ecommerce solution

eCommerce Digital Solution

Online solution for equipment rental

This solution will help the client in connecting with the renters and suppliers. It helps to reach an agreement regarding construction equipment rent.

The Business Challenge

Everybody is purchasing, selling or leasing online nowadays, and the eCommerce advertisement is just becoming greater. These days, you can without much of a stretch transform your energy into your activity or business. The primary objective of such gateways is to interface clients and providers, assisting them with finding whatever they require for additional support of their creativity and development.

Our client is required to improve UI/UX of the current online store platform for construction equipment rental. He additionally requested to give and execute front-end development suggestions. In addition, some code structure streamlining was required. Inevitably, the client required an attractive and quick working eCommerce digital solution.

business challagne

The Solution

Our digital transformation organization was approached to improve UX and UI improvement highlights of the online B2B cross-rental stage and execute new top of the line and effective capacities. The execution of our suggestions made it conceivable to rent construction equipment at a sensible cost and from dependable providers for individuals from everywhere throughout the world. The eCommerce site easily works both on mobile phones and PCs. Also, the client expected to enlarge their IT staff.

The engineering team from Brisk Logic was tested to make upgrades of the UI/UX and the front-finish of the development gear site. To execute these progressions webix JavaScript UI segments were utilized.

The automated solution permits providers and tenants to manage one another, search construction equipment, and make/drop an offer. All users are approved and have an individual record to speak with different users about rental conditions.

Brisk Logic’s product development team has made an online store platform that allows clients to share data easily. For example, they can make search records, or quest for whatever equipment they require and get a rundown of providers on accurate dates, and so on.

There are additionally star evaluations and geological areas accessible. Thus, to render and structure an enormous measure of information and make gorgeous clients dashboards, the group utilized Webix JavaScript UI widgets. Our team chose the Amazon server to host and stable work on the platform.

Result of the Product
Brisk Logic team actualized basic being used intuitive solutions and made the easy to use digital platform for construction equipment rental that permits interfacing tenants and providers, following rental cost and position of each bit of hardware. The stage is absurdly simple to utilize and portable rendition of the application takes into consideration procedure in a hurry.


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