SEO for Fintech

8 Tips For SEO for Fintech Business

Although SEO  is a constantly evolving complicated subject, it’s a crucial component of SEO for fintech-focused marketing strategies. To aid your brand in increasing its organic reach long-term, attention should be given to enhancing your website’s structure, content, and other elements on the page such as metatags, titles, and anchor text, and also making use of off-page SEO techniques such as linking as well as social media interaction.


How can SEO  for Fintech strategies firms differ from strategies for other companies?

SEO can help fintech companies achieve the following KPIs:


  1. Get more traffic to your website.
  2. Help you rank higher in results from search engines
  3. Enhance the exposure of the brand
  4. Aid in generating leads and sales


The majority of SEO for Fintech overlaps with ordinary SEO strategies, however, it is not uncommon to see significant investments in strategies to improve the content and address the issues of businesses’ customers.


It’s not about reinventing an old wheel. But as with every other industry, we must employ the strategies and methods that will help us meet the requirements for KPIs.


It is worth noting that fintech websites are subject to the highest quality standards because it is a YMYL-related industry.


What is the meaning of YMYL?

YMYL is an abbreviation that means “Your Money or Your Life.” It’s an indication of the kind of content that affects the decision of someone’s finances or their lives. Google is a top search engine with extremely high Page Quality rating standards for businesses that operate in the YMYL sector due to the possible negative consequences of poor quality or false content.


Companies operating in insurance, health as well as general finance must adhere to YMYL quality ratings which is why it’s an important consideration for fintech firms.




1. Search for your keywords

Before you can optimize your website to be optimized for specific keywords, you have to determine which keywords are relevant to your company. This can be done by keyword research, which includes making use of tools like Google’s Ad Keyword Planner and Google Trends to identify popular keywords that can be pertinent to your business.


This is an integral component of every fintech SEO strategy since it determines what direction the strategies will take as well as their success. For more details on keywords, my friend Jonathan has written a comprehensive tutorial on keyword research for SEO.


2. Create a keyword-targeted map

The next step involves creating an effective keyword map that is shared among key stakeholders to ensure everyone is aware of what keywords will be used to target the funnel of conversion. Sort the keywords you have into groups with each category including a landing page linked to it.

3. Create a content plan that addresses problems with users

Fintech SEO strategies should incorporate the use of top-of-the-funnel content strategies to address the pain points of your customers. The purpose of the content is to generate traffic, but most importantly you must build confidence. The aim shouldn’t be to generate low-intent traffic simple questions such as “what are prepaid debit cards or ‘what are prepaid debit cards’, but rather to offer solutions for their problems that are complex and encourage them to inquire about your products and services.


Conduct customer research through direct communication with them or talking to other customer-facing employees of the team. Learn about your customer’s needs who they are, and their issues as well as the many ways your service or product could aid them, and what makes it different from competitors.


Utilize this information to figure out what questions your customers will use to find solutions to their issues, as well as conduct studies on competitors to determine what you can do to provide the best solution to attract the customers you want to become.


4. Optimize your content

Once you’ve laid the foundations to ensure SEO achievement, it’s time to improve the quality of your website. Make well-studied and well-structured landing pages that fulfill the needs of users while also advertising your USPs. Optimize your metadata to improve your image, invest in SEO, and create top-of-the-line content that boosts brand recognition and converts visitors into buyers.


For more details about SEO optimization, my friend Ben has put together a fantastic introduction to SEO.


5. Implement schema markup

Schema markup can be described as a form of structured data that is written in a certain format. Schema markup is used in search engine results to get more understanding of the information provided on web pages. This can improve their comprehension of the website in general, and even allow it to show “rich” listings, like review star ratings or FAQs.


The most commonly used schema markups comprise FAQ reviews, Organisations, and FAQs. There are also specific markups that finance companies need to know about such as:



It’s important to also mark any authors in your article with the same schema, particularly when they are famous figures who are not listed elsewhere. This could help your website meet the quality standards of YMYL websites.


6. Make sure you promote your content

A good piece of content is likely to get noticed and result in visitors and converts on its own. But, it’s recommended to advertise your content to maximize its impact. In conjunction with your internal team develop the distribution plan that may comprise social media posts as well as email marketing and PR campaigns. Make a plan for each quarter that is aligned with the timeframes for the production of your content, so that you can have a consistent flow of guides and articles to advertise to your expanding public.


The need to build backlinks is as crucial as ever. Although the performance of your fintech company is not dependent on the number of links a well-planned strategy for acquiring links will certainly help speed up development. Make sure to establish contacts with journalists, and reach out to them to determine whether they’re interested in promoting your company or creating a piece of content you’ve written recently.


8. Check your content

In the end, it’s crucial to evaluate the results of your off-site as well as on-site work to determine what is effective and what does not. Try different strategies and frequently communicate with key stakeholders about your results. Do not be afraid to change the structure of your website or revise the layout of pages that aren’t growing in popularity after a few months. The most important factor is always in the process of learning and applying your knowledge to other areas of your website to see rapid growth.


Want to stay up-to-date with the world of SEO for fintech? Head over to our blog where we regularly publish updates on announcements, news, and strategies that are shaking up the industry.


If you have additional concerns regarding  SEO for fintech, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!



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