
Difference Between Automation and Hyper-Automation

Hyper automation was described as a topic by Brisk Logic when they released the Strategic Technology Trends for 2022 report. In the years since this phrase has gained lots of attention, and many companies are beginning to think about ways to implement hyper-automation to reap the advantages.

But the distinction between hyper automation and automated isn’t clear to many. 

Brisk Logic provides some insight into the two concepts in this blog article and contrasts them to provide you with a clear understanding of the differences.

Make sure that you download our Hyper automation Guide by bringing AI as well as Automation to one to gain more insight into the subject and discover how you can begin to implement hyper-automation rapidly and efficiently within your business.

What is Automation?

To define hyper-automation, and to explain what it is that makes it different from regular automation, it could be beneficial to define the term “automation” first.

When we speak of automation this way it refers to the process of automation in computers, not the kind of automation executed by robots in factories.

Computer-related automation can be further divided into two major groups: 

Test Automation and RPA:

Both types of automation serve distinct purposes however they have the same benefits in allowing processes to be executed quicker, more efficiently and with better precision. At a company level, automation contributes to increased productivity, reduced costs, and lower risk.

This is the reason the demand for automation has increased during the downturn that we are confronting.

How can you Define Hyper-Automation?

In the words, “hyper-automation deals with the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) that are used to automate tasks and improve the efficiency of humans. Hyper automation encompasses a wide range of tools that are automated, however, it also is a reference to the level of sophistication that the automated process (i.e. identify, analyze, design and automate, measure, analyze, monitor, and reassess. )”

Hyper automation, in other words, is an extension of automation. It is a new layer of technology to automation that allows you to increase the efficiency of technology.

Customers want personal service from businesses regardless of how large the company or sector in which it operates. To meet these demands companies are now focusing on making use of automation to improve enhanced user interactions (CX) and create more efficient and personalized interactions.

In addition, automation provides the brand’s many advantages, which include:

Greater customer satisfaction:

Apart from decreasing call wait durations, support staff members have more time to talk with customers because automated digital tools aid in removing cases that don’t require attention from live agents.

A higher level of satisfaction among team members. Frontline team members are able to be more engaged in meaningful interactions rather than completing routine, monotonous tasks.

In actual fact, there are two kinds of automation for customer service:

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Hyper-Automation. 

Understanding the distinctions between them and utilizing each to the fullest extent is crucial for companies to get the most value from their investment in this field of technology.

Although RPA has been in use for decades, hyper automation has become an emerging phenomenon acknowledged  as a crucial component in a CX strategy. While many companies are adept in identifying opportunities to use RPA but they are often unaware of ways to enhance the customer experience by implementing hyper-automation. They may not even know the ways RPA can assist in creating hyper-automated processes.

The Benefits of Hyper-Automation:

Hyper automation can bring numerous advantages to companies that want to improve their business. It simplifies processes for businesses in the process of eliminating tedious tasks as well as automating manual tasks. Hyper automation also allows organizations to accomplish tasks with accuracy, consistency and speed. It also helps reduce expenses.

Hyper automation is the key to accelerating digital transformation through improving internal business and technology processes. Hyper automation enhances customer experience by delivering faster responses and more precise results, quicker timelines to market as well as other positive outcomes that directly impact the experience of the user and the customer.

Explore more deeply into the advantages and challenges associated with hyper-automation.

Hyper Automation use case:

Any business can benefit from the use of hyper-automation and automation, but it is particularly beneficial for those affected by inconsistencies in product quality and inefficient processes, or that operates in a high market where gaining a competitive edge with better-quality products and important market interactions is a way of growing market share and increasing the revenue.

Manufacturing companies are an excellent illustration of the range and depth of enhancements that hyper-automation could bring to a company. Processes in the business like customer interactions, billing payroll and inventory can be made easier by hyper-automation in Business Process Automation (BPA) to simplify business operations in a wide-ranging manner.

Utilizing the process mining the company can see a more complete picture of its operations and determine the processes that would be benefited from AI as well as automation. In the realm of fabrication and technology such as the application of RPA to automate physical manufacturing and supply chain processes as well as BPA to improve manufacturing methods, can dramatically improve the speed and quality of production. In general, hyper-automation employing BPA or RPA to streamline front and back-end processes can result in improvements in speed, quality, and cost , with a substantial effect on business efficiency.

IBM AI-powered Automation:

Begin your journey with IBM Artificial Intelligence-powered Automation as well as The IBM Cloud Pak’s(r) for Automation that can assist you to reduce the manual work by up to 80 to 80%. Built on an open hybrid platform that is integrated with Watson the brand new IBM Automation Cloud Pak’s are the first comprehensive suite of specific domain-specific business and IT software. They come with a single highly-trained system and libraries of specifically designed automation strained by experts and drawing upon vast IBM domain expertise and deep industry knowledge.

AI-powered automation software allows businesses as well as IT departments to quickly determine the efficiency of processes and decide on what they can automate based on the insights gained from unstructured and structured data and to automate and continually enhance workflows that are operate centrally, across networks and up into the extreme.

There are five major differences between robotic process automation and hyper-automation automation to aid you in identifying areas that are prime for investment and change.

1. Hyper automation is a simulation of human reasoning:

With RPA the system is able to follow an order of programmatic actions that are similar for each job, like an assembly line that uses traditional robot arms to place the exact product into each box. Hyper automation can make decisions for every task based on the factors and the data obtained during the course of the work. Imagine the same process but imagine being able to identify and verify that every product conforms to the quality standards.

2. Hyper automation combines machines learning, artificial intelligence, and natural processing of language

To mimic human reasoning hyper automation rely on technologies that enable systems to make pre-determined decisions based upon information. For instance, hyper automation could utilize the history of purchases from previous years to decide on a buyer’s shipping address based on kind of purchase, for example, sending big purchases to their office address, and smaller ones to their home address. Through these methods the hyper automation system learns from every decision and gets smarter as it sifts through the information that is constantly being gathered. But, the effectiveness of the algorithm is largely on the quantity and quality of the data that is gathered and fed to the technology.

3. Hyper automation is focused on business results:

With RPA it is possible to automate every job as a stand-alone function like the printing of shipping label. Hyper automation covers a full business procedure. It starts by determining the purpose of your business and the exact outcomes you wish to attain.

A company, for instance, might be seeking to lower the rate of abandonment on their shopping carts that involves a variety of complicated factors and procedures. It is possible that the AI, as well as machine-learning features of hyper-automation, may help companies identify which products or options the customer will pick based on their experience, their past choices, similar decisions that similar customers have made, and the user’s present behavior on the site.

In analyzing the data, the technology is able to make decisions at certain points during the process to provide a more personalized experience to the user, for example suggesting products using images that will likely attract them, or offering personalized shipping options.

4. Hyper Automation makes it easy to integrate future integrations

When you automatize a procedure by using RPA the job is in a separate compartment on its own. This could make it difficult to connect it with other tasks. There could also be limitations on how many tasks are possible to be accomplished. Since intelligent reasoning is integrated into hyper-automation technology, companies are able to alter processes with ease to meet the needs of customers and businesses evolve.

5. RPA is a program in the Digital Ops toolbox to enable hyper automation:

Many companies believe they have to pick one form of automation over another however, many companies utilize both types, specifically when they use RPA to aid in hyper automating processes in business. Brands who are focused on improving customer service typically begin by using hyper-automation within a particular business process that has an established goal Then, they expand the use of hyper automation to other processes. Naturally, brands that do not utilize automation might be able to catch up with competitors who have more effective. Companies should think about leveraging hyper automation as an essential element in assisting consumers to engage more efficiently and effortlessly.

Last Words:

This will continue to be a trend. Brisk Logic estimates that in 2025, 75 percent of businesses that implement RPA will be introducing artificial intelligence, such as natural algorithm for processing of language. When designing the hyper-automation of a complete business process, organizations must consider what parts could be automated by RPA and hyper-automation, integrating all the processes into one process.


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