hair salon booking

Salons Booking System

Multi-highlighted leading booking system

Explore how our team developed a multi-highlighted leading booking system for hairdressing salons in Switzerland that permits clients to choose the kind of services and make an appointment for the future visit to the salon. Our team has developed an intuitive online appointment scheduling system for salons. It will permit the customers to book their appointment in advance.

The Business Challenge

Hairdressing and magnificence salons regularly offer various types of assistance that differ by type, length or specialized topic. In addition, not surprisingly, every salon offers an assortment of services and utilizes hairdressers, beauticians, artists and different pros. So as to all the more likely order and sort out organization work, manage time and schedule visits, just as to improve internal workflow, firms need a powerful appointment of Salon booking system.

The customer requested our digital transformation organization to build an easy to understand online appointment system for hairdressing salons that permits clients to effectively book and schedule appointments, manage customer associations with detailed appointments history, inclinations, future appointments and contact details, just as manage staff time.

The main feature of the booking system is making appointments through the salon’s site utilizing an online schedule control for clients, and dealing with the working hours for representatives. The framework application ought to permit Clients to choose services and book meetings with beauticians, employees to manage appointments and individual information, Administrators to deal with a salon and alter workers.

business challagne

The Solution

Brisk Logic’s experts made an easy to understand and powerful digital scheduling and booking software that permits the both clients and workers to effectively deal with and deal with the hour of appointments, manage notes, change appointments time and span, include remarks and re-assign out tasks to one another, and so on.

The scheduling system shows the schedule of appointments and conceivable visit time and permits choosing the appointment duration and area of the salon, pick free or favored experts; on the other hand, they can pick a few pros one after another. Clients can see the schedule straightforwardly in the wake of entering the ideal services.

 If the client doesn’t locate the correct time, somebody has just reserved the liked time during reservation, the client will get a message/warning and the framework will offer to book another time. In addition, the framework conveys suggestions to staff and customers at whatever point the appointments are reserved, dropped or rescheduled. Clients and representatives (beauticians/craftsmen/masters) are naturally synchronized.

Brisk Logic product team utilized dhtmlxScheduler web schedule control to improve UI, alter the appearance and show repeating occasions of the application. It permits directors to plan working time/days (even on siestas), just as deal with the rundown of accessible services and set up the term. In addition, the scheduler calendar permitted engineers to effortlessly incorporate it with jQuery systems. dhtmlxScheduler is a cross-program UI part, so it easily chips away at all cutting edge internet browsers. The schedule map shows representatives’ situations on google maps added to the scheduler.

 The framework utilizes updates and programmed notices to assist customers with showing up on schedule, to change time, to pick some other time. Managers could produce reports and view the working long stretches of representatives. To make profoundly organized databases our designers utilized MySQL that permitted our group to move to other databases and oversee existing databases simpler and quicker.

While developing the booking system, the developers used PHP and JavaScript programming languages, and fast and feature-rich jQuery JavaScript library. PHP was used as a framework for the back-end.

Our Role in Client Success
Our engineers made a simple-to-utilize and proficient online appointment booking system for hairdressing salons that permits clients and inside workers to manage, plan and book their appointments. The application allows users to: ● schedule next appointment without hassle from anywhere ● choose the service or procedure using filtration by service type and geolocalization ● easily handle and manage the time of appointments ● change appointments time and duration ● view and synchronize the calendar of appointments and possible visit time, chose location of the salon and preferred specialists ● get notifications and reminders In addition, the application is a client-driven solution. For instance, if the client doesn’t locate the right time, somebody has just reserved the favored time during reservation, the client will get a message/notice and the framework will offer to book another time.


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