How MVP is used in Startups?

Since the beginning of time, there have been products, and the teams of people who have created them, businesses have wrestled with issues such as efficiency, performance and competition. Every startup is required to grapple with identifying the most appropriate issue to address and the best market to offer it. It is imperative that they be able to do it quickly and efficiently. In the past, up to a decade ago, they could do it through a lot of production management and the top-down as well as a waterfall method. The landscape changed after the advent of Lean Startup. These kinds of objectives are more easily achieved using an MVP strategy.

The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in contrast to an entirely defined product, backed by a waterfall style of management for products, may let founders be free of having to build the entire product prior to determining if the customers want it, can access it easily or are willing to purchase it. However, an MVP isn’t difficult to develop. Knowing what it is and the purpose it is supposed to fulfil will allow you to avoid common mistakes or misperceptions about the best direction to follow when developing it.

The Four Essential Components of an MVP


The MVP must be in line with the business goals. In addition, due to its limitations, such as the limitations of its functionality, much is required to be done using the least amount of work and also quickly. An MVP can provide specific solutions for specific user issues. To address the issues, a product’s manager or owner will create epics, user stories, and components, according to a certain kind of agile development. These epics and user stories aren’t representative of their overall vision for the product, or even the business in any case. To decide which feature can aid in maximizing the value of your MVP, you must be efficient and strategic.

There are four crucial components that can help you do this:

1. Conducting user research

Understanding the market and its customers require extensive research and direct contact with those interested. When a pattern begins to emerge in the behaviour of customers. Brisk Logic can create a profile of our customers that can be used to create an avenue to announce the launch of our MVP at the time it is needed.

This is also the time in the process of having to know everything possible information about our total available market as well as our Serviceable Available Market ( SAM) and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM). A market capitalization estimation is always helpful to verify the validity of the business plan we have in place. Understanding as much as possible about rivals and the power they exert on us will not hurt either.

2. Competitive analysis

There are a variety of methods to conduct an analysis of competition, or on various fronts, or rather. A multi-faceted approach can assist in identifying the lesser travelled and will help reduce resistance.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Find competitors in close proximity
  • Determine their position in market types, segments of customers, longtail approach, and niches.
  • Create a perception map that includes the features you require e.g. feature-set vs pricing.
  • Check out the user experiences on the websites of these companies if you’re seeking the same kind of audience.
  • Examine their prices. It is helpful to reduce the chance that new players join the game, by keeping near the lower end of the price elasticity. The midpoint method of elasticity will help you with this.
  • Find, verify and verify your distribution channels.

Read customer reviews as well as the presence on social media. In addition, you should find out what kind of advertisements they’re running, if you can.

3. Flexibility

At the beginning of the process of defining a product as well as the business that goes with it the team responsible for product development has enough members to maintain an incredibly flexible level. The stakes are minimal, the stakeholder base is limited, and the decision-making process is much easier and quicker to take. This benefit can be tapped by using Agile development using Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD). Each new technology is brought to the market and is then utilized by customers, and the feedback received from customers can lead to significant and beneficial changes. In essence, continual repetitions are a catalyst for improvement.

After the team has grown beyond 9-10 employees it is essential to find an approach to maintain the flexibility. Management that was previously based on vision has to shift to mission-driven. It’s because the departmentalization that is required to build highly-responsive teams can’t be sustained while everything rests on the vision of the founders. An effective Mission statement will guide multiple teams with greater effectiveness. The structure of the command structure could require a rethink.

4. Take the runway

Startups incur various expenses. They include, but are not limited to the expenses that are incurred for the implementation of various epics, user stories, or parts of the MVP beginning with the most popular ones:

  • Technical architecture and the related subscriptions
  • Payroll
  • Office furniture, equipment, and office gear
  • Financial, legal and Admin advice
  • Patents, liabilities, and insurance

Based on the type and the number of funds that are available and the number of funds available, they might or might not be enough to finance an entrepreneur up to the launch date. This is a crucial factor in determining the viability of the whole project. The management of costs to effectively distribute funds and ensure that the project can be realized is crucial to expanding the runway at a minimum, to allow the plane to begin its flight.

How do you create a minimum viable product (MVP) for a startup?

This is a step-by-step procedure to create a tried and tested MVP. Let’s look at the MVP creation process, and the important things to take into account when you launch an MVP. 1. Market Analysis To begin it is important to determine the needs of your clients. The product you offer could be a novel invention that fills a gap or an improved version of an existing product. Your competition has thought of every possibility so you should research the market prior to presenting your idea.

To simplify your research, establish short-term or long-term targets. These goals will help you to overcome the issues that you face. The majority of startups fail because their solution did not meet the needs of the marketplace- there was no demand in the market for the product.

Create your own vision It is only you who can increase the worth for your item. It is your responsibility to explain the value of your product to the consumer. These points should be placed to the attention of your target customers.

What is the best way for your product to help your customers?

Does your product provide solutions to what problems are faced by customers?

What are the compelling reasons for customers to buy your product?

If you communicate your product’s idea to people who will purchase it and trigger an impulse that will cause them to take action. This is why it’s best to develop an MVP for startup companies prior to launching the product. Create a user flow. Next, you need to create your product in a way that the user is glued to your product and can sense the next step. This can be achieved when you design your product in a format that is user-friendly with a high-quality user experience. The most effective example of an MVP to help you comprehend an easy and simple user experience can be found on that the Brisk Logic.

Define MVP features Now that you’ve completed all phases that your user is expected to go through in order to use your product, you can begin to create an outline of features you think your user will require for each stage. But, you must remove features that are nice to have but are not essential. In each step, you should think about what features are actually beneficial for your customers. 

Once you have ruled out the features the ones that aren’t, you’ll have a list of specifications that your product ought to include. Be sure that your customer has the best components for a product that is a novice, which will keep them craving more features, but is satisfied with the bare necessities. Once you have identified the features, it is important to prioritize the features. Sort the features into should-have, must-have and add-ons. Prioritize the features that are marked as must-haves because your MVP will include only the most essential features.

How an MVP may benefit your company?


The primary advantage of having an MVP is knowing if consumers really require or would like to purchase the item. It is possible to gauge customer desire to purchase the product. In essence, the earlier we find out if it is appealing to customers more hazard-free of wasting time and money creating something that isn’t going to succeed in the marketplace. In the end, An MVP will help focus the product’s benefits and improve efficiency without being the final product.

1. Verification

The MVP should be able to convince users it is able to solve the issue; or, it must include the real tools to address the issue. The initial and quick iterations can be field-tested and will prove to be more than a proof of concept, however, it’s not an entirely commercial product, given the market for which it’s being created.

Lean Canvas or the Business Model Canvas Lean Canvas or the Business Model Canvas is comprised of nine distinct parts. The majority of the time, startups at the very least are filled with speculations and leaps of belief. Each one of them must be thoroughly examined for its validity. It is possible to use the MVP as a great tool to test and test some or all of these theories; making it a stronger Business Model, at the same time.

2. The iterative procedure

The repetition of iterations at any level can be a great enabler. They help the product development team to collect feedback from users and get to know them more effectively than they could use a waterfall-based management approach. However, they’re not “means to an end” in the strict sense. Moving from feature to feature and putting them in a weak condition creates a mediocre experience for customers. The customers will not be able to stay with the product. Despite that, the product has to perform well.

3. Client feedback

Early feedback feasible can give indications about the product’s market suitability. This way, the development team will be able to take the right path to release beneficial features that meet the needs of customers.

The team could run the danger of being too obsessed with taking every piece of feedback as a given while ignoring the actual signals coming from the market. This can lead to the resolution of single customer issues rather than striving to ensure that the product is market-ready. Customer feedback should be utilized in a series, obtaining market signals and not used as a single point of actionable information.

4. Identifying a possible market is the first step

An MVP can enable a startup to gain traction as the initial entry point into the market ahead of rivals. It’s a positive thing as it allows them to have control of the largest portion of the marketplace.

However, it is also dangerous, particularly when the product is innovating or disruptive, and prospective buyers aren’t fully aware of its worth at this point. If the right solution is provided to address the issue the competition will prevail as consumers become more knowledgeable about the product and its worth and the market grows obviously.

5. Scalable growth

The market can be quite accommodating to a small-scale startup in its beginning stages. A mistake can be merely an unintentional bump on the way. The fewer customers you have there are, the less apology needs to be issued in the event of a mistake. There are a lot of variables when it comes to expanding.

In a business that is growing it’s easy to drift off the path and it’s really hard to get the ship back on track. This is to be expected because product and personnel management is becoming difficult. In addition, the customer base has been from early fans to the mainstream, altering the market twice over. There’s a catch: when dealing with mainstream customers the product has to be durable and reliable. It won’t be “Minimum”. To remain “viable”, at this stage, it has to be totally marketable, with everything considered, including competition. If none of the aspects of a positive customer experience is taken into consideration and considered, the likelihood of sustainable long-term growth is becoming less likely.

6. Investing that can be managed

There is something completely opposite to an investment that is manageable. A shorter time frame and less money to study and adapt to the requirements that the marketplace demands decrease the chance of failing for startups. That’s the entire purpose of having an MVP.

When the first thought to be conceived is that a modest investment is not enough to provide the product that solves the customer’s problem efficiently or even at all the statistics proves that the opposite is true, in a fascinating way.

The lack of funds can help focus the entire process. If people are aware of their spending and are able to figure out ways to make the ends meet with the money they can, they will eventually simplify their requirements, have specific goals and acknowledge that they’re here to discover. However, the more money you spend can cause irreparable harm. The money needed to establish massive departments for sales, marketing and customer care, before you understand why someone needs them and what they want to function, is a means to use up investment funds; and could put them in a condition of a zombie or leave them trapped in the downward spiral.

Conclusion :

Brisk Logic sure you’ve answered all your doubts and are prepared to create an MVP that can be used by startups. Be aware that your MVP doesn’t have to be flawless! Follow the steps and strategies to develop your own MVP to help you launch your company idea. Optimize your way towards success with Brisk Logic, which will assist you in creating an MVP using an Agile way that can provide results that are risk-free. The Brisk Logic will help you begin your Startup. In the event of any doubts or suggestions for building an MVP for startups, please reach out to us.


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