
Digital Marketing Strategies Using Neuromarketing-2022

Did you know that the wiring of the brain can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your marketing strategy? This is how you can and should incorporate it into your digital advertising strategy.

What is Neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing is the most basic form of marketing. It uses what we know about brain function to make better marketing decisions. There are many components to research and testing, including the use of EKG measuring devices that measure galvanic skin responses, like facial expressions. We don’t always know what’s going on subconsciously when we do “normal” studies with human subjects. Neuromarketing takes the curtain back a bit more.

The “primal” brain is what humans share with other animals. The primal brain is responsible for survival, drive, and instinct. Humans can react instinctively to lion attacks and run from them just as a gazelle can.

This brain is faster than the “rational”, which we humans and other mammals have evolved. Six stimuli are used to stimulate the primal brain. These stimuli are personal, contrastable and tangible. They can also be visual, tangible, memorable, visually, and emotionally.

Six stimuli Used In the Brain:



The primal brain responds to personalization. This stimulus lacks empathy, patience, or concern for its well-being.

It is alert to potential threats and responds accordingly. This primal brain is responsible for the strong reactions to personalized objects around me.


The primal mind is sensitive to the “before” and the “after”. Take weight loss programs as an example. The marketing response to a person losing weight will not be as effective if they don’t see the before photo.

These contrasts, such as risky versus safe and have/have not, and slow/fast allow the brain to make quick, risk-free judgments. The brain must slow down and process otherwise.


The primal mind is always searching for something familiar and friendly that can be quickly recognized. It seeks out something simple, concrete, and easy. You will need to enter a higher-level brain to expend calories while the brain is trying to save calories and energy.

This is why it’s so important to communicate simple messages and value propositions. This primal brain cannot process complexity without slowing down and requires a lot more effort from rational or higher-up brains. The definitive book on this is ” Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.


The primal mind remembers very little. Marketing is all about putting the most important content in the beginning and then repeating it at the end. This will help you create memorable messages that go from your primal brain to your “memory storage,” or rational mind. Your message or delivery must be concise and persuasive. Because the primal brain loves stories, a good narrative is one that we can understand easily. This makes it easier for us to recall.


The primal mind is visual. The brain can process images of heroes quickly on websites such as pictures of parents with their children. The brain doesn’t need to think about “Maybe I should feel a nice, warm feeling regarding the family with their children.” This is why imagery is so important.


The primal mind is strongly stimulated by emotion. Emotional responses can also be seen in the picture of parents and children. This is what gives you the “Aww” feeling. This is a primal response to the imagery.

These six stimuli are designed to encourage engagement. The six stimuli can be used to assess your messaging, website imagery, ads, and other marketing materials. This will move people toward action such as retention or engagement.

What Is the Criticism of Neuromarketing?

It might be interpreted as an invasion of privacy or manipulation by some. Neuromarketing is all about ethics. Neuromarketing’s research and testing aspects have their own ethical guidelines.

Neuromarketing, when it comes down to the truth, is not about ignoring what we know regarding the brain. It’s about being more compassionate, personal, and considering emotions.

What should businesses do with neuromarketing?

First, ensure that businesses examine the data. Next, before you start A/B testing, make sure you have a theory. This framework can be used to guide A/B testing.

Instead of guessing which version will be more successful in the A/B test, use what you know about the brain. This is a powerful tool that can be used to inform everything you do in digital marketing. Many businesses use neuromarketing to its fullest extent. It can make all the difference between a successful ad campaign and a website that converts.

Neuromarketing can be used for both Inbound and Outbound strategies.

Absolutely. The entire customer journey for inbound strategy is a bottom-up process. You can, for example, try to increase the retention and memory of your marketing messages on your website.

Outbound is very similar because it uses what we know about the brain to communicate. It can be used for everything – marketing, politics and any other area where there is a message.

Here are six neuromarketing techniques you can use to better understand your clients.



1. Eye tracking: Track your customer’s eyes

Eye tracking, as the name suggests, is a method of following the movements of eye participants in a study. This tool allows you to see into the eyes of your clients, not just in labs but also in real buying situations. Modern eye-tracking devices can be worn while shopping or watching TV, as they are small and lightweight. This allows brands to answer a variety of questions. What attention are consumers paying to the items displayed near the entrance of the store? Are our clients actually able to read billboards and posters, or are they just able to glance at them? How does one distribute their attention when selecting a product from a shelf. Are they paying attention to product placements when they watch TV? Eye-tracking offers a wealth of marketing possibilities, as you can see.

2. Pupillometry: Have a look at your customer’s eyes

Pupillometry is a simple method that measures the size of pupils to determine if they have dilation. This metric is crucial because pupils dilate when they look at things they like.

This information can be very useful in marketing as it allows you to gauge whether people like the product and can also be used to optimize many things, including packaging and websites. A visually appealing website or advertisement will increase the rate of public engagement. This can lead to increased brand awareness and sales.

Pupillometry is very affordable. It can be combined with other neuromarketing tools, such as biometrics and eye-tracking.

3. EEG or Functional MRI: A Journey Inside the Brain

Neuromarketing techniques allow us to go one step further. We can not only see what people are seeing, but also gain clues about what they are thinking. How? By using devices that specialize in reading the brain’s electromagnetic activity, such as functional MRIs or electroencephalograms (EEG).

These can be used by marketers to get to know the preferences of consumers, such as whether they are attracted to or repelled by a particular feature or whether they find your brand interesting or boring. We get the same answers as traditional marketing studies but with more scientific proof and accuracy.

Both mind-reading and mind-reading techniques have their advantages and disadvantages.

The electroencephalogram can be very accurate and time-sensitive. It can link a stimulant to its response almost instantly. This is why it is so useful in determining which elements provide which feelings. It is less precise when it comes down to pinpointing the area of the brain that causes the reaction.

Functional MRI, on the other hand, tells you precisely which brain parts are being activated with a slightly lower precision and time.

4. Facial Coding: One Smile is Worth a Thousand Words

Neuromarketing has made the art of reading facial expressions a science. Neuromarketing techniques can be used for measuring brain activity and eye movements, but they can also be used with incredible precision to “read faces”.

It works this way: When we smile, show anger, or make other facial expressions, our muscles do the job. Sensors can measure the movements of these tiny muscles to detect emotions and expressions people may not be aware of.

Although a smile or a grin may not be the best indicator of a person’s feelings at any given moment, facial coding can help marketers interpret subtle reactions and provide insight into people’s opinions. Sometimes, they can even predict what behavior will follow.

5. Sensory Marketing: The Looks aren’t Everything

Neuromarketing is not limited to the above-mentioned techniques. It also has practical and functional uses, such as sensory marketing.

Neuromarketing is a way to make a difference without consumers even realizing it. Sensory marketing can be done in many ways, including touch, sound and smell. However, all of them is designed to influence the audience to associate a brand with sensory stimulations.

The use of sensory marketing is best illustrated by smell. It is often as simple as using the right scent to get a customer to buy. Supermarkets that enhance the scent of fresh bread to encourage customers to buy are a good example.

Sounds can also be a valuable resource. For example, it has been shown that people pay more attention when they hear high-pitched sounds and less to darker objects when they hear lower-pitched sounds.

6. Neuromarketing Tricks

Last but not least, we will address the psychological tricks that neuromarketing uses to increase sales.

Psychological neuromarketing techniques are subtle. It has been proven that consumers will buy more if they are able to remove the dollar sign or any other currency symbol from their price tags. The currency symbol seems to make people more concerned about what they will lose than about what they gain.

Another example is the organization of restaurant menus. Visitors are more likely to choose healthy options if they are displayed on the left side of the menu.

How can you learn more about Neuromarketing?

Brisk Logic is a well-respected agency that can help you incorporate neuromarketing in your advertising campaign, website design, homepage or messaging. This is an important part of a holistic digital marketing strategy, and you’ll want to have the experts guide you through it.


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