
Hyper Automation vs Robotics Process Automation

Hyper automation might seem like a futuristic term however it’s having an enormous impact today and in the future for companies around the globe by moving automation up a notch.

Today, Brisk Logic will talk about what hyper-automation actually is and why it’s an essential requirement for modern companies and how you can incorporate it into your company today.

What Is Hyper Automation?

Hyper automation refers to the application of technology such as machine learning, artificial intelligence or robot-based process automation (RPA) to automatize the business processes and tasks that are normally performed by humans.

It’s a way of automating which aims to automatize each and every aspect (within the bounds of) in order to build an environment where operations are as smooth as is possible.

The goal is to eliminate redundant tasks, cut down on time, reduce expenditures and waste, collect more information and boost the efficiency of an organization.

What is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the process of using robotics that is trained to automate repetitive, routine and predictable tasks by using interactions designed to replicate human actions.

This frees up time for humans to work on more important tasks by letting bots take care of tasks such as data extraction as well as data management logistical and operational support and invoice processing, as well as report-writing and managing inventory.

There are two kinds of RPA currently in use:


Bots are deployed on portals for desktops which allow humans to perform certain tasks while the robot performs more complicated and repetitive tasks.

One benefit of attended RPA bots is that these require human involvement, which gives you more control for monitoring and compliance for compliance purposes.


The server can deploy bots to perform fully automated workflows. The bots are in waiting and do not require human interaction to begin their task.

Why Is Automation Important in Business Today?

No matter how big your company is, automation can be a useful tool to streamline your workflow and boost organizational growth. companies are starting to realize.

Automation and artificial intelligence are predicted to bring in billions in value of labor by 2025 because automation offers unmatched effectiveness to businesses which gives them a huge advantage over their less efficient competitors that will continue to fall further in the slack.

The modern business process automation field is extremely flexible and businesses are able to invest what’s needed regardless of whether it’s a basic degree of automation, or more advanced and expand their investment based on their requirements and the growth.

With such a huge upside potential and a low price to start, it’s essential that companies begin investing in automation earlier rather than later or be in danger of being caught with their rivals.

Automation can be beneficial in many areas of your company.

It could be marketing customer service, human resources or sales, data management and accounting, every part of your business has procedures that can be automated.

What’s the Difference Between RPA and Hyper Automation?

The primary distinction between RPA and hyper-automation is although RPA concentrates on automating the simple process of automating it hyper-automation involves a greater change in the way a company is run that elevates RPA to a new level.

Hyper automation utilizes additional technology such as machine learning that uses data to detect patterns, to learn, and add a level of detail beyond simple rule-based processes to complete basic tasks.

There are the key differences that distinguish RPA and Hyper-automation.

RPA can only be used to automate routine and predefined tasks. Hyper-automation on the contrary elevates RPA to a new stage by facilitating intelligent and flexible procedures that recommend the most appropriate path of action instead of repeating the same tasks until they are the process is stopped.

Hyper automation is able to break through the boundaries between functional areas. Instead of RPA repeating the same routine tasks, hyper-automation employs intelligence to determine the most effective method to perform those tasks.

RPA isn’t enough

While RPA can be useful but it is equally crucial to recognize that having one robot performing the same job over and over again with no possibility of a variation isn’t enough. Many companies using RPA still use processes that are closely controlled by humans. It’s not long-lasting, efficient or simple to scale over the long term.

Hyper automation allows organizations to automate huge, complex processes that are typically managed by humans. They can also adjust and ask for assistance as needed. This allows human beings to concentrate on strategic, creative and enjoyable work.

Hyper automation is now more crucial than ever before

Hyper automation is able to interpret large amounts of data and incorporate logistics data into the business for innovative solutions to solve issues.

Hyper automation could replace routine tasks with innovative ones. It can facilitate collaboration and encourage the development of machines as partners so that employees are able to focus on valuable tasks.

With the advent of hyper-automation and low-code companies have access to a variety of tools to run their business with flexibility and less dependence on IT and employees can enjoy greater access to information and collaborate seamlessly across the entire business.

How can I get it to work?

It is essential for companies to answer questions such as – what are you trying to accomplish? How can you reduce operating expenses or increase the accuracy of your operations? What is your strategy for optimizing? Are you focusing on the most crucial ones, eliminating the inefficiencies and continuously looking for ways to improve and discover new opportunities to optimize?

To be successful with hyper-automation, organizations must be aware of a few important aspects in the back of their minds.

Making the right choice when it comes to selecting the right tool

The toolkits of organizations should include a platform that supplies teams with a complete overview of the business processes that are automated to improve communication and visibility.

Low-code automation systems with models for business processes allow accurate modelling and design of complicated processes that form an integral part of the larger goal.

Model of operating governance structured

Companies require a comprehensive governance system to carry out an easy-to-implement hyper-automation implementation manage regulatory and organizational changes, modify processes, monitor fluctuations in demand for service and also communicate with those who are involved.

Tips to ensure the successful implementation of Hyper-Automation

Identify the appropriate usage case: When you introduce low-code technology to your business It is crucial to get quickly successes. Imagine a program that is measurable and impactful yet doesn’t make the ocean boil.

Find the internal champions, both of IT and business. Seek an amalgamation of people to review the ideas and practices, embrace low-code technologies, and orchestrate an improved automation lifecycle.

Agile Adoption:

Implementing an efficient MVP method helps to test the effectiveness of the approach and what’s not.

Right change management:

Before you implement automation, it is crucial to think about the organizational changes as well as the method by which tasks are accomplished. It is crucial to bring all the employees who are required to comprehend the new methods to achieve the goals.

If your business already uses RPA Hyper-automation is the next stage in the process of automation. It is essential to determine whether a hyper-automation solution will support all the components you need to enable the entire process of automation. Hyper-automation brings RPA away from the back office and puts it into an environment that is front-facing. Invariably the COVID-19 epidemic has increased the need for a digital society.

The Benefits of Hyper Automation

When considering the advantages of hyper-automation are aware of the benefits of automating basic tasks, but aren’t aware that it can bring a lot of other benefits for businesses, such as:

Inject New Technology Into Your Business

Implementing new technologies to your business can bring a variety of advantages that are associated with the hyper automatization of your existing procedures.

Hyper Automation covers a variety of technologies ranging including RPA and AI.

Improve Employee Satisfaction

Implementing hyper-automation in your company’s processes significantly improves the satisfaction of employees by taking them away from boring repetitive tasks that require repetitive tasks.

Instead, they’re able to concentrate on projects which are stimulating and require the use of creativity, critical thinking and solving problems.

Digital Transformation through Automation

In many cases, for companies, it is the first step towards a comprehensive digital transformation strategy that reduces optimization, speeds up, and significantly enhances efficiency.

Hyper automation is another step in that process that takes every aspect to the next.


Automating using RPA reduces costs by eliminating unnecessary expenses in business operations by removing workers from tasks that do not require human intervention to finish.

Hyper automation makes this a step forward, making automation the primary principle in all business operations.

This means that you can take over any task that could be automated and slash costs across a variety of areas of business.

Expand Data Usage

Hyper automation can allow for more efficient use and utilization of the existing data you have in addition to acquiring more data you didn’t prior to.

Hyper automation is the result of using your information, AI machines, AI and automation results in better data utilization and more efficient data sets that can be tapped.

This means using more information (including data you’ve never previously used) as well as making AI make use of data to provide more insight.

Bottom Line

With savings in costs, increased employee morale, greater data utilization, and an increase in efficiency of the company overall, implementing hyper automation can bring many benefits for businesses.


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