SaaS Digital Experience

Designing a SaaS Digital Experience

The Problem

Website is more than 4 years old. It does not reflect the company’s direction, and also does not contain sufficient information about the product.

They decided for “Designing a SaaS Digital Experience” in order to better align it with their vision for the future of the company.

The Research

Before we started any research or designing, we created a plan and schedule for the research and design process. This enabled stakeholders and other employees to understand the design process and the project’s length.

Competitive Analysis

We conducted an in-depth analysis of major industry players and competitors to gain a sense of the industry’s state and best practices.

This step gave enough information about the main players to help us implement or remove elements from our new design.

Findings + Insights

In research affinity mapping and persona creation is used.

Information-focused feedback.

  • More information about the product, pricing, and partners.
  • We must provide an option to sign up for a trial without the need for a demo
  • We need more social proof and testimonials
  • Site must be easily accessible and responsive

Design Process

These insights were the basis of my design process. I then moved into lo-fi wire-frames and then did a shareholder review. Then I moved onto hi-fi wire-frames, which could be sent to my team for copy ideation.

Hi-fi wire-frames were created to show how the user experience might look from both an informational and branding perspective.

These are the hi fi wire frames of the landing page design. We wanted to dig deep and examine every aspect of the team.

Final Designs

The design process should be collaborative, regardless of who the sole designer was. We reviewed each step and analyzed the designs in detail to identify areas for improvement. This led to the final screens.

The main goal was to make the experience simple but informative as we moved from wire-frame to iteration. It was crucial to eliminate all confusion about the product, partners, pricing, etc.


Designing a SaaS Digital Experience helps them to use the site for pitching.

The site was used as a marketing tool before launch. It is partly responsible for 3 additional full-service partners being added, raising the latest round of investment, and being featured by Fortune and other news outlets.


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