webflow Which is better?

WordPress and Webflow aren’t the easiest tools to work around, and both require some knowledge of technology. But, the options for customization provided by both let you develop bigger web pages that are more dynamic and dynamic.

The major distinction that separates Webflow as well as WordPress is the way they approach technology The main difference between the two is that while all Webflow plans provide hosting services, WordPress has an open-source framework that requires you to handle the hosting yourself. It is also necessary to handle all technical problems that come up.

Ease of Use: How Complicated Are These Tools?

If you’re searching for a straightforward WordPress alternative Webflow may not be the ideal option for you.

Although it’s certainly simpler than WordPress in that you’re able to see the modifications you make in real-time, However, the sheer amount of customization options makes it somewhat difficult to navigate.

I’d say that this is a tool for those with advanced abilities and designers or who love to get their hands dirty and master the latest tools. If you want to be successful, you must be familiar with CSS and HTML skills, since you’ll use the two to create your site.

The site offers numerous tutorials that are helpful as well as articles, and even a community forum. One of the things that’s helpful is the tutorial you’re given after signing up. It guides you through the process of using the editor and teaches you how to add elements and then style the elements.

WordPress is complex from the beginning because you need to choose a hosting service and then install it yourself. It’s a fact that WordPress is also renowned for its plugins and extensions however, they’re not always simple to manage and maintain, so you should be mindful of it. “Set to forget’ is not the mindset you want to be using when running your WordPress website.

You’ll need to monitor the plugin’s updates you need to make as well as those made from WordPress itself. Sometimes, a minor update can dramatically alter the appearance of your website and you’ll have to take action quickly to correct it or have a professional in your corner.

Based on my personal experiences, I can assure you that sometimes things get out of hand and figuring out the root of the problem and the remedy can be difficult. WordPress is working hard to go into an easier user-friendly mode by introducing the Gutenberg update, which added an editor for building blocks however it’s far from being as user-friendly as other web builders such as Wix.

Although Webflow isn’t the most user-friendly tool, it’s slightly more user-friendly than WordPress and takes significantly less time to start.

WordPress vs. Webflow: Designs & Flexibility

WordPress vs. Webflow

The three options to build web flow-based websites beginning from scratch, using some of their templates or using a pre-set (Portfolio Starter Business Starter, Portfolio Starter and Store Starter). This creates a “skeleton” layout which you can later modify to suit your preferences.

Webflow offers approximately 500 beautiful, code-free templates. There are plenty of free templates to pick from and premium themes cost between $19 to $149. You can sort them according to categories such as style, design, features, or type (basic CMS, basic, or eCommerce).

Making sure that your site is mobile-friendly is simple because the editor allows users to see and make adjustments to both the tablet and mobile versions. Anyone familiar with CMS, as well as HTML, will realize that they have plenty of freedom when it comes to creating their website.

It is important to remember that your existing code isn’t able to be transferred to Webflow however, you can import your current WordPress website (more on that later).

With WordPress it is possible to learn CSS and HTML or are willing to spend an hour or two figuring out the best way to alter the template’s code, you can create exactly the site you’re looking for. There are a lot of responsive WordPress themes on the market, which generally cost between $30 and $60 (I’d suggest looking at Elegant Themes or Theme forest).

When you install a theme on WordPress is common practice to generate bloated software on the backend, which can cause your website to run slow, produce errors or completely crash, which is yet another reason to keep an experienced developer available.

The winner: This is a tough choice… In general, the people who select Webflow or WordPress will possess some CSS and HTML experience and will be able to modify your website to suit your desires. I’m going to declare this one a draw. 2-1 to Webflow.

Ecommerce Add an online store

WordPress vs. Webflow

With Webflow, you’ll have to buy the eCommerce service that starts at the price of $29 for a month (includes 500 products). Since prices are based on the number of items that you can offer, larger businesses should be prepared to spend a significant amount.

There’s an online store option directly built into the editor making the process of creating one simple In fact, it provides a step-by-step guide to follow. The tax can be automatically calculated and you can accept payment options using PayPal and Stripe.

If you have the use of a WordPress site, you’ll likely have to install a third-party plugin. I am a huge fan of Woo Commerce because it offers plenty of freedom. It’s also completely free, although you’ll have to pay for additional features, such as Authorize.net and CC payment gateways.

Winner: If you have a modest shop, you’ll be fine with Webflow, but once it grows it becomes not as attractive. If you’re looking to grow your online business and want an entire solution that is fully featured, WordPress + Woo Commerce is difficult to beat. Score: 2-2.

SEO Webflow: Is Webflow superior to WordPress in SEO?

It is crucial to ensure that you ensure that the CMS or web builder you choose to use is optimized for SEO. Because of its flexibility, Webflow is very SEO-friendly. It allows you to edit the page’s title, URL, and description. It also lets you set up redirects for 301s however, you’ll need the help of a paid subscription.

WordPress has a variety of choices, however, I strongly suggest adding a plugin for complete SEO capabilities. Yoast SEO for instance is an efficient and free tool.

Take a look at the following table to find out the way Webflow and WordPress stand up.

WordPress vs. Webflow SEO capabilities

It’s possible to establish an online blog using Webflow, however, since you’ll need to incorporate all features you’d like manually it’s not an easy procedure, and it will take some time. It is also a good idea to avoid it if you’re not an experienced designer knowledge, then you’ll be able to be faced with a difficult task. But, creative content creators will discover that Webflow provides them with a huge degree of creativity. WordPress was initially designed to be a blog, so it has all the tools you’ll need right from the beginning. There’s no need to configure the backend in the same way as you would with Webflow. You’ll be presented with an editor that allows you to edit either in a visual and HTML mode. Since the appearance of your blog is influenced by the theme that you’re using, it’s important to ensure that it is in line with the design and functionality that you’re after. Sometimes, you’ll need to alter things by hand.

Moving to WordPress switching to Webflow and the reverse

The transition from an existing WordPress website to Webflow is a breeze. Webflow makes this process easier by permitting users to upload the CSV file that contains the content of their website. By using this method you can upload hundreds of blog posts to Webflow in just a few minutes. For WordPress, there’s a wide selection of plugins which export to CSV. It is possible to test the process of import free of charge with CSVs that contain 50 or fewer items. Learn more about it here.

It’s also possible to transfer from Webflow to WordPress but there are some limitations. If you’re on a Workspace plan it will be possible to export HTML, CSS, assets as well as Javascript from all of your Webflow sites. Then, you can host it through WordPress or an alternative CMS.

However, you won’t capable of exporting the following items promptly:

WordPress vs. Webflow

  • CMS Content (such as event page)
  • Content from e-commerce (such as product pages)
  • Search for sites
  • Forms
  • Password Security

The WordPress plugins offer a variety of ways to export your content which makes the process of exporting simpler overall.

Apps and Plugins Help you improve your website’s capabilities

Webflow provides a variety of integrations including all kinds of CRM and marketing tools for email, you can also create your integration and then add the API for your website. It is interesting to note that Webflow provides an extension which allows you to create pages in Webflow and upload them to your WordPress website. This could be beneficial to those looking to use an alternate editor but would prefer to keep their site running on WordPress. WordPress is famous for its extensions (e.g. social media, contact form, SEO, etc.) You can find solutions for almost every aspect. For additional costs, you can find a lot of plugins for free, even though certain ones can be quite expensive. You may require a little know-how to update or install the plugins. For instance, WPML is our plugin that manages several languages. It’s extremely effective, however, this also means that it’s complex, and now and then, it has problems with plugins that I utilize. One of the advantages of the use of WordPress is that, if the plugin you require isn’t available yet it is possible to hire an expert to develop it since WordPress allows you accessibility to code. Awarded: WordPress takes this point because of its wide range of plugins. It is always possible to come up with a solution! 4-6 to WordPress.

Backup and Restore How do I make it simpler for me?

WordPress offers many options to backup your site and restore it to earlier versions. Indeed, many WordPress hosting companies offer this option as part of their plans which is why backups are usually created daily. If not, you’ll have to install an additional plugin (e.g. Jetpack or UpdraftPlus, etc.) to set up regular backups automatically of your site. This is usually with an additional charge. In this way, Webflow makes the process simpler. Its backup feature is built-in to the tool and does not require you to install additional plugins. Additionally, if you sign up for a paid subscription you will get unlimited backups, all at no cost.

Backups are automatically created in the tenth autosave. However, you may also choose to manually create backups using the keyboard shortcut. Automatic backups are also created after you back up to a previous version (if you want to make a change).We love, however, the option of previewing each backup, so you’ll know which version of the website you’ll be returning to. Find out more about backups on Webflow here.

Teams Management: What do manage the permissions of users and users?

If you’re looking at one of the two options, Webflow or WordPress you’ll likely need to build several websites, whether it’s for your clients or your projects. In this instance, it’s crucial to comprehend the features of team management that each provides. You shouldn’t give permissions that aren’t needed to the right individuals! This is one of the scenarios that Webflow has dealt with. If you select any of the Workspace plans it is not just that you can create multiple websites, you are also able to add additional collaborators. Permissions can be set on the Workspace level (you might think of this as a “folder” that can include multiple projects/sites) and also per site. Although you aren’t able to set site-wide permissions on a fine-grained level (something which competitors like Wix excel at) it is possible to assign collaborators any of the following duties:

  • Site Administrator.
  • Can you design and then publish it?
  • Can create but not make changes to the site?
  • Guest editors can be included, and have access to CMS material 

At a Workspace level, users can have account-related rights assigned to them. For example, you could limit billing privileges (such as the capability to modify the invoice settings) by selecting the appropriate job. WordPress can also assign roles to various users, however, its approach to managing teams is more flexible. It provides six different roles, which range between Super Admin and Subscriber. Each is pre-defined with rights (or capabilities or capabilities, as WordPress refers to them) however, they can be changed when needed. There are plugins that you can install to modify permissions even more – for instance, individuals. Although Webflow team management tools are likely to be adequate for the majority of projects, WordPress’s extensive customization features give it the edge.

Prices: Which is more affordable? 

Webflow as opposed to WordPress?

Webflow provides a variety of plans, including Site plans and Account plans.

Site plans are ideal for those who want to build single websites, such as portfolios, blogs or business websites. and Workspace plans let you make several projects (a website designer or an agency might choose this plan for instance).

In this framework, it is possible to create an ordinary website(s) or an eCommerce site(s). Of course, based upon the functions you need the prices will vary considerably.

In truth, Webflow’s pricing structure can be complex due to the large variety of plans offered. For a rough example, the Basic Site plan will cost you just $12 a month, and if you wish to set up a fully functional blog that’s spending $16.

If you’re looking to create an online store and charge a fee of $30 for up to 500 items or $74 to build more than 1000 products with 10 staff accounts, there are no transaction costs. Of course, there are many more options available, and you can find the options on the pricing page of Webflow.

A WordPress website can be technically completely free. However, you have to be able to pay for hosting. If you’ve got a small website, this could cost as little as $4/month with Dream host. But larger websites that require high uptime and speed are essential you should anticipate paying about $29 per month for a managed WordPress high-quality hosting service that handles changes. 

WordPress vs. Webflow: Our Final Thoughts

There you go the Webflow against WordPress comparison. It was difficult to comprehend let me summarize.

User-friendliness A mix of an old-fashioned website builder and CMS, Webflow offers a more user-friendly option for those who are struggling to work with WordPress.

There are no design code options available. The designers will be pleased with the visually-friendly editor and the many customization options. With 500 templates that are code-free for many different business models, there are lots of options.

SEO Marketers will be delighted with SEO’s capabilities. SEO capabilities. Extra charges for eCommerce If you’re looking to cut costs to a minimum, then you’ll do better with WordPress.


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