
Mobile app development: No-code vs Low-code

Are you an entrepreneur who plans to take on a software development project in your company? Or, perhaps you are an IT leader within an enterprise and want to take on such a project. Sometimes, your software development team might be stretched to the limit and you don’t have enough staff to meet the project deadline. This is a common problem for businesses! What can you do to manage your project under such circumstances? Low-code and/or no-code development can help.

This article will discuss low-code vs. no-code mobile app development or web apps development. Both are discussed and we discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We then discuss their differences and similarities. We also discuss situations where they might be useful. We also discuss situations where custom software development is better than low-code/no-code. 

Table of Contents

What is Low-code development?

Low code development or “Low-code” is a movement or trend in the software development world. It aims to speed up software development. It replaces manual coding with automated code generation to achieve this goal.

Developers often have access to an “Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on low-code platforms. Developers can use the IDE to integrate code for common functions.

Programmers must repeatedly code several functions by hand, which can take time. These functions can be easily automated using low-code platforms that provide tested and readily available code. These blocks can be dragged and dropped by developers. This allows developers to save time.

“Low-code web development”

Let’s first clarify one thing. This is web app development. It’s not difficult to create static websites with minimal coding. This is a requirement that popular open-source CMSs like WordPress meet. You can create professional-looking websites with minimal coding skills.

However, web app development is different from creating static websites. Web apps offer many functionalities to users through your web app. Therefore, web apps are more dynamic.

To build, test and deploy interactive web applications, you will need a team of developers. Your functional requirements will influence your choice of technology. Your choice of technology stack would also be affected by your non-functional requirements. However, there is significant coding regardless of which technology stack you choose.

These platforms are low-code and intend to be a major player in this space. These platforms can save time and offer visual blocks of code that can be used for common functions. Programmers can save time. Programmers can focus on the most important parts and save time by not having to code repetitively.


Appian Low Code Development 

This platform is offered by Appian and can be used to accelerate development, integration, testing and deployment.

Claris FileMaker

This low-code platform by Claris features built-in templates and drag-and-drop functionality. It also includes an interactive IDE.

GeneXus Enterprise Low Code 

This platform combines low code capabilities with Artificial Intelligence to speed development, testing and deployment.

Mendix Lower-Code

Mendix provides low-code capabilities, scale and governance, multi-user development, cloud capabilities and many other features to accelerate development.

Brisk Logic

The “Dynamo of Digitization” aka Brisk Logic is ready to assist fast-growing low-code startups, venture companies, design agencies, small and medium-sized businesses, and large corporations in reducing development expenses.

What is “Low-code mobile app development”?

The world of mobile app development is vast. These are some of the options:

Native development:

This is where you might develop an app that runs on iOS or Android. For native Android development, you will need to use Java and Kotlin, while Swift or Objective-C is required for native iOS development. Native development IDEs (SDKs) are required for the development of such apps. Native apps offer the best user experience, performance, security, and usability.

Development of hybrid apps or PWAs:

 It is possible to choose to create a hybrid app, or a Progressive Web App (PWA). These apps are web apps. They can be run on many mobile platforms. They don’t offer native app performance and user experience. However, developing such apps costs less. One codebase means that maintenance costs are lower.

Near-native development is possible: 

A development framework such as React Native can be used to create an app that runs on both Android and iOS. It is possible to deliver a near-native user experience, performance, and code reuse. It can’t be compared to the native user experience completely.

Low-code mobile app platforms mainly target hybrid apps and PWA development. These platforms provide easy-to-use IDEs as well as visual blocks of code. By eliminating repetitive code tasks, developers can save time.

Low-code platforms are usually targeted at hybrid and PWA development. These are web apps. These are web apps that can be developed on any of the popular low-code platforms we’ve discussed.

The Appian Low Code development platform is primarily focused on mobile development. Mendix Low Code development platform is also worth mentioning. You can create mobile apps with React Native.

The benefits and disadvantages of low-code development

Let’s now examine the pros and cons associated with low-code development. These are the benefits of this development approach:

Low-code platforms are great for applications that target common platforms and require a quick time-to-market. It is easy to build and test your application quickly. It is possible to launch the app quickly and get feedback from the marketplace.

Lower dependence on skilled developers. Your talented developers may be involved in another important project. With a low-code platform, and inexperienced developers, you can still launch a simple application.

You can spend more time on high-priority areas: 

Low-code platforms already offer useful tools. You don’t have to worry about the lower priorities with integration and cross-platform support. Focus on the most important aspects of your app.

Easy deployment: 

Low-code platforms often support popular processes and tools. This speeds up the app deployment.

Low-code platforms also have some disadvantages

Dependency on a particular cloud computing platform:

All low code platforms are built on this specific cloud computing platform. If you create an app with a low-code platform you are bound to that cloud platform. Migration can be difficult.


 Low-code platforms don’t offer the same freedom as when you code your app yourself. These platforms may have limitations. For example, they might not be able to create API connections.

Low-code platforms can’t handle complex functions: 

A low-code platform will not work if you have complex business requirements. These platforms can work if your requirements are simple.

No-code development:

No-code development is a way to create software without any programming knowledge. A “No-code platform” allows you to quickly create an app using its features. The platform allows you to quickly create an application even if you don’t know much about programming languages.

It’s similar to creating a website using WordPress, an open-source CMS. It is possible that you don’t know much about website development. You do have a hosting account.

You can then do the following:

  • Just a few clicks to install WordPress.
  • You can choose from a variety of WordPress themes. Your website’s theme will define its look and feel.
  • Select WordPress plugins that provide the functionality you need.
  • Your brand guidelines will guide you in designing graphics and content.
  • Now you have a website that looks professional.

No-code platforms can be used to help you create simple web and mobile apps. The platform has everything you need. These platforms don’t require coding skills. However, they can help you create complex apps.

“No code web development”: 

We have already explained that “No code” web app or website development is similar to “Low-code”. This allows you to create web apps and websites that are relatively easy.

It is important to remember that “No code” platforms are for “citizen developers”. “Citizen developer” is a user of software applications and doesn’t need to be able to code. Even they can create websites and web apps with “No code” platforms.

Here are some popular “No code” web development platforms:



This “No code” platform offers useful templates. You can integrate it with Gmail, Google Drive Facebook Twitter, Microsoft Teams and more.

Appy Pie 

Appy Pies is a user-friendly platform that uses “No-code” for web and mobile app development. It offers useful templates and an intuitive workflow.


The bubble is a popular “No code” website building platform that offers useful templates as well as integrations. It is easy to create and launch apps, as well as iterate quickly.


Kintone is an easy-to-use “No code” platform. It offers useful templates to manage workflow, tasks, and claims management. It is easy to create an app and then launch it quickly.

“No code mobile app design”

“No code mobile application development” is very similar to “Low-code mobile app development”. It is similar to “Low code mobile app development” but targets hybrid app development. However, “no-code” platforms can be used by end-users who have no programming skills.

Some popular “No code mobile app development” platforms

Appy Pie, the “No-code” website development platform, also offers “no-code mobile app development” capabilities. It allows you to create hybrid apps. You can create hybrid apps with it.

What are the pros and cons of no-code development?

There are many pros and cons to “No code” development. These are some of the advantages of this development approach:

Rapid development and launch:

With a “No Code” platform you can quickly create and launch an app. You can also test it and then deploy it quickly.

No dependence on developers: 

“No Code” platforms let even non-coder business users create apps. There is no dependence on software developers.

Cost savings:

 No-code platforms are less expensive than costly software development staff.

The following are the disadvantages of “No code” development:


These platforms use particular cloud computing platforms. Therefore, you are “locked in” to one cloud platform. Migration to another platform may be difficult.

No customization:

 Platforms that don’t support code won’t allow customizations. These platforms won’t allow you to create an app if you have specific requirements.

Organizational silos can be broken down: 

Business users can create and launch apps through a “No Code” platform. Even if the IT team creates all applications, IT assets management can prove difficult. Further complicating IT asset management is the possibility of business users creating their applications.

The similarities  Low code vs. no code: 

You can now see the similarities between “No Code” and “Low Code”. These are the similarities:

Rapid time to market:

 Applications can be created, tested, and deployed quickly by either one of these two methods.

Reduction of dependency on developers:

 Both methods reduce dependence on software developers.

Cost savings:

 Both approaches can lead to cost savings.


You are locked into specific cloud computing platforms by both “Low code” and “No code” platforms.

Tooling support:

 No matter what platform you are using, you’ll have access to interactive IDEs and deployment tools.


 Both “No code” or “low code” approaches come with limitations. These platforms do not allow customization. If you have unique and complex requirements, these platforms can’t be used.

Low code vs. no code: What are the differences?

After having discussed the similarities between “No code”, vs. “Low code”, platforms, let’s now discuss their differences. These differences are:

Dependence on developers:

 Platforms with low code dependencies have low dependence on software developers. However, you need developers. The platform does a lot. The “No code” platform does not depend on developers. A “No code” platform allows business users to create applications without any coding skills.


You have different goals when you use “low code” platforms compared to “no-code”. Low-code platforms make it easy to launch apps quickly with the minimal development effort. To enable business users to build apps, you can use a platform that has “No code”.

Consider low code vs. no code when making a decision

If all the following conditions are met, you should consider using a low-code or no-code platform.

  • It is necessary to create a simple app.
  • You don’t need to customize the business requirements for your applications.
  • You need to quickly create, test and launch an app.
  • You don’t plan to create a strategic application. Instead, you want to save money.
  • If you don’t have any developer support, then you should consider using a “No-code” platform. A “Low code” platform is best for those who have limited developer support.

Why custom app development is important?

Although “Low code” or “No code” platforms may be advantageous in certain cases, there are situations where they should be avoided. In these situations, you should consider custom app development services such as those offered by BriskLogic. These scenarios are as follows:

Complex requirements: 

You must deliver complex functionality.

Capabilities that require cutting-edge technologies: You might be able to offer your app unique capabilities. These capabilities may require cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and others.

The user experience is crucial. Expert development efforts are required to deliver the best possible user experience. Native Android apps or iOS apps are an example. However, These apps deliver the best user experience. You will need to be a native Android developer or an iOS developer.

Challenging Nonfunctional Requirements: 

You must meet demanding NFRS such as scalability and performance.

Information security and privacy requirements are crucial: In regulated industries like banking or healthcare, you might have to comply with stringent information security requirements and privacy requirements. You need expert developers in such cases.

API development requirements: Your business might have some advanced capabilities and you need the app to be able to access these via APIs. These projects will require you to develop 1st-party APIs. This is a complicated task that requires expert developers.

Start mobile app development with Brisk Logic:

This article will discuss “Low code” and the “No code” development platforms and approaches. We also discussed their advantages and disadvantages and compared their similarities and differences. We also discussed scenarios in which you might use these platforms. We also discussed situations where Deviation offers custom software development. Before making any decisions, it is important to carefully analyze your requirements.

Do you want to build your App? visit our website BriskLogic.co to learn how we can help you bring your vision to life with beautiful designs, quality programming, and continuous testing.


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