Why is Automation of Business Process Necessary in 2022?

In today’s digital era, technology plays a vital role in getting things done. Earlier only the big brands or industries were able to automate their business, but not the trend has been changed. Now, small businesses are also automating their business and bringing their business at its peak. But have you ever thought why business process automation is necessary for 2022?

Business Process Automation  quickly turning into an exceptionally vital empowering agent of business control and a significant device. Organizations are moving towards utilizing trend-setting innovations and this can be upheld via automation. With the introduction of business automation workflow in firms, they will have the option to dispose of errors and complete their standard assignments rapidly. By applying business automation, organizations can expel the burden from workers and make them ready to concentrate on other significant tasks that are increasingly important to the organization.

In this digital era, businesses need to deliver the work just in time. Businesses need to decrease the manual work so that they are able to meet the organizational objectives. This can be done through automation processes for effective and efficient business processes to delight customers.

Business Process Analysis

Business Process Analysis will collect the data and will provide you recommendations on the basis of core processes of your organization. It helps to identify a problem in an organization and will tell you about the need in your organization. To identify a problem or a need in an organization may involve decrease in cost, hiring employees, market research and financial controls.

Benefits of Business Process Analysis

Business Process Analysis allows organizations to identify their business workflow, they get to know how their processes are working and what all processes require improvements.  Here are some of the benefits of business process analysis.

  • Business Process Analysis will provide you with better understanding of the process and will provide you with clear documentation.
  • Business Process Analysis allows you to know more about your processes, how they are performing, and how you can improve them.
  • It will help to identify the challenges and obstacles  which causes delay in the processes.
  • Business Process Analysis will help to identify which user actions are affecting your business workflow and where are the improvements required.
  • Business Process Analysis will help you in training the employees who are involved in the processes.

Stages of Business Process Analysis

There are certain stages involved in business process analysis to analyze your processes accurately. These are as follows:

1.  Identification of the Process

The initial step is to pick the ‘as-is’ procedure to be analyzed and recognize the partners who handle it. Make certain to have an unmistakable beginning and stopping point for the procedure.

2.  Collecting Process Information

Next step in the business process analysis is to accumulate the data about the processes as could reasonably be expected to understand the issues it faces, the objectives, the extent of progress, and different objectives of the analysis.

3.  Analyzing the Process

The next step in the business process analysis is to analyze the processes. Get to the base of the distinguished processes, characterize the processes in flowcharts and different charts, and measure its viability.

4.  Developing the Plan

The final step in business process analysis is to utilize the analysis to make suggestions how a ‘to-be’ procedure should look. Point out the prerequisites, recommend resources and changes, characterize a timeline, and so on.

Business Impact Assessment

business automation

Business Process Assessment is a method to foresee the outcomes of interruptions to a business and its procedures and frameworks by gathering relevant information, which can be utilized to create strategies for the business to recover on account of crisis.

Situations that might make misfortunes the business are distinguished. These can incorporate providers not delivering, delays in services, and so on. The rundown of conceivable outcomes is long, yet it’s critical to investigate them altogether so as to best evaluate risk. Business Impact Assessment helps in  distinguishing and assessing these potential risky situations that a business can think of a plan of investment for recovery and alleviation strategies, alongside by and large anticipation.

Why should you Use Business Process Assessment?

There are certain benefits of business process assessment that will tell you why you should utilise business process assessment. These are as follows:

1.  Recovery Processes

The Business Continuity Plan ought to incorporate recovery methods for all the frameworks recorded (or if nothing else your most elevated effect things) in your Business Impact Assessment. If  this isn’t the situation, start with your most noteworthy impact-full resources and work your way down. Utilize the prioritization of the Business Impact Assessment to give clarity on where you can improve the Business Continuity Plan.

2.  Order of Recovery

The most noticeably terrible situation in a debacle is the place everybody taking a shot at their own thing with no genuine course, specifically IT staff. In a genuine recovery circumstance, you need a predefined list of what is generally significant, so everybody is on the same wavelength.

The Business Impact Assessment achieves that for you. Since the Business Impact Assessment is set by the management you can utilize the organized Overall Impact positioning to report a “Request for Recovery” list in your Business Continuity Plan. Convey this list to IT staff and contractual workers to be sure about how significant this list is. Ensure they understand that they shouldn’t be chipping away at #17 until 1-16 are finished (or close).

3.  Business Continuity Plan Testing

The Business Impact Assessment ought to be the beginning stage for what territories you’ll be testing in your Business Continuity Plan. One thought may be to test basic resources yearly, and high resources at regular intervals.

4.  Effectiveness of Business Continuity Plan Testing

The Business Impact Assessment likewise gives the measuring stick to analyze the Business Continuity Plan testing effectiveness. You can do this by contrasting test recovery times with the most extreme downtime built up in the Business Impact Assessment.

How to Use Business Impact Assessment?

There are certain steps involved in Business Impact Assessment that will tell you about how you can conduct a Business Impact Assessment. These are as follows:

1.  Getting the Approval

The initial step is to start the procedure by getting approval from senior management for the project. To start, characterize the goals, objectives and extent of the business impact assessment. It ought to be clear about what the business is looking to accomplish.

At that point it’s imperative to frame a task group to execute the business impact assessment. This can be existing staff, as long as they probably am aware how to direct a business impact assessment. In any case, this group can be redistributed to a group that is talented in this procedure if the business doesn’t have individuals for this task.

2.  Collecting the Information

The next step in business impact assessment is getting the data gathered that you have to analyze. This information can be accumulated in various manners, from meetings to a business impact assessment questionnaire, which is the most well-known tool.

The questionnaire is a detailed review that has been created by the business impact assessment group and has focused on questions that have been intended to find solutions that will evaluate the potential impact of an interruption to the business.

Individuals that ought to be met or given the questionnaire incorporate directors, colleagues, chiefs and others educated about the procedures of the business. It can likewise incorporate colleagues and those working outside the association yet are sufficiently close to have possible understanding. At the end of the day, consider who your partners are.

3.  Reviewing the Information

This gathered information must be reported and explored. At that point comes the examination of the data. This can be automated by PC or done manually, contingent upon which is simpler for the business and progressively dependable and functional regarding defining an end.

This review will achieve different goals: it will make an organized list of business capacities or procedures; it will distinguish the human and technology resources expected to keep up an ideal degree of activities; it will set up a recovery time period in which to recover the procedure or capacity and return it to ordinary.

4.  Creating the Report

The final step in the business impact assessment is creating the report of business impact assessment. This report will be introduced to the management. The choice on the best way to continue is in the hands of senior management, so they’re the ones who will get the report. Note that the business impact assessment isn’t unchangeable. Technology and procedures change, and the business impact assessment must develop with them.

Business Process Automation Tools

Business Process Automation is changing the manner in which brands work, permitting them to accomplish more with less and scale in manners at no other time possible. This implies business size doesn’t make a difference so much and automation can really give the preferred position to smaller brands that are frequently ready to respond to new patterns quicker than their bigger competitors.

A research conducted by marketsandmarkets, “ The artificial intelligence is expected to be worth $16.06 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 62.9% from 2016 to 2022.”

Here are some of the tools that will help you to adopt business process automation. These are as follows:

1.  Zapier

brisklogic Zapier business automation

Zapier is a basic business process automation tool that each business can use to set aside time and cash while boosting efficiency. This is about as direct as automation comes, permitting you to make automated activities between basic applications utilized by organizations in each industry.

With the help of Zapier you can reduce your repetitive task, resulting in you to focus on your core task.

2.  ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is considerably more than a marketing automation tool, joining advanced email marketing features and an undertaking standard CRM into a genuine bit of business programming. ActiveCampaign isn’t the main foundation of its sort yet it’s the just a single we are aware of that is advanced similarly well for organizations all things considered.

3.  Leadformly

Leadformly is a business process automation tool. It is intended to expand your form conversion rates yet it also encourages you to fragment your leads, legitimately on your website pages. It does this utilizing conditional logic to ask clients inquiries dependent on the information they type in and afterward sends this information to ActiveCampaign.

Presently, you have website pages that produce a higher volume of leads and you automate your reactions utilizing ActiveCampaigns portioned email records and automation features. This removes most of the early deals procedure and you can concentrate on managing drives that are near making the last buy.

4.  HootSuite

Hootsuite is a business process automation tool. Social Media is a business fundamental however it’s a significant agony to run and manage campaigns over various stages. Fortunately, stages like Hootsuite and Buffer make it simple to automate as a lot of your web-based social media marketing efforts as you have to.

5.  Xero

Xero is another business process automation tool. The greater your business gets, the more accounting it requires and this is constantly a boundary when assets are tight. Xero limits the outstanding task at hand of accounting with features like automated invoices, planned installments and cash flow management.

How Can We Help You?

To survive in this competitive market, it is essential to utilize the available resources effectively and efficiently with accurate strategic decisions. For survival you need to reduce human intervention and reduce operational cost. For this business process automation will help you out.

Our team will help you to automate your business resulting in cost reduction and increased productivity. We have provided our custom solutions to our clients to automate their processes through data analytics, data visualization, Cloud Computing as well as IoT.

Our dedicated team will help you in streamlining your operations with the business process automation software. We will help you to take your business to cloud with a delightful automation experience.

Our Business automation solution will help you in everything from planning to executing the things. It will also help you to control your business workflow resulting in better quality of services, integration of tasks between different departments and many more activities to make your life easy.

Want to know more about us, how we can assist you in automating your processes, feel free to contact us at www.brisklogic.co.


Business process automation will help you in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness in the business workflow. With the help of business automation, the employees of the organization will be able to focus on core tasks as the repetitive tasks will be done by business automation software.

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