
How to Control Cheating in Online Exams by Using AI?

Remote proctoring is the requirement to have in this age of social distancing. Universities and educational institutions must research technology to keep their crucial examinations to control cheating via ai.

Remote proctoring powered by AI is the only way to guarantee the complete security of Online Exams and prevent the procedure from malpractice and cheating.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, everyone is suffering a severe decline in terms of economics and even daily activities are being limited because of enforcements such as lockdown!

With the help of technology, the threads of knowledge and students remain intact!

Knowledge is accessible with a single click from the best sources. What about the testing procedures? It has to be carried out in an environment that is controlled, under supervision and surveillance.

While all the students are seated at home and not required to go out and gather for an examination What are we to do to get this issue done?

  • Technology has us covered. Control Cheating via AI is the best solution to this.
  • But, the security of online tests is among the most important factors in its performance.
  • What can an institution do to ensure that only the best candidates are taking an exam online?
  • How can the institute be sure that there isn’t fraud or cheating occurring during the online examination process?
  • Does anyone know of a way that students can take an online test with a mobile device and can be sure that their identity is verified as well as their activities are monitored?

Artificial Intelligence(AI) powered Remote Proctored Online Examinations is the solution to all the questions above.

Control Cheating via AI is a method that allows you to monitor online tests for candidates spread across a variety of locations over the planet.

Why should you use software for proctoring?

Control Cheating via AI to cut down on cheating in remotely controlled exams, which is essential during the outbreak. Fair examinations safeguard the worth of qualifications and demonstrate that academic integrity is important. They form a crucial component of the requirements for certification in professions like medicine and law.

It is unjust towards honest learners. If it is not checked it can create more incentives for cheaters to continue to play.

The firms that sell proctoring software claim that their software will stop cheating and increase the fairness of exams for all But our research raises questions about that.

What’s the problem?


We analyzed the program and discovered that simple techniques can bypass many security measures against cheating. This indicates that the tool might only offer a few benefits.

Students are required to install software that has such massive control over a computer can pose a security risk. In certain instances, the software stays in secret even after the students have removed it.


Students may not have access to the correct devices as well as the speedy internet connections required by the software. This can lead to technical issues which can cause anxiety and disadvantage. In one instance 41percent of pupils encountered technical difficulties.


Proctoring online can cause privacy issues. Examiners who record videos can look into the homes of students and examine their appearances without being seen. This kind of intimate monitoring and recording to allow for repeat viewings differs from the traditional exam supervision in person.

Fairness and bias

Proctoring software has significant issues of fairness. The algorithms for facial recognition that we tested aren’t always exact.

A paper due out that we wrote has found that the algorithms used by major American-based companies do not detect dark-skinned faces more accurately than lighter-skinned people. The resultant discrimination hidden from view could contribute to society-wide prejudices. Other studies have revealed the same issues with proctoring software, and the use of facial recognition technology in general.

Investigating baseless suspicions

Institutions of higher learning can usually decide the automated tools they want to employ or not. Proctoring companies might insist that the AI-generated “flags” are not proof of academic dishonesty, but they are motives to look into possibly fraudulent activities within the university’s discretion.

But, simply conducting an investigation and questioning of students can be unfair and stressful in the event of false machine-generated suspicions.

Surveillance culture

In the end, an automated system for monitoring exams could set a new precedent. The public’s concerns over surveillance as well as the automated process of decision making are increasing. It is essential to be wary when we introduce dangerous technologies, especially when they are implemented without our real consent.

There are various parameters to remote proctoring like audio proctoring and video proctoring image proctoring, and monitoring screens of the user who is taking the exam online. 

By utilizing all of these options you can safely conduct an online Exam in an environment that is controlled and free of cheating.

Facial Recognition

Recognition of faces is among the most important elements for the authentication process used by remote users in the online examination process.

The system snaps a picture of the remote user taking the test. It is compared to a photograph that is stored by the system at the beginning of the online exam.

Any examination If there is a deviation or mismatch in the face or more than one person is identified on the screen, or if there are no faces are visible on the screen during an online exam then the system will record it as an alert.

Secure Browser: 

Deterring candidates from switching between windows while taking the Online Exam. AI-powered remote proctoring also blocks the user from switching windows during a scheduled Online Exam. It is the safe browser mechanism that is imposed by the proctored exam procedure that enforces this restriction to ensure that your Online Exam environment is under control.

Every attempt to open a different window may be recorded as a violation of the rules and the exam supervisor can examine the case further to ensure the integrity of the Online Examination.

Exam administrators can also opt-out of automating the suspension mechanism of Exams conducted Online Exam in line with the window switching activities performed by the candidate. If the candidate tries to defer the warning alerts past the predetermined time limit, the system will immediately suspend the online exam for the candidate in question.

Malpractice Identification

AI-powered remote proctoring utilizes AI-driven algorithms to verify user identities and identify cheaters on exams. It can generate a detailed report to allow you to determine if an online test has been successful using machine-driven remote proctoring.

Image-Based Proctoring

Every corner of the globe has been connected to all corners of this planet are connected with World Wide Web. It’s possible to connect to any person from any part of the globe.

There may be certain bandwidth limits on internet connections for certain regions.

AI-powered remote proctoring has got you covered with its additional lite proctoring method in the form of Proctoring based on images. Image Proctoring can help ensure the security of online exam environments prominently.

It is among the methods that are less invasive for proctoring, that captures photos of users every 15 seconds and 30 seconds.

As exam takers, you’ll be able to see approximately 244 photos of a user during every 60 minutes of an online test. This will help you determine if the person is taking the exam online or not.

Online ID Authentication

Students are increasingly taking advantage of the advantages of online tests that could be used from far-flung places like the home, to allow impersonators to take the test on behalf of the candidates. This is the reason why in an online exam, cheating prevention is essential by making strict identification of the candidate a requirement to protect the security of the test.

Online ID authentication allows corporations and universities the opportunity to turn on authentication for candidates when setting the exam proctoring settings.


Proctoring is an anti-cheating device that validates the identity of test-takers, and also prevents them from cheating in the test. Auto proctoring, as its name implies is a method of proctoring that requires the use of a Proctoring program. This test software prevents cheating and monitors the conduct of the candidate and his/her computer usage through recordings of audio and video before and during the exam to identify any unusual actions that could be seen as cheating.

“The market for remote proctoring online and remote invigilation is growing at a rapid rate. It is anticipated that it could become a massive $10 billion market by 2026. that covers all fields such as vocational, educational corporate, corporate and training.”

Record and Review Proctoring

Record & Review Proctoring offers the assurance of live proctoring but at an affordable cost. A group of experts review every session carefully to filter out any instances in which integrity is compromised.

Live Proctoring

Proctoring life is a blend of human and auto-proctoring in which the candidate who takes the test is monitored in real-time by a live professional (a person) and software for proctoring (auto-proctoring) which records both the computer and the candidate’s activities throughout the exam. Proctors are people who have been trained and qualified to perform the process of (test taker) identity verification and reduce Control Cheating via AI . Proctors who live on the spot when they suspect any suspicious behavior has the authority to terminate the exam right there and there. The test program to prevent cheating ( auto-proctoring) gives a list with warning signs whenever it observes suspicious behavior. These can be reviewed in real-time or afterwards (recording) to evaluate the authenticity of the test and take the appropriate actions.

Proctoring using a 360-degree camera

The companies are developing modern headgear and other gadgets to stop learners and others from failing examinations. The technology involves cameras that take a 360-degree picture of the area in which the student is taking the test, to avoid cheating.

Advantages of AI-powered Remote Proctoring

1. Online exams are easy to conduct for users who are located far away.

Online exams can be conducted for remote users safely using the power of AI for remote-proctoring.

2. An effective and secure method to stop cheating on online tests.

The system’s algorithms can assist you to identify and stopping cheating in the online exam.

3. Instantly generated results for the types of tests that are objective.

Multiple types of tests will have instant results generation. You will be able to access various statistics and rankings, as well as a detailed specification, topic-specific assessment of both the entire batch and each individual.

For subjective exams, the examiner can evaluate the result by logging into the system and reviewing the responses written by students for each exam.

4. The entire paperless process is designed will save you a significant amount of logistics and administration of exams.

All exam activities can be conducted using paper. It is possible to save huge expenses in the management and administration of the exam by switching to AI proctored exams online.

5. Utilized by a variety of educational institutions with great success.

Artificial Intelligence will be the technology of tomorrow. A variety of industries have adopted it to automate and perform forecast analysis.

The education institutions are also making use of AI to oversee safe online exam procedures. There are AI-powered remote proctored exams online management solutions for schools of higher education.

It’s crucial to find methods to be able to conduct exams fairly remotely. We won’t always be able to replace tests with other tests.

Last words:

Different institutes and companies use different solutions to conduct examinations – some institutes and organizations use their in-house technologies while most of them use assessment/examination features of Learning Management Systems (LMS). More and more universities are embracing separate examination tools to stop Control Cheating via AI and enhancing the quality of exams by offering different types of questions and exam simulators.


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