
Why UX, the Centre of Digital Transformation?

What is UX?

The user experience (UX) is an expansive, multidisciplinary discipline that has many functions and involves every stakeholder in the creation of a service, product or experience. The purpose of UX is to assist users to achieve their goals quickly, providing exceptional technological capabilities while ensuring that the user’s interactions are enjoyable. According to UX expert Thierry Raguin, the following are five factors that make for a great UX: exploration efficiency, learning and pleasure. When users visit your website or mobile application and you are given a few minutes to catch their attention, suggesting the importance of investing in UX optimization is crucial to build credibility, Digital Transformation and confidence immediately and help keep the new users coming in.

The Value of UX in the Business World

The majority of companies are in the present, and while they recognize that UX plays an important role in enhancing user satisfaction, the various offerings of their products and services do not realize the value UX offers.

According to Kissmetrics, mobile users will leave a site when it doesn’t load within 1-5 seconds. 30 per cent of them would leave after 6-10 seconds. And for 3 per cent of mobile users, there’s less than a second to catch their interest and retain it. What does that mean to CEOs? A lack of action is a loss of money at the bottom.

The return on investment in UX is huge. In the course of a recently conducted study conducted by Forrester and Forrester, the better UX used in websites and mobile apps revealed the fact that “a well-designed user interface can raise a website’s conversion rate by 200%, and a better UX design up to 400%.”

What is the best way to Prioritize UX in your Digital Transformation?

If the primary driver of digital transformation lies in UX and UX is the core of UX is empathy and the ability to act. In the end, good UX is only possible by listening with a sincere heart and seeking to understand our customers. The new information gained can be utilized to gain insight into ways to improve the experience of using our products and services for those customers.

If you’re thinking about the possibility of adopting UX best practices for any digital change, consider all of it from the macro perspective. Make your decisions with patience and keep your customers in mind. In this instance that is your employees. Do not rush to implement an initiative to transform your business digitally without considering the ultimate goals. You should ask yourself questions from the perspective of view of the user.

What can we do to aid them in reaching their objectives?

How will the adoption of a new digital transformation plan affect the existing systems?

What are they looking for from an application?

These questions will help you avoid hassles in the future, and increase the effectiveness of the solution you offer to your customers.

The business world is aware that focusing on functional excellence is not a viable stand-alone growth strategy. To ensure that organizations remain competitive and not be overwhelmed by unstable markets and competition, adopting UX isn’t just a good idea and advisable, it’s also a requirement. It’s all about the emotions that clients experience when they interact with your business.

Without UX companies will be left behind in expanding their customer experience strategies as it begins to implement mass digitization of their services and products. By placing UX before your company’s digital transformation plans You can ensure that your current customer base will continue to flow into your company by remaining loyal customers. It is easy to attract new customers and also because you’ve put a lot of effort into being aware of and addressing the needs of your customers or clients.

Focus on optimizing the experience

The transformation of digital systems is an ongoing, constant process. The process of getting the IT infrastructure developed and designed isn’t going to bring long-term benefits if opportunities for optimizing user experience are left unexplored in the future. Similar to any optimization procedure, moving into the digital world means that you must always seek improvements and be aware of the latest developments.

The user experience (UX) refers to the application to apply design thinking or techniques to create software, websites or the mobile application or business app more comfortable, user-friendly easy to use. Users expect more today. In their everyday lives, they’re accustomed to being able to use, simple and enjoyable technology available to them.

Every day we use digital assistants to remind us of appointments, locate restaurants and do a variety of other things using the help of Siri and Google Now because it is much more convenient and quicker than doing it all by ourselves. Although we may not be becoming more proficient in technology, however, we are becoming more comfortable using our smartphones or tablets for downloading music and to locate the closest movie theatre, or even pay for purchases.

Digital Transformation:

Digital Transformation begins with the customer in the mind of the customer. A great user experience is a great method to keep your customers engaged and connected to your company in this modern age. It’s the key ingredient in establishing a distinct brand and giving you an advantage over your competition.

For a digital transformation to succeed, companies are becoming more conscious of the need to make their systems more user-centric whether that’s their employees working on internal systems, or their customers using external interfaces.

There are many factors to consider when formulating or evaluating the user experience

Search How easy is it to locate the website or application

  • Consistency: Does it give an identical experience across all devices?
  • Content – how interesting is the content? It will keep users interested?
  • Design is gorgeous and clean, with brand enhancement visual design
  • Access – how simple is it to use and comprehend the application
  • Desirable: how much influence it creates in users to make use of the application
  • Credibility: Can users be confident in the app?

How Useful are the Functions and Features?

A positive user experience can build brand loyalty, which boosts customer engagement. User experience isn’t just about the use of the product, but also involves the interaction with customers. When it comes to UX there is no need to worry about how your website or application is if the users aren’t happy being engaged with the app.

When designing UX the majority of designers look at pretty designs and features. However, they should stay clear of information overload, excessive text, or complicated forms, and keep the user experience simple. They should concentrate on one primary function and make it easy for users to use, access and excel at this particular function.

Companies that offer exceptional customer experience in the products they offer and their services recognize that the user experience is an important strategic value. Amazon is an excellent example of a user-friendly experience, where reviews are even evaluated, and they offer many features that facilitate the buying and browsing process simple for their customers and personalized.

How do you get started with a UX-based Digital Transformation?

Making great products isn’t always enough to stand out from the intense competition in the crowded online market. To make a mark, a company must delight its customers or at the very minimum facilitate the purchase process. To do this, in-depth knowledge of customers’ requirements and desires is essential. Here are some suggestions on how to adopt an entire approach to creating an experience for customers during the process of transitioning online.

Make a UX Research:

The primary objective for UX studies is to assist you in understanding how to make each interaction with mobile apps or websites enjoyable for the users. It permits a design team to discover issues and opportunities that relate to the ease of use of solutions and functions that you’ve implemented or are planning to implement. The insights and data gathered during this phase will be used in the next phase of digital transformation.

UX experts use the following tools to conduct the research:

Quantitative Measures:

Quantitative Measures (e.g. interviews) to determine the reason customers perform certain actions and (e.g. stats and analytics) to find patterns and verify theories based on qualitative research.

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Companies must apply UX methods of research throughout the transformative process of digitalization, and not only at the start. At the end of the process, they can help make sure that the software they implement is user-friendly and does not cause bottlenecks in the most important procedures and processes.

Create wireframes

The process of development without wireframes or prototypes isn’t a wise choice. If you need to carry out a digital transformation strategy within a strict timeframe It’s more beneficial to check the timeframe rather than wasting resources in creating custom software that doesn’t give your desired results.

Wireframes help connect information architecture to an interface for users. Wireframes are the most affordable and fastest method of determining the ease of navigation. Additionally, wireframes enable a design team to test different methods of displaying information on screens. This gives you the possibility to pick the ideal UX for your project.

It’s crucial to establish a holistic design process. The rules of a system like this will ensure the image of the brand is consistent across various platforms.

About Brisk Logic:

Brisk Logic is an enterprise-grade business process control and workflow application. Brisk Logic facilitates business analysts to work in conjunction with IT to automate complicated business processes that connect employees and systems in the company. Based in Durham, North Carolina in the United States, Brisk Logic has an extensive partner network that spans 35 countries across five continents. Numerous commercial customers, which includes many Fortune 100 companies, rely on Brisk Logic to transform digitally their business processes at the core which allows for faster decision-making as well as improved compliance and more efficient performance.


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