Mobile App Prototyping Guidelines for better UX Supporting

With regards to mobile app prototyping or building your first MVP, you probably won’t realize how to take care of business, particularly as a non-designer or without proper software for mobile app prototyping.

Organizations use mobile app prototyping to rapidly approve and emphasize their thoughts. This helps organizations to assemble solutions that make an increasing customer-centric design. Notwithstanding, building a product requests lots of exertion, time, as well as cash.

Mobile app prototyping tools empower customers and designers to team up better while being in a similar setting as opposed to having clashing points of view.

Mobile UX Design

mobile ux design

To know more about mobile app prototyping guidelines for better UX supporting, you need to understand mobile UX design. According to the Interaction Design Foundation.

“Mobile user experience (UX) design refers to the design of positive experiences during the use of mobile devices and wearables, and applications or services running on such devices. “

Let’s have a glance at the latest trends of mobile UX design for 2022.

1. Better Personalization

In 2022, mobile app personalization will conceivably gain more energy. A custom-fitted UX is getting more importance in mobile development. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are making this customization consistent.

2. Rounded Corners

mvp prototyping

Another trend in 2022 for mobile UX design is the rounded corners of the mobile application. Since devices’ rounded corners are reflected in its UI structure, all applications and mobile sites get a comparable adjusted appearance and feel. It emphatically impacts on UX. Adjusted corners are smoother on our eyes and help process information without any problem.

3. Better Version of Animation

Advanced Animation is a significant piece of superior client experience. Animated movements convey bunches of information – they clarify state changes, affirm activities, and add a beat to connections.

4. Dark Themes

A dark theme resembles a low-light UI that shows dim surfaces for the most part. Dark themes carry 2 fundamental focal points to UX: they store battery power by diminishing the utilization of light pixels and decrease eye strain by adjusting the screen’s brilliance to introduce lighting conditions.

5. Buttonless Design

These days physical buttons are not any more utilized in mobiles. All the center goes to the content, while signals are used instead of digital buttons. The liquid swipe impact is taking the gestures utilization to the further level.

6. Use of AR/VR

The utilization of AR/VR in mobile apps is the latest trend in 2020. AR/VR will bring fictional components into the real world. This will help designers to bring more liveliness in designs.

Purpose of Mobile App Prototyping

Mobile app prototyping is a type of user research that approves the plan for the direction of the product. A prototype is a starter perception of a working product. In mobile application development, prototypes assemble an understanding of the item’s look and feel. This helps to test how consumers will utilize and respond to the UX design.

While doing mobile app prototyping, it is essential to know the purpose of why you are doing that. Let’s have a look at it.

1. Brings the Real Picture of the Product

Before any prototypes are made, the product is totally conceptual! But in the end, it must become something that partners and users are able to understand and appreciate. A prototype is an initial phase in moving from theoretical to real.

2. Cost Saving

Mobile app development can be an expensive procedure. Making a prototype will help you to save your money to bring your project a disaster. You won’t have to begin everything from the earliest starting point. If users face any issue while using the app, they do not use that app again and all your efforts will not pay you off.  But, if you build a prototype of an app you will not face these problems.

3. Detect Bugs

The main reason for the failure of an application is that the developers come to know about the bugs when it is too late. But once you design a mobile app wireframe design you will be easily able to detect the bugs in an application before it’s too late.

4. Presentation

Mobile app wireframe design at any stage is a standard for the introduction. Regardless of whether you’re updating your app or introducing a product to a customer. A Mobile app wireframe design will help you in presenting the idea into reality.

5. Detect Bugs

The main reason for the failure of an application is that the developers come to know about the bugs when it is too late. But once you design a mobile app wireframe design you will be easily able to detect the bugs in an application before it’s too late.

6. Presentation

Mobile app wireframe design at any stage is a standard for the introduction. Regardless of whether you’re updating your app or introducing a product to a customer. A Mobile app wire frame design will help you in presenting the idea into reality. How to create a Mobile App Prototypes?

How to create Mobile App Prototypes?

mobile app prototypes

There are times when you get a long page requirement from a client and don’t know where to start. The unorganized thoughts from the client meeting and the sketches barely helps. At that moment, building a mobile app wireframe design will help you to solve the problem.

The following are the points that will help you to create a mobile app prototype.

Having Clear Picture of the Goals of the Project

To create a mobile app wireframe design, it is very important to have a clear picture of your goals of the project. Start with the master plan. Does the product understand a genuine need? How can it solve that need? Understanding product utility is basic in providing any kind of feasible solution.

Competitive Analysis

A  strong competitive analysis will give you a clear image of the market for your product. It will provide you an insight into what your competitors are doing and how to proceed with your product.

Target Audience

Understandings the demographics of the user and what he needs puts a light on how to design and develop the product according to the user needs and demand.

Identifying Key Functionalities

Identifying the key requirements is a vital step in mobile app wireframe design. With such huge numbers of various technologies and solutions, UX designers need to know how the product will be utilized (web application, responsive site, mobile application, and so forth.), on what devices, and how many versions will exist together.

Having Sketches of the Initial Screens

When you are about to start the project but do not know where to start mobile app prototyping will be a help there. It will allow the designers to draw the sketches of the initial screens. This will provide them a direction to their destination.

Mobile App Prototyping Tools

The greatest advantage of mobile app prototyping tools is the hazard, the sooner we fail, the quicker we would learn. At the point when you come up short with your mobile app mockup, you land delicately — there’s consistently the opportunity to approve things that work, emphasize and improve.

Let’s have a glimpse of mobile app prototyping tools.


Invision ( is the most popular mobile app prototyping tool. With InVision mobile app prototyping tool, you can sort out design components into a status work process. You can set columns for To-do, In progress, Needs audit, and Approved, and simplify your design components into the appropriate column. You could add communications and animations to static pictures. You can upload multiple file types, including JPG, PNG, GIF, AI, and PSD. It has pushed and pulls mixes with applications like Slack, Dropbox, Box, Trello, JIRA and considerably more.


  • Single Prototype (Free)
  • 3 Prototypes ($15/ Month)
  • Unlimited Prototypes: ($25/Month)

Runs on:

  • Web Browser
  • MAC OS
  • Windows


Prototypes for:

Adobe Experience Design

Adobe XD is a mobile app prototyping tool technique that allows you to draw, reuse, and remix vectors and assemble fine art to make wireframes, screen layouts, mobile app prototypes, and production-ready resources all in the equivalent application. We can switch effectively from design to prototype right inside the application. Additionally, include interactions and transitions and offers to colleagues and partners to test the look and feel of your design. A product originating from adobe permits incorporations with a few of its products like Photoshop and After Effects which is a major in addition to.


  • Free

Runs On:

  • Android
  • IOS
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X

Prototypes For:


Axure RP is a mobile app prototyping technique that allows wire framing and design tools implied for interactive prototypes. It permits users to make fundamental wire frames, from low to mid-fidelity. Here, users can make segments of a screen intuitive while keeping the rest the equivalent. It also empowers users to hide or show content according to the previous interactions. Further, the decisions made by the users can also be recalled by the prototype.


  • 30 day Trial (Free)
  • Pro-$29/Month ($495 to purchase)
  • Team- $49/Month ($895 to purchase)
  • Enterprise (includes on-premise solutions) – $99/Month

Runs On:

  • MAC OS X
  • Windows

Prototype For:

Origami Studio

Origami Studio is a mobile app prototyping tool was at first made by Facebook to assist groups with building and design products. With this mobile app prototyping tool, we can review the mobile app mockups live on our mobile progressively utilizing Origami Live. Also, we can flaunt our designs in presentations in full screen, on various distinctive devices. Sketch and Photoshop structures can be imported into Origami, and your project layers will be saved, fit to be connected, energized and changed varying.


  • Free

Runs On:

  • OS X

Prototype For:


Sketch is a mobile app prototyping technique that is like Photoshop from multiple points of view, permitting you to alter and control photographs. Sketch’s Vector shapes effectively adjust to evolving styles, sizes, and formats, permitting you to maintain a strategic distance from a ton of difficult hand-tweaking. Sketch’s completely vector-based work process makes it simple to make excellent and top-notch fine art from beginning to end. In UI configuration, rehashing components is something exceptionally normal: catches, bars, bubbles — a wide range of things; and these reusable components can be consequently reordered utilizing the sketch application.


  • Free Trial
  • $99 for full version

Runs On:

  • OS X

Prototypes For:

How to choose the Right Prototyping Tool?

Picking the correct mobile app prototyping tool is the way to depict your thoughts and teaming up better with your customers. With the abundance of such huge numbers of online mobile app prototyping techniques, picking the correct one isn’t a simple task. Each tool is not quite the same as one another as it needs or has another element to stand apart from the rest.

Here are some of the tips that will help you to choose the right mobile app prototyping tool.

Learning Stage

Firstly, we need to decide how simple the tool is to learn and adapt. We should consider it the Learning Stage i.e., to what extent it takes for a designer to adapt and get the hold over the tool. Since all tools are not the same as one another and give different features, it would consume a great deal of time for the designer to become familiar with the tool.


As cooperation is key for structure, we check how well suitable it is for teamwork. The tool ought to give joint effort capacity to numerous individuals to be in a state of harmony with one another. Since each designer has their own point of view/thoughts for a task it’s basic that every one of them remains in the same spot.


Another point to consider while picking a prototyping tool is the way well it accommodates your structure procedure and the different tools you normally use. For instance, on the off chance that you are structuring in Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketch, it would be incredible if your prototyping software could straightforwardly utilize the records delivered by these applications without expecting you to resources independently and afterward assemble everything without any preparation to make the collaborations.

Easy to Use

The ease of use of the prototyping tool helps the designer to save time and in the increased output. It ought to decrease the number of steps required for a designer to finishing a task as opposed to expanding it.


There are numerous prototyping tools out there, a large number of which have special features. In any case, there is a trick with these tools, that they don’t accommodate our financial limit. Also, henceforth, we ought to be cautious while picking tools and not be blinded by the features.


In a nutshell, we have discussed a lot about the mobile app prototyping tools, but still there will be confusion while you will be choosing the prototype tool for your use. Consider the above points, which we have discussed while choosing the prototyping tool.

There were times when we used to make mockups on our own, but now we have come a long way and now everything is done with the help of technology. These prototyping tools will save your designer time and will prove to be an effective tool for making wireframes and mockups.


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