
How do you start a marketplace startup?

If you’re reading this article, probably you’re looking to create a marketplace startup that will truly disrupt your business.

It’s true that, like many things, there’s no formula for success that will ensure your success. However, there’s an established process that can drastically reduce your chance of failing.


1. Pick a Lucrative Industry

It’s simpler to deliver the value (and relevancy) when you create an online marketplace in a field which has a large number of buyers and suppliers.

If the industry isn’t big (or not “niche”) the market is not likely that a large number of suppliers will be able to join your market. This is because the buyers are familiar with the suppliers and therefore will not be in need of your services.

In addition, they’ve probably already spoken to buyers within their market. This means they don’t have to or don’t wish to engage with an intermediary.

2. Establish your own value proposition

If you develop an online marketplace that connects consumers and sellers in a way, then how does it impact the market?

Would it lead to a substantial reduction in time or cost? Will it result in improved accessibility? Perhaps a significant reduction in time?

Like in the real world, market abundance must be the standard. Digital is an expression for “from anyplace. Customers want discounts because of a brick and mortar structure and the associated cost not being an essential requirement.

There are three drivers that can be used separately or in conjunction:

  • Market access is the focus providing access to a wider range of manufacturers and suppliers to the customer.
  • Price focus offers an incredibly lower price than local.
  • Convenience focus reduces the time you spend on tasks you don’t need to do.

So a typical pitch or narrative for a digital marketplace might be something like this:

3. Determine the size of your market

After identifying the market factors, you need to determine the amount of your market that can be addressed digitally. If you are from a particular sector e.g. furniture for hotels then you’re likely to know a lot about the statistics of your industry and distribution channels.

If you don’t, consult the associations for specific industries which have access to the data. Also,  as the last option utilize Google or another reliable source.

In addition to determining the market’s size, it’s also important to understand the immediate market potential of the digital. Google’s Keyword Tool can assist you in this regard!

Let’s use the hotel furniture industry as an illustration here.

When you evaluate your market find that in the furniture for hotels market, there are:

  • National turnovers of an amount
  • The global turnover for Y
  • It is estimated that 90% are not online

In where the retail space is split 50/50 between B2C and professional B2B providers. If you’ve spoken with some companies, they’ve discovered that the margins for B2B suppliers are usually 40 per cent.

Meaning? If you develop an online marketplace that targets the needs of these customers, you could cut off 20% commissions from customers. This can add worth to your chain. This makes the selling process more efficient and makes your marketplace the best solution.

4. Develop your distribution strategy

Google Adwords allows not just to measure market size. It also lets you actually tap into the market by soliciting people to click your site when seeking your products. It’s like an acupuncturist asking you to buy Z, X, or Y products in the event that you are complaining about your symptoms. It’s effective.

The same is true with YouTube videos, especially tutorial videos. If a professional on the phone will show you why a particular product is of high quality, you are more likely to take out your credit card.

If any, or a few YouTubers are in your industry It is an excellent idea to let YouTubers test your product.

There isn’t anyone right or wrong answer, and what works today is likely to fade out in time.

Other platforms copy and customers become bored of certain kinds of ads. An excellent example is the display ads. When the first one was put out, it was a 95% click rate. Today, the average display advertisement has an 0.05 per cent percentage of clicks.

Like everything else, there is nothing that beats the constant work of testing and experimenting. Try different strategies using your preferred digital channels to find the right combination of message and mean and innovation.

5. Choose the best business model and assess the financials

This leads you to the CPA/LTV logic of your company. For regular businesses, you take into account offices or shop personnel, warehousing costs as well as the cost of advertising sales, etc. On the internet, things are different especially when you create an online marketplace.

In a market, it is essential to attempt to attract both demand and supply by offering sellers an affordable way to sell and buyers a variety of goods at affordable prices.

6. Make a tenfold better product

If you can create a marketplace which is 10 times more efficient than your competition, you’ll succeed because you:


We offer the top products and services from the most reliable suppliers, at unique pricing or benefits. Get the best options for your suppliers’ businesses to grow and get insights and exposure.

Have a well-planned marketplace that has the potential to change its industry and provides customers with an incredible experience. For that, you require an experienced mix of knowledge and expertise in the particular area you’re interested in and also products and UX UI knowledge.

You will need a cutting edge technology team and the right sales/onboarding/pricing strategy to delight vendors and buyers alike.

7. Establish mutual trust

Does your product conform to modern trust-building techniques and do you get an overwhelming sense of trust?

There are some rules to follow when it comes to building trust, based on the industry you’re in:

Include a plethora of pictures and videos.

For the items or services you are selling (or in fact, serving as the middleman through the operating market) it is important to show the most you can:

  1. For shoes, that’s pictures of a person that are related to me.
  2. Furniture looks nice when it is displayed in a chic home.
  3. When it comes to cars, consumers typically buy according to features like leather seats and trunk space or reverse cameras. So why not provide a video that explains the features of each model?

8. Protect and expand your domain

Once you’ve started the business, your buyers and vendors will be looking for guidance on how to resolve disputes. Make sure that all parties adhere to the highest standards and be sure that the same loyalty and frequency are recognized.

This will bring in more buyers and suppliers via social media and via word of word. A market is actually an ecosystem that requires constant monitoring and nurturing. This will result in expansion and stop buyers/vendors from switching to your rivals.

Organically, you will be able to keep customers coming through the trust-building strategies outlined in number six. They allow for great search engine optimization Google’s way of rating your website.

To protect your business’s position in the ecosystem You should consider making the purchasing and selling efficient so that you can have a higher frequency.

In the case of vendors, it typically occurs in the form of dashboards for management – i.e. for a restaurant, the ability to get seat insights and manage the restaurant through booking applications.

However, the most important thing is making use of tried and true methods to boost sales, including pricing alerts and flash promotions and exclusive discounts for regular buyers, and other programs which are mainly focused on repeat purchases made by customers. This will stop vendors from leaving even though they are paid fewer commissions elsewhere!

The top benefits of marketplace startup


With regard to the growth of the marketplace and areas that aren’t yet tapped through this technology, business owners can benefit from the model of business in the marketplace and develop their own custom solutions. Here are the top advantages of owning the marketplace of your choice.


The cost of launching an application for marketplaces is nearly identical to that of launching an online store. While the reasoning behind an e-marketplace is complicated, its capabilities are able to meet the particular requirements of numerous companies.


Marketplace owners are able to select the best revenue stream that suits their particular market and is compatible with their goals for the business. The method by which marketplace owners earn revenues determines the performance of the platform. The most well-known monetization strategies include listing fees, commissions and lead generation fees, subscription advertising, and additional services. It is possible to combine monetization strategies However, it’s recommended to choose one of them as you begin your journey.

For instance, Craigslist and OLX make their revenue from premium listings. The most successful marketplaces such as, eBay, Etsy and Uber make use of the commission-based business model.


A marketplace’s main source of revenue is typically the commissions it receives from sales. This is a requirement for a high level of business process automation. It is not necessary to complete anything complicated as everything is handled automatically by the platform.

Value proposition

Marketplaces provide companies with an amazing chance to manage their supply that does not require any upfront purchase from a physical store. The sellers can design a kind of business card that has ratings and reviews from customers so customers are able to make informed choices. To draw in service and product suppliers as well as consumers the marketplace may offer low fees, greater earnings potential, a better user experience, an appealing brand and a more secure environment for apps than restricting the scope to a single physical area.

A model for business that is scalable

Marketplaces have less risk in terms of finances as compared to an eCommerce store since it doesn’t require investing in inventory. Marketplaces are likely to grow rapidly, but. If traffic is growing rapidly then it might be necessary to expand the number of vendors to meet the increasing demand. The most difficult task for the owner of a marketplace, therefore, is to manage the demand and supply. Quality vendors will attract more customers, and an expanding customer base draws more vendors.

Customer interest

One of the most appealing aspects of an online marketplace is that it offers offerings from a variety of suppliers and service suppliers. People are more likely to choose an app that has an array of choices which means they can select precisely what they need without having to choose one provider.


Marketplace owners can monitor their sales by using precise metrics. For instance, the owner can track which products and services are popular and determine which sellers are the most popular. In turn, the owner could promote products and services that really matter to their customers.

Markets can be a challenge

One of the obstacles that hinder marketplace success is pre-launch promotional. In a separate article, we’ve provided strategies that you can employ to advertise your market prior to its official launch. It is recommended to make your own MVP versions for your market while you’re just beginning to establish customers in case you do not have one. Once you’ve established the foundation of a loyal client base, you can make investments in improving your marketplace’s features.

Start a marketplace startup with Brisk Logic

Brisk Logic hopes this article has given you a better understanding of the steps required to create a successful marketplace.

If you’re looking for additional information and suggestions, Here is a breakdown of one of our marketplaces. Brisk Logic highly recommends you read it for an actual, concrete illustration of how you can improve your market.


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