How Does Marketing Automation Work?

In this workaholic environment, we have lots of manual and repetitive tasks to do. You need to do the follow-ups with your clients, reporting, sending emails, these small chunks of tasks are not difficult to do but acquire your core time. While doing the repetitive tasks you are not able to concentrate on your main tasks. With the help of marketing automation platform, you can automate your process and concentrate on your main tasks. Through marketing automation, the automated campaigns will run for you and you will be able to focus on your core vision.

But, what is the automation of marketing? In this article, we will get to know about marketing automation, how does automate online marketing work, and how marketing automation platforms will help small businesses.

Meaning of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a process that manages the processes of marketing, helps in multifunctional campaigns without the intervention of humans. All these tasks will be done automatically.

With the help of marketing automation, businesses will be able to target their customers with the automated messages. There is no need to send the messages through email, web,or through text manually. All the messages will be sent manually.

Marketing automation helps the marketing and sales department to automate their campaigns and activities resulting in increase in revenue and efficiency.

Marketing automation will help you to save your cost and increase productivity. It will allow the sales managers to generate the leads, and measure the rate of interest on the campaigns to have a clear picture.

Benefits of Marketing Automation


Marketing Automation helps in streamlining and simplifying the responsibilities of the marketing and sales. Let’s have a look at the benefits of the marketing automation:

1.  Helps in Conversion of Leads

Marketing Automation helps in the higher conversion of leads. If the proper use has been made by the organizations, it will allow the marketers to conduct the appropriate lead generation, resulting in attracting the right customers.

The marketing activities are introduced to the appropriate customers. Hence, the requests are originating from potential purchasers. Consequently, this expands the chance of bringing a deal to a close.

2.  Increased Productivity

With the use of marketing automation, sales and marketing departments are able to focus on their core tasks i.e generating and the closure of the leads. Their main task is to generate more business and make the organization grow.

The running of the campaigns, sending mails, follow-up with the clients, these all tasks require a lot of time and the employees are not able to focus on their core tasks. Through marketing automation, these all tasks are done automatically without any hassle.

3.  Better Workflow

Marketing Automation maintains everything in control. It sifts through exchanges, organizes activities, makes appropriate planning, and teams up the working environment to accomplish a shared objective. Actually, further developed marketing automation tools even permit entrepreneurs to perform corporate arranging and planning. Taking everything into account, it makes things significantly simpler and smoother.

4.  Better Customer Relationships

A study conducted by Forbes, Marketing Automation helps in better relationships with customers It furnishes marketing intelligence alongside different marketing automation devices that give significant client information and examination. Business Automation makes it simpler for you to anticipate and react to the ever-changing necessities of the objective market.

5.  Increase in ROI

According to e-marketers, with the use of marketing automation, marketers and business owners, saw the increase in ROI about three times

The use of marketing automation will help you in increasing the return on investment and will quickly pay for itself.

How Marketing Automation Can be Used?


Business Marketing automation is not just restricted to big budget business, it will also help small business. Marketing automation for small businesses allows them to analyze and identify the lead from the potential customers and nurture them.

There are certain strategies which will help in marketing automation for small business:

1.  Building Relationship

New clients once in a while buy from a business the first occasion when they find out about it, which is the reason system marketing automation, as customized messages are essential to building and encouraging that relationship. By helping your target audience get familiar with your products and crucial ordinary, insightful sends, you will have the option to support and increment conversion rates.

2.  Follow-up with Clients

Follow-up messages sent to clients who are browsing your website, or even write in with a client care question can help total the potential conversion. Other marketing automation highlights, as follow-up updates, can keep your business group on the most qualified leads.

3.  Tracking the Journey of Customer

The more you get to know about your client, the better it will be for your business. With the help of marketing automation, you will be able to know what extent it takes a client to make an exchange, what data they have to finish that buy, and what marketing resources are prompting the most noteworthy conversion.

What Marketing Automation can do for your Small Business?

There are certain things which best marketing automation systems can do for your small business and make your life easy. These things are as follows:

  • Helps in increasing the customer value
  • Improvement in Customer Retention
  • Improves coordination between the sales and marketing team
  • Improves qualified leads
  • Increase in Click through Rates
  • Improves the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies
  • Higher Lead Conversion Rates
  • Shorter Sales Cycle
  • Reduced sales and marketing costs and overheads

How will all in one Marketing Automation Work for Your Business?

1.  Know about your Needs

Before starting the automation process, it is very important to know about your needs. You need to know what you want to achieve, what is your target? All in one Marketing Automation will help you to automate your surveys, campaigns, scheduling and reminding about the posting of your blog post, and analyzing your data.

Marketing automation will allow you to get automatic lead generation, qualified leads, lead nurturing workflow, managing your content and refining the quality research.

2.  Know your Target Audience

Become acquainted with your target market better. They are the ones as of now your utilizing your products or services. Furthermore, they are the ones who will profit by automating your marketing. Also, you have to understand your audience. Who are they and where would you be able to discover them?

Understanding the behavior of customers is indispensable in realizing what automation tasks you have to achieve. It is additionally basic to realize where to discover your clients. Consequently, this step will assist you with recognizing the fitting marketing automation tools to utilize.

3.  Choosing the Appropriate Marketing Automation Software

The next step in the process of marketing automation for small business includes learning the correct marketing automation software. What software would you say you are going to use to accomplish your objectives? Know the abilities of each software and see how you can boost it furthering your potential benefit.

4.  Implementation of the Strategies

The execution of new methodologies like Automation of Marketing realizes changes in the work environment. Besides, it might cause undue disturbances for some time. In any case, change is acceptable and realizes new thoughts, various methods of dealing with things, and significantly more.

5.  Monitoring your Progress

There must be a check and parity. Measure results and your adequacy in business marketing automation; screen how you fared dependent on your preset norms. Likewise, check your performance against your competitors.

Marketing Automation Best Practices

There are certain business marketing automation best practices that you can follow to make your life hassle free. These are as follows:

1.  Creating a Business Workflow

Try not to get lost en route. The business workflow will fill in as your guide through the whole Marketing Automation process. Therefore, it is much the same as a guide that causes you to explore and push ahead to your goal.

2.  Understanding the Buying  Cycle

Get familiar with the various phases of an individual’s buying process. By doing this, you can utilize your content to convey the correct message – from problem recognition to post-buy assessment.

3.  Making your campaign more User Friendly

Through Marketing Automation, you can give a customized client experience that will make your image increasingly critical. A superb case of this is Facebook’s conduct activated email. Have you seen Facebook send you a notice if you have not signed in a predetermined period? This is known as a triggered email, and as per Campaign Monitor, Triggered (mentioned messages) and auto respondents, obviously, get higher open rates (45.70% and 34.80%) than bulletins (22.83%).”

4.  Do Not Rely on Single Marketing Strategy

There are various kinds of target markets and every one of them is exceptional. There is no assurance that you can fulfill them all with a solitary go. Keep in mind, B2C marketing is more simple to end-clients, though, B2B marketing is for bigger gatherings and associations.

5.  Retain and Build Relationships

Allow Marketing Automation to retain and build relationships with existing clients. The expense of selling and marketing to new clients is more costly than retaining existing ones. Thus, center around client loyalty by causing your client base to feel increased in value.

Marketing Automation Software

There are some marketing automation software to make your life easy. These are as follows:

1.  HubSpot

HubSpot is a leading development stage. Since 2006, they have been set to make the world increasingly inbound. Today, more than 68,800 complete clients in excess of 100 nations utilize HubSpot’s honor winning programming, services, and backing to change the manner in which they pull in, draw in, and please clients.

Contained Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and an incredible free CRM, HubSpot gives organizations the tools they have to Grow Better. HubSpot Marketing Hub has all that you have to run fruitful inbound marketing campaigns that make individuals interested in your business and glad to be your client.

2.  ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign classification characterizing the Customer Experience Automation Platform helps 100,000+ organizations in 170 nations genuinely draw in with their clients. The platform gives organizations of all sizes access to much pre-built automation that consolidates email marketing, marketing automation, crm automation, and AI for incredible arrangement, division and personalization across social, email, informing, visit, and content. 300+ reconciliations. Estimating begins at just $9/month.

3.  Marketo

Marketo Engage enables marketing groups to be the drivers of growth and development in their organizations by conveying extraordinary experiences working together with deals at each phase of the client venture.

The challenge these groups face is that everybody today expects a customized experience at whatever point they connect with an organization – they don’t have persistence for conventional marketing and the exact opposite thing they need is a cold pitch from deals. So to remain competitive, marketing groups are scrambling to understand clients better, so they can give them a superior experience, since this is disturbing whole enterprises.

 What’s more, a major piece of what’s required is making sense of how sales and marketing can make a superior showing together. Marketo Engage is rethinking a classification of programming called Marketing Automation by helping these organizations unite the client information, content, automation and analysis required for sales and marketing to arrange commitment with clients that is customized and quantifiable at each touch point – and do it with proficiency and scale.

4.  GetResponse

GetResponse is a marketing automation software for small businesses that causes you to make content, support deals, and increment traffic to your site. Incorporated email marketing, autoresponders, and points of arrival let you automate basic assignments and dispatch powerful marketing campaigns. Analytics make it simple to follow changes, leads, and ROI, and realize what your clients need.

5.  Keap

Keap is a marketing automation software that helps in venture up to across the board deals and marketing software intended for developing assistance based organizations, extending from business visionaries and new businesses to bigger groups. Their foundation composes your client data and day by day work in one spot, letting loose you from repetitive tasks so you have more opportunity to concentrate on developing your business and delivering good service.

How to Choose Marketing Automation Software?

There are certain tips through which you can choose appropriate marketing automation software. These are as follows:

1.  Campaign Builder

Pick a software that permits you to automate and customize communications, construct messages, change dependent on execution, make amazing landing pages, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. A basic interactive interface lets you make marketing campaigns custom-made to your particular promotions and business needs.

2.  CRM Automation Integration

Ensure your marketing automation activities feed into a CRM tool so you have one wellspring of truth for every one of your deals and promoting data. You can transfer, store, and oversee nitty gritty records for your leads that incorporate data like name, address, email, sort of client, telephone number, buy history, and site.

3.  Check Statistics and Reports of the Software

The success of marketing automation software lies in the measurements. Search for software with an amazing analytics dashboard to assist you with imagining traffic, information transformations, and the sky’s the limit from there. You likewise need the capacity to create continuous reports and delve into specific measurements, similar to lead source or open rates.

How can We Help You?

To survive in this competitive market, it is essential to utilize the available resources effectively and efficiently with accurate strategic decisions. For survival you need to reduce human intervention and reduce operational cost. For this you require marketing automation that will help you out.

Our team will help you to automate your marketing strategies resulting in cost reduction and increased productivity. We have provided our custom solutions to our clients to automate their processes through business automation, data analytics, data visualization, Cloud Computing as well as IoT.

Our dedicated team will help you in streamlining your operations with the marketing automation software. We will help you to take your business to cloud with a delightful automation experience.

Our marketing automation solution will help you in everything from finding the appropriate lead to the closure of that deal. It will also help you to control your business workflow resulting in better quality of services, integration of tasks between different departments and many more activities to make your life easy.

Want to know more about us, how we can assist you in automating your marketing processes, feel free to contact us at


Marketing automation will help you to achieve success in your business by streamlining your marketing processes and automating those repetitive tasks and focus on your core vision. It allows you to create a customer base and helps in increase in Return on Investment. It acts as a game-changer for many organizations. It helps you to sort and nurture your leads with the target audience and minimum steps in the sales cycle.

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