
What technology has a great startup in healthcare in 2022?

With the advancements in digital healthcare technologies such as VR/AR and 3D printing, robots, and nanotechnology, healthcare’s future is already in our sights. To be able to control technology, we must keep up to date with all the latest developments. Healthcare’s future lies in working with technology. Healthcare workers must embrace Startup in Healthcare technologies to remain relevant in the next few years.

While there have been many innovations in healthcare technology over the years that people have been practising medicine, few have had the same impact or influence as digital technology. Computers and networking have made it possible to access more medical treatments, but have also revolutionized the way that clinicians do their jobs.

The benefits of Technology in Healthcare


Improve patient care and experience

Health organizations can use technology to capture and measure data throughout the entire system of patient care. This gives them a clear picture of their performance. The technology also automates that measurement, allowing organizations to continuously review their results and spot problems that need fixing.

Real-time information exchange

Many groups, from patients to clinicians to payers, need to have access to their health records. Organizations have traditionally kept different records for each group. With the advent of digital technology, it is easier to standardize patient records and store them securely. Organizations are now integrating their data so that only authorized personnel can access the records when they need them.

Patients and Clinicians can have flexibility

Patients are often busy, so finding the time to make appointments can be difficult. Patients portals and tele medicine technology offer more options for patients to communicate with their health professionals. The use of wearable technology such as heart monitors gives clinicians more tools to assess health and well-being and allows them to record and evaluate symptoms while patients are going about their daily lives.

Brisk Logic is now going to talk about the technologies that will be used in the healthcare startup industry.

Block chain

Block chain technology is a secure way to share and verify health information. Many block chain systems offer a transparent, distributed record system that can not be altered without being recorded. This technology allows patients to be anonymized and protected while also allowing for full transparency and interoperability between diverse and fragmented healthcare systems.

Cloud computing

Cloud technology is often thought of as a place where data can be stored. Cloud environments can do much more than just passive data storage. Cloud environments allow healthcare organizations to create and customize applications that automate data movement through their information technology systems. Hybrid cloud environments, in particular, provide security features that help organizations comply with HIPAA regulations and give them the freedom to move data to wherever it is needed. Healthcare providers have more options to update legacy systems and workflows, thanks to this flexibility. Cloud adoption offers organizations the opportunity to use AI/machine learning tools, which can reveal hidden patterns and provide insights that will improve care delivery.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can completely transform healthcare. AI algorithms can quickly mine medical records and design treatment plans, or create drugs faster than any other actor in the healthcare system, including any medical professional.

Brisk Logic makes use of supercomputers to find therapies from a large database of molecular structures. The start-up conducted a virtual search for safe and existing medicines that could have been redesigned to combat the Ebola virus in 2015. The company’s AI technology predicted two drugs that could significantly lower Ebola infection.

Google’s Deep Mind has created an A.I. to assist with a breast cancer analysis. On average, the algorithm outperformed human radiologists by 11.5% on pre-selected data sets for diagnosing breast cancer.

These are just two examples of A.I. companies. A.I. is used to improve healthcare, from the design of new drugs to the disruption of medical imaging to mining records. In, we have collected our favorite examples. Imagine the possibilities for humanity that AI could open up if we all had these concrete examples!

Virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR), is changing the lives of both patients and doctors. You could be able to watch surgical procedures from the comfort of your hospital bed, or travel to Iceland and home using virtual reality (VR).

Virtual reality is being used by surgeons to help them practice their operations. These software programs are being developed by companies such as OssoVR and Immersive Touch. They are currently inactive in use and have promising results. A recent Harvard Business Review study showed that VR-trained surgeons had a 230% boost in their overall performance compared to their traditionally-trained counterparts. They were also more precise and faster in performing surgical procedures.

This technology has also been shown to be beneficial for patients. To help them through their labour pain, women are now equipped with VR headsets. VR has been shown to reduce pain in patients suffering from post-surgical, neurological, and gastrointestinal pain. A 2018 pilot study showed that patients who had undergone surgery reduced their anxiety and pain, and also improved their hospital experience.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is different from VR in that users don’t lose touch with reality, and it provides information as quickly as possible. These unique features allow AR to be a driving force for the future of medicine, both from the perspective of healthcare providers and patients.

It might be beneficial for medical students and surgeons, helping them to prepare for the real-life operation. This is the case at Case Western Reserve University, where students use the Microsoft Holo Lens for anatomy studies via the Holo Anatomy application. Medical students can study anatomy using this method without having to use real bodies.

Brisk Logic is another promising company that will bring its mixed reality headset to healthcare. Brisk Logic has partnered SyncThink to improve brain health, XRHealth to develop a therapeutic platform, and German healthcare technology company Mindlab in order to bring its spatial computing technology into healthcare. 

Wearables, sensors and healthcare trackers

The future of medicine and healthcare will be influenced by the empowerment of patients and individuals who take care of their health using technology. I can’t leave out wearables, sensors, and health trackers from my selection. These devices are great tools to learn more about yourself and regain control of your life.

Medical Tricorder

Every healthcare professional dreams of having a single, omnipotent, and all-encompassing device that can diagnose and treat every disease. Even though it was only visible on screen, the medical tricorder from Star Trek even came to be. Dr McCoy pulled out his tricorder to scan a patient. The portable, handheld device listed vital signs and other parameters and gave him a diagnosis. It was the Swiss Army Knife for doctors.

We now have similar devices that were once only available to sci-fi fans, thanks to the rapid advancement in healthcare technology. One such gadget is the Viatom CheckMe Pro, which measures ECG, heart rate and oxygen saturation. It can also measure temperature, blood pressure, and other vital parameters. Other companies are working on similar devices such as the MedWand, which can measure multiple vital parameters and also has a camera for tele medical purposes. There’s also the FDA-cleared BioSticker by BioIntelliSense, which can measure a wide variety of parameters such as respiratory rate, heartbeat, skin temperature and activity levels, as well as gait.

The current products available are not yet ready for prime time, but we will soon. High-power microscopes will soon be available with smartphones. They can analyze swab samples or photos of skin lesions. The sensors could detect abnormalities in DNA or detect specific proteins and antibodies. An electronic nose, an ultrasonic probe or nearly anything else we have could be connected to a smartphone to enhance its features. We need to be ready!

Genome sequencing

The US government spent approximately $2.7 billion on the Human Genome Project, which is an incredible amount of money. This is especially true when you consider that the US government spent $2.7 billion on the Human Genome Project in January 2017. In addition, the DNA sequencing giant Illumine announced a new machine that it claims will allow users to order their entire genome for $100 less. , the CEO of Illumine, stated last year that Illumine was still striving to meet that benchmark. This could mean that you may be able to get a genetic test for a lower price than a general test (which can cost between $10 and $150). Mind-blowing!

This test is so powerful! This test can reveal valuable information about your drug sensitivity and multi factorial medical conditions. It even provides family history. There are many fields that can benefit from genome sequencing’s advantages, including nutrigenomics, which is the cross-field between nutrition, dietetics, and genomics. Companies such as Habit in California offer personalized diets that are based on genetic codes.

Revolutionizing drug development

The current process of developing new drugs can be too costly and time-consuming. There are many ways to speed up drug development, including in silico trials and artificial intelligence. These new technologies and methods will continue to dominate the pharmaceutical landscape over the next few years.

A.I. is being used by companies like Turbine, Recursion Pharmaceuticals, and Deep Genomics. To develop novel drug candidates and therapeutic solutions in record-breaking time, and to speed up the time to market while saving lives and money.

In silico drug testing is another promising technology in healthcare. These computer simulations are used to develop or evaluate a medical device, product or intervention. Although it is not possible to simulate clinical trials completely with current technology, biological understanding and other factors, organs on a chip are making significant progress. Hammond is the “most comprehensive, mathematically accurate model of human biology ever created” and is used in many research projects. The Virtual Physiological Human Institute (VPH), has also created virtual models that can be used to study cardiovascular diseases as well as osteoporosis.

Imagine if thousands of potential drugs could be tested on virtual patient models. This stage may be possible in the near future.


The nano medicine age is upon us could soon be used as precise drug delivery systems or cancer treatment tools.

Researchers from Max Planck Institute have created microbots that look like scallops and can swim through your body’s fluids. The PillCam is a small, user-friendly smart pill that can be used for colon examinations. The MIT researchers developed an electronic pill that can be controlled wirelessly by smartphones and send out diagnostic information to release drugs or relay any other commands.

Smart patches are another example of nanotechnology. At CES2020, France’s Grapheal presented its smart patch which allows continuous monitoring and can stimulate wound healing.

We will be seeing more examples of nanotechnology in medicine as the technology advances. Future Williams will be able to take samples from the patient for further analysis. Remote-controlled capsules may make nano-surgeons possible.


Robotics is one of the fastest-growing fields in healthcare. There are many developments, from robotic companions to surgical robots to pharmaceutics, disinfectant and exoskeletons.

Exoskeletons had a fantastic year in 2019. It was the year of Europe’s first exoskeleton assisted surgery, and a tetraplegic person could control an exoskeleton using his brain. These sci-fi suits can be used to assist nurses, elderly patients, and patients with spinal cord injuries.

Robot companions can also be used in healthcare to alleviate loneliness, help with mental health issues, or even aid children with chronic illnesses. There are many examples of Jibo and Pepper as well as Paro, and Buddy. Many of these robots have touch sensors, cameras, and microphones that allow their owners to interact with them. For example, Ikki, an Australian startup, helps children with chronic diseases to monitor their temperature, breathing rate, and medications while telling them stories and listening to music.


3D printing can make a huge difference in healthcare. 3D printing is now possible for bio tissues and artificial limbs as well as pills and blood vessels.

Created a method to print living skin and blood vessels in November 2019 at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy. This is a crucial step in the development of skin grafts to help burn victims. NGOs such as Refugee open Ware or Not Impossible are also available to aid patients in dire need. They 3D-print prosthetics specifically for refugees fleeing war-torn regions.

This technology is also being used by the pharmaceutical industry. Since 2014, FDA-approved 3D printed drugs have been a reality. Researchers are currently working on 3D printing “polypills”. These drugs are made up of multiple layers to ensure that patients follow their treatment plan.

How can we use technology in Startup in Healthcare?



Technology is an integral part of modern healthcare, from large diagnostic imaging scanners to small wearable sensors. Technology has made it possible to improve many aspects of the healthcare business, including new medical procedures and treatments. Many people now enjoy the ease of booking appointments online, accessing test results, and records and sending questions to providers via email or text.

These are just a few of the areas where healthcare technology innovations support the next wave of startup in healthcare

Treatment and diagnosis of disease

AI can be used to process medical images and create disease models, which could help doctors make more accurate diagnoses. IBM Research’s recent research has shown that AI can be used in the recognition and interpretation of brain activity patterns on MRIs to track progressive neuron generative diseases such as Huntington’s disease.

Medical imaging

Medical imaging is particularly reliant on computers and AI models. They can convert images into numbers and identify trends. Radiologists and other clinicians can use these innovations to manage the enormous volume of images they review. They can identify high-value findings, and bring anomalies to their attention.

Healthcare operations

Many hospitals and healthcare organizations are looking for ways to improve their operations and build on the improvements made with electronic medical records. Organizations are using a variety of technologies to optimize their digital infrastructure, including cloud technology, mobile technology and analytics.

Clinical research

Technology is being used by life sciences organizations to improve the way clinical trials are conducted. Decentralized trials are supported by smart devices, telehealth visits, and sensors. This makes data collection easier and more efficient for all participants.

Last Words:

 Startup in healthcare has made healthcare revolutionary. Brisk Logic’s mission is to share the latest developments in healthcare and the art of medicine. 


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