
How can business profit from the metaverse

There was something missing from the alternate universe recently promoted by Mark Zuckerberg: brands. Facebook’s metaverse simulations were largely devoid of ads. This was in contrast with the rest of the presentation that was in essence an announcement for the changing of the name of Facebook as Meta which is an empire that can be sustained by advertisements. When he wasn’t cartooning his vision of the future Zuckerberg took his time naming companies using facebook’s virtual and virtual reality offerings and exclaiming about the opportunities that the metaverse can provide for different business model. Because of the metaverse’s unlimited space, businesses are bound to for ways to fill the three dimensions with their brand logos and products. We know this because it has already happened before in the early virtual world known as Second Life.

It was first launched in 2003. Second Life took off a couple of years later when companies competed to construct virtual showrooms and advertise the potential of Second Life. IBM invented IBM Land; General Motors created Motorati Island. Between BMW through the BBC companies, organizations were looking to establish their brand in the online world. Second Life still exists. Based on Philip Rosedale, founder of Linden Lab, its creator one million users continue to visit the virtual world that grew to about equal to Los Angeles. Many businesses have dropped interest. However, when they did briefly advertise their products on Second Life, they should have learned some valuable lessons. One of them is that immersive virtual worlds are an unreliable vehicle for traditional marketing, however they can be a fascinating method to increase and enhance the development of leadership capabilities. “In general, marketing control is moving away from brand and towards customers, and in online spaces that’s even more important,” says Bernadett Kuls of the Ieseg School of Management, who has studied Second Life. Social media, though still in its early stages in the year that Second Life peaked, has been able to show brands that they have to interact with customers instead of communicating to customers. There will certainly be money generated in the metaverse, by Facebook more than anything else. “The harvesting and capture [of data] is going to be a huge business,” claims Lee Howells of PA Consulting (which was also involved in Second Life).

There are numerous innovative ways to earn money, as well. For example, in the interconnected virtual gaming world, Koles is studying the ways in which players purchase “cosmetic” products to prettify their avatars, even if these enhancements don’t enhance the performance of online gaming. However, research on Second Life suggest companies also gained some lesser-known benefits from the site. The virtual reality “is a first-hand experience, as close as you get to being in a company and experiencing it in person” Koles says. Koles. The depth to which companies wish to go into the realm of metaphysics will be contingent on the project. Scenario-planning can be one of the ways. The simple MBA case study was created as an analog simulation of real-life management issues. Businesses navigated the epidemic by gamifying the short and medium-term results. In a virtual setting these challenges can be extended and more real. Researchers who examined Second Life found it gave users the opportunity to try various identities and new methods. Simply modifying avatars stimulated their imagination. Exploring different options exposed their minds to new possibilities as their avatars emerged. Thirdly, as the experience of remote work has shown the fact that collaboration and virtual co-operation could be more inclusive which allows a wider range of individuals to take part.

Microsoft’s modest move towards a workplace metaverse including avatars in the Teams collaboration tool is a bid to improve the existing tools that workers are accustomed to. Some of these applications may not require complete immersion. Certain people won’t even be tempted to try dipping a toe. “Who would like to work using a premium emoji in the virtual office? ?” commented one sceptical FT reader on this Microsoft initiative. Second Life creator Rosedale says Facebook as well as other companies will need to overcome some huge technological hurdles in order to achieve their goals. “It’s like crossing a chasm,” Rosedale said to The Sunday Times’ Danny Fortson on a recent podcast. He believes that, for the moment the metaverse will be as a niche. However, in the end it could turn out to be an excellent business opportunity. To reap the benefits the companies need to view virtual reality are not merely a platform for aggressive marketing and more as environments to experiment, collaborate and develop managerial and leadership skills. It is likely that the much-discredited team-building event in 2025 or earlier to happen using virtual reality. Tell your team to take off their VR headsets and take the lessons learned back to the real world.

The metaverse is a challenge three ways companies can connect with real customers within virtual worlds


There’s a good reason that the Collins Dictionary declared “NFT” the word of the 2021 year. And that’s why “metaverse” made its annual shortlist. Much like Nike many companies, from premium players like Balenciaga, Gucci, and Sotheby’s to mainstream ones like Coke, Chipotle, and Wendy’s — are racing to create or utilize the metaverse. This term is used to describe the idea of constant, immersive and shared virtual worlds which people can experience and feel the presence of their own existence. NFTs are intimately connected to the metaverse. Business is also investing in them for instance, Christie’s auctioning recently an artwork created of Beeple to the tune of $69 million while a parcel that was digitally occupied in Decentraland was sold this week $2.43 million in the cryptocurrency of the platform (618,000 MANA)–higher that the cost of the typical “real-world” Manhattan apartment.

The idea of the metaverse has come in the spotlight however understanding its actual implications isn’t a natural process for many businesses. Digital-first brands are able to utilize their existing expertise to the metaverse by using their digital personas and contents to reach out to consumers Other companies will need to master the concept quickly in order to stay ahead of their competitors. Our recent research and experiences have revealed two key points which can assist companies in thinking about metaverse strategies.

The metaverse and its platforms underneath–require brands more than they recognize.

The creation of new worlds including virtual ones is expensive and time-consuming. Meta (formerly Facebook), for instance, is planning to invest $10 billion in the construction of metaverses by 2021. The amount will increase in the years to come and anticipates losing money in the next few years. Similar to other multisided markets Metaverse platform (or m-platforms) depend on network effects and brands aid in triggering them to expand.

The current top platforms for mobile, such as Animal Crossing, Decentraland, Discord, Fortnite, Roblox or Topia will be able to last quite a while without brands from the real world that can generate revenue. Many, including Roblox provide games for free and in-game purchases are the foundation for their model of business. Over 150 million users use Roblox each month, and they made $920 million in revenue in 2020. However, the m-platform reported losses of $253 million in the year prior.

If the m-platforms want to earn money, they’ll have be able to guarantee that the amount and scale of game transactions increase in a variety of ways, including by bringing more gamers in their online worlds. If m-platforms are interconnected and interoperable as many believe users’ avatars will be able buy skins or accessories as well as houses on one platform and later use them in another (yes you could put on your preferred Roblox online jacket when playing Fortnite). Users will begin to shop for the most affordable items that are available across all platforms. That could cause price wars, and decrease profits. But brands will play a major role to securing prices on the internet.

M-platforms must also increase their revenue from advertising even though many people do not like advertising. Some m-platforms are wary of the negative impact of their users’ actions and are threatening their business model. But they’re learning how to collaborate with businesses to develop products that are events, worlds, or even events which contribute to the metaverse in a natural way. In reality, Roblox describes its partnerships as shared experiences instead of as advertisements and highlighting the fact that interaction with the environment turns the brand-consumer relationship into two-way road.

This is a perfect way to connect to our third and final safeguard: Focusing only on marketing in the metaverse might not produce the desired results for all businesses. The metaverse could seem like a new frontier with untapped parts of the mind, and low acquisition costs, but it will not last for long and it will be difficult to gain traction. To be successful, businesses must embrace the metaverse as a chance to grow the scope of what they can offer their customers.

The metaverse’s interactions typically involve the interplay of virtual and physical spaces. For instance, Coke recently auctioned a Friendship Box in Decentraland containing three NFTs: a customized Coca-Cola bubble jacket; a sound visualization that played audio recordings when you sip or pour virtual Coke and the Friendship Card, with revamped images that dates back to the 1940s. The winner of the auction also received a real cooler with Coke cans.

In an increasingly digital age in which the lines between real and the virtual have become blurred, companies must create experiences that connect with users on a more personal deep level, and provide benefits in a non-invasive manner–exactly the kind of experience the metaverse is able to create. In addition, m-platforms can make use of these experiences to stay current and exciting.

Companies are therefore likely to win if they can develop metaverse-appropriate strategies, which should be three-pronged:

With a faster generation of microchips VR headsets let companies gather a range of new information–how hands, legs and bodies move when their pupils’ eyes expand and contract as well as how their minds respond to the metaverses of users. In 2018, a Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab report estimated that 20 mins in the VR simulation can yield nearly 2 million recordings of body language. The first companies that collect and analyze the data generated when users’ avatars are using the virtual product or engage with their employees avatars on their online stores are likely to have an advantage. They will have more information than the later ones and will be able to improve information derived from data over time and bargain from a position of advantage with businesses that require to have access to their data.

Test and create the products practically

Businesses can make use of the metaverse to exchange ideas and concepts that are advanced with users who might be interested; collaborate on virtual prototypes; and gather feedback from a variety users. It could help speed up development and assist in determining whether innovation will be successful or fail. As well as educating new consumers to their product, businesses could begin to develop lasting connections.

The month of October was the time for instance, Hyundai Motor launched Hyundai Mobility Adventure, a shared virtual world on Roblox in which users are able to explore Hyundai’s offerings as well as interact with one another. Users can try Hyundai’s latest vehicles and solutions for transportation as well as operate robotic vehicles and urban air-mobility devices, as well as participate in various activities and experiences for social interaction.

Test the market for metaverse

It’s a given that the metaverse’s economy will grow and be a huge. With worldwide metaverse revenues expected to exceed 400 billion dollars by the year 2025, and generated by millions of users companies that concentrate on them, specifically those that are premium are able to create an atmosphere of community and increase brand loyalty among young customers prior to them buying the actual product! For premium brands selling NFTs of their goods in the metaverse could turn into income streams independently. This is not a stretch; many luxurious brands like Balenciaga, D&G, and Rebecca Minkoff are paving how to do it. They’ve introduced digital products that are available for purchase in game as well as released exclusive NFT collection; as well as also created themed worlds.

While metaverses are far from being a permanent reality (sic! ) however, when they are incorporated into our lives, not all companies can find ways to expand in these fiercely competitive markets. As with the humans who are in charge of their avatars avatars, avatars will have limited opportunities, time and the energy to connect with brands. Companies hoping to thrive in the near future should begin exploring its frontiers today and establish stakes before there are virtual worlds to conquer.



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