mobile app development frameworks

The Top mobile app development frameworks for 2022

The market for mobile apps is expanding at an incredible rate. Although it may appear saturated with over 5,000,000+ apps on Google Play Store and Apple App Store, the market still has the potential for your unique idea. A report shows that both the app store’s number and the amount of money spent on apps will continue to grow in 2024 and beyond.

How can you create an app that is unique among the countless apps already in existence? What makes mobile apps stand out from their competition?

You need to have a unique idea for an app and the right technologies to create it.

Many mobile app development technologies, libraries, frameworks, and technologies are available to provide the best possible experience for small screens. It is important to choose the best tools for your business when you embark on your journey to build your dream app. You will have to face many obstacles along the way that are costly.

This article will discuss the top mobile app development frameworks. We’ll also talk about their pros and cons. Let’s get to it.

What is a Mobile App Development Frameworks?

mobile app development frameworks can be described as toolkits that include pre-built code libraries, software developers kits (SDKs), API tools, and other tools that help developers create robust apps quickly. You don’t have to create a new app every time you use a framework. Instead, you can concentrate on the app logic.

A framework is a pre-existing skeleton that developers can use to build apps by simply integrating the logic. This is the best way for you to create a custom app while not having to reinvent the wheel.

There are two types to choose from when developing mobile apps.

  • Frameworks for native mobile app development: These frameworks are used to create platform-specific applications.
  • Frameworks for cross-platform app development: These frameworks can be used to create apps that work on multiple platforms.

Mobile development frameworks make it easy to develop a mobile app, but it’s possible to create one without a framework. You can create native apps using languages such as Java, Kotlin, and Objective-C for Android or iOS.

Which framework is best for mobile app development?

To develop a mobile application in 2022, there are many frameworks on the market. Nearly all of these frameworks are industry-standard and can be used to help budding entrepreneurs create their dream apps. 

To choose the best one, there are three main factors to consider:

  • Advantages: What makes this framework a significant option?
  • Disadvantages: What is the problem with the framework?
  • Use Cases: This framework can be used to develop what type of app?

This blog will discuss the top mobile app development frameworks currently available on the market. Let’s take a look at the list.



Google’s UI toolkit Flutter allows you to create attractive, natively compiled web and mobile apps from a single codebase. Flutter apps are built using Dart, an object-oriented programming language. The idea behind Flutter is widgets.

Flutter doesn’t use OEM widgets but it does provide widgets that look native to both iOS (Cupertino), and Android (Material Design).

Brisk Logic has developed many cross-platform apps using Flutter. Here’s why it made it to this top:

Flutter has its rendering engine: Skia is used by Flutter to render onto a platform. The engine allows you to launch Flutter’s UI on any virtual platform. This means that you don’t have to modify the UI to transfer it to another platform.

  • App Performance is Native-App-like: App performance is critical to providing seamless customer experiences. Flutter doesn’t rely on intermediate code interpretations or representations to provide flawless performance.
  • Clear Code Structure: Flutter’s greatest advantage is its Dart programming language. It provides structure and clarity and allows developers to separate styles and create code in multiple classes. This makes development easier and faster.
  • You can save money by using Flutter. This means that you’ll need fewer developers to complete your project. It will also result in lower costs and less complexity. You will reach the customers of both iOS and Android more quickly, while also spending less.

Let’s now examine some of the drawbacks to Flutter.

  • A limited number of developers: Flutter is relatively new and there are few reliable Flutter developers on the market. You will find it difficult to find resources.
  • Flutter is not suitable for all types of apps: Flutter can only be used for a limited number of app types. Flutter is not suitable for all types of apps.

Flutter Use Cases

Flutter is a mobile development platform that allows you to create on-demand apps, games apps, and photo editing apps. Flutter allows Machine Learning integration in the app (e.g, speech recognition or face recognition). Flutter is a great choice if you plan to use Machine Learning. Here’s a list of 10 successful apps built with Flutter Framework.

React Native

React Native was developed by Facebook and allows developers to create native-like apps for iOS or Android using the most popular language in the industry, JavaScript.

JavaScript is all that’s required to create JavaScript-enabled apps. React Native can also be used by developers to create parts of their apps in native languages such as Java, Objective C, or Swift.

These are some of the benefits you will get from this incredible framework:

  • Native look and feel: React native combines the building blocks of native UI with its programming language JavaScript, giving the app a native-like appearance. The app’s design and feel will be the same on both platforms because the building blocks are identical.
  • UI-focused: It uses React JS to create beautiful, responsive, and fast app user interfaces. It has great rendering capabilities, making it simple to create complex UI designs.
  • Live Reload: You can work and view changes in real-time with this feature. With an automatic reload, you can make code changes and see them on the screen. This will make compilation much faster.
  • Code reuse: This is the most important advantage of this platform. The code can be reused on both iOS and Android platforms for around 90%, which will increase your time to market.

Let’s now examine some of the drawbacks to React Native.

It is difficult to debug:

React Native apps often use native languages, making it more difficult to debug them. It is constantly switching between Native and JS environments.

JavaScript has a loosely-typed language, which makes it less scalable. React Native developers believe that there is no safety, which makes scaling difficult.

React to Use Cases

React is the best mobile app development platform for any type of app, except graphics-intensive apps. Native languages are preferred to develop these apps. React Native is also an option to build a Native app. This allows you to create a single view or group of views, reducing the development cost.


Microsoft backs Xamarin, making it the Best Framework for Hybrid Mobile App Development. It can be used to create apps for different platforms, including iOS, Android, and Apple Watch. It’s based on C#/.Net, which allows for shared logic across different operating systems.

Developers using Xamarin have access to the.Net library and packages. Let’s look at its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Open-Source: The libraries, tools, and scripts of Xamarin can be downloaded as part of Microsoft’s Visual Studio.
  • Amazing Test Cloud: Xamarin offers access to quality testing tools. Developers can use the test cloud function to test across more than 2000 devices to produce top-notch quality.
  • Incredible Component Store: Xamarin offers a wide range of UI controls, charts, and themes that can be used to enhance the functionality of your app.

Let’s take a look at the drawbacks of Xamarin.

  • Large app size: Xamarin applications have packages with their libraries. Xamarin apps are therefore larger than native apps.
  • Too expensive: Xamarin is a component of the.Net ecosystem. Its development requires Microsoft Visual Studio, which can prove costly for many companies.

Xamarin Use Cases

Xamarin’s main purpose is to create data-driven mobile apps that use stock UI components. This allows you to share the main software layer for data processing and data handling. It can also be used to create gaming apps, which is not possible with React Native.


Ionic is an open-source, cross-platform hybrid app development framework. It’s built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It’s the ideal choice to create hybrid and responsive web apps which require HTML technology.

Ionic is also compatible with PhoneGap,, and Cordova projects. It also has many other benefits, such as working with Angular, a powerful SDK. Let’s take a look at all its benefits.

Ionic has a great UI/UX. It offers smooth animations with appealing themes and designs. It can be used as a Front-end framework and includes components such as HTML, CSS, and JS. Developers can create an interactive and user-friendly mobile app.

  • Cordova Plugins: Plugins are a key part of Ionic app development. Cordova plugins can be used to their full potential while Ionic is being used. Developers can easily test and deploy apps created with AngularJS.
  • Native Plugins: Ionic can access native Plugins and APIs, which allow developers to create a native-like experience.
  • Simple Testing: With the help of Cordova commands, an Ionic programmer can test and validate the app using a test system and work area program.

Let’s take a look at the drawbacks of Ionic

It can be difficult to debug a mobile app created using Ionic. This is because it involves more time and unclear error messages.

Ionic builds can crash at random and this framework offers very low performance for certain types of apps.

Ionic Use Cases

Ionic can also be used to build stock trading, fitness, and workout-based apps. Many of these apps are popular because Ionic is easy to use. MarketWatch, TD Trading and Sworkit are just a few examples.


Angular is a fully-featured, dynamic framework that was created using the mobile-first approach. It is known for its stability, detailed documentation, and popularity in the industry. Let’s examine its benefits and drawbacks in greater detail.

  • Ionic Support: Angular can be used with Ionic to create mobile apps for iOS or Android. VueJS, ReactJS, and Ionic are supported by Ionic as well. However, Angular is most commonly used with Ionic to develop robust mobile apps.
  • Google backs Angular: Angular was created and maintained by Google. Trust is well-established in the community. It is ranked higher than 63K stars on GitHub.
  • Two-Way Data Binding is possible: Angular uses MVC architecture. The view will update the Model if the data has been changed. This allows you to reduce development time because developers don’t have to write additional code to maintain Model and View synchronization.
  • Packages are available: An enormous repository of open-source packages is available to Angular developers. It is possible to find a package for a complicated feature in your app.

Let’s take a look at the drawbacks of Angular.

  • Difficult to Learn: Learning Angular can be a difficult task. You may have difficulty finding the right Angular developers.
  • Compilation: Angular does not allow you to detect syntax errors before compiling the entire project. This can make it a bit tedious for you.
  • Use cases involving angularity
  • You can use Angular to develop a wide range of apps. Angular can be used to develop video streaming apps as well as real-time data apps and content-based apps. It is not recommended for the development of games or analytical mobile apps.

JQuery Mobile

It’s also a great framework for Android and iOS app development. JQuery Mobile offers a large number of plugins to aid in UI development, as well as GitHub’s support. This is a boon for programmers looking to create HTML5-based multiplatform apps for iOS and Android.

  • Amazing documentation: JQuery Mobile allows programmers to make the most out of their HTML, CSS and Javascript knowledge thanks to its detailed documentation.
  • Beautiful UI Creation: JQuery Mobile developers can create stunning UI themes using ThemeRoller even if they don’t have programming language knowledge.
  • Rapid Deployment Of Updates: This app architecture allows app owners to push updates without the need for an app store process, which could take several days or even weeks.

Let’s now examine some of the drawbacks to JQuery Mobile.

  • Average Performance: JQuery Mobile apps are slower than native applications.
  • It is not customizable: This works well for themes-based designs, but it is impossible to make something unique with it.

JQuery Mobile Use Cases

JQuery Mobile can be used to build responsive mobile apps, but it is not ideal for creating complex and resource-intensive software or apps.

Wrapping up

These are the top six mobile application development frameworks that major brands use to take advantage of opportunities in their respective markets. If you’re looking to launch your dream mobile app in 2022 then contact app development experts from Brisk Logic. We are happy to give you all the guidance that you need in choosing the right framework for your app idea.

After careful consideration, our subject matter specialists settled on the mobile app development frameworks mentioned above. Newer frameworks will upend the sector as 2022 approaches. For your subsequent business app, you might take these into consideration in the interim.


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