brisklogic web 3.0 impact on digital marketing

How Social networks and the Web 3.0 Impact on marketing ?

Advancements in information technology, communication and multimedia and the growing expansion and utilization of intranets, internet and extranets, websites etc. which are generating incremental innovation in a wide range of areas that are leading to the emergence of new business models built on knowledge and information in which the importance of networks, partnerships , and alliances between companies and other actors is vital.

The new networks and advances in what is known as Web 3.0 Technologies are changing the structure of firms and value chains, also known as value networks as well as the design of decision-making processes for managers. Their effective use is essential in today’s business and social context to help create and strengthen the competitive advantages of modern businesses.

This article examines the importance to social media in a new environment, their impact on the Web 3.0 for the business and managerial functions processes of businesses and how organizations are able to benefit from these new developments. The paper is focused on examining the role of community managers as well as the importance of crowdsourcing strategies to adapt to the new changes.2. The significance of virtual and social networks.The importance of social networks is highlighted in the current environment due to their growing popularity, as well as virtual communities, and their effect on the way organizations conduct business.

3.0 Web technology and social network use:

Recent developments in technology for the internet can be summarized in the transformation of Web 1.0 into Web 2.0 as well as the development technology known as semantic web, and their incorporation to create Web 3.0 and, in particular the growth of social networks that have brought new types of competition among businesses.Web 3.0 impact on marketing can be described in terms of “semantic Web technologies integrated into, or powering,large-scale applications” and has developed networks of digital technology that facilitate human-to-human cooperation as well as “intelligent agents that can automatically manipulate Web services and help firms react to changes quickly” through the integration of applications and data from various sources, giving “the ability to infer relationships between data in different applications or in different parts of the same applications” .

The New idea is important because it improves the meaning of information to humans by making it easier to understand to computers and promises a global web made up of semantically linked information instead of just a collection of HTML documents.It doesn’t just permit making use of the semantic aspect, but also images, space sound, and even feelings in a model which is where the static web has been transformed into a highly interactive one. In this new environment intelligent machines can interpret, read, and interact and manipulate information from cyberspace, which allows this process to be customized by various users or companies according to their specific requirements. In Addition to this, the new technology permits listening, learning and co-operation which means that every stakeholder or client is treated in a different way, in accordance with their preferences at all times.

Web 3.0 coming

With the advancements in technology that are coming with the Web 3.0 impact on marketing and time period, businesses are able to make use of data collected by businesses prior to and after contact with customers using techniques such as data warehouse, data mining, or customer relationship management, and using different pieces of data from various social networks, or from the internet generally. These data are now vital for adjusting and personalizing services, brands, and products to different customers or businesses. Social networks and web 3.01883 according to the needs of each user (do whatever the consumer would like to do and behave the way the user would like you to act) anytime they want which allows instant cross-marketing as well as other applications. This is a significant change in technological advancements, which is yet again, transforming the business models of today .However these new developments are heavily built on the creation and administration of networks.

While it is important to recognize the automated process that has been a part of the evolution of web 3.0 and beyond, the potential of the new technologies can’t be realized without the participation of those who interact, live and create on the internet. This is why the basis of competitive advantage can be still in relationships between people with the natural world, as the basic, automated processes that are involved could cause companies to miss the most important aspects of the modern environment in which knowledge is the primary characteristic. The importance and consideration of social media as tools to improve the strategic and marketing management processes in general, as well as specifically decision-making processes is therefore vital. They are vital in strengthening the corporate image, promoting collaboration with experts, customers and suppliers, and represent a flexible source of information and knowledge on the latest innovations, and the tastes and preferences of consumers and other stakeholders.

Change in Web 3.0

Strategically, the most important change in Web 3.0 impact on marketing is the importance of meaning in the new environment. Networks are thus vital tools to find out what’s happening in the present as well as what competitors are doing, what the customers are looking for, and even learning about technological trends, new innovations and experts’ opinions.They can also be vital in making, influencing and taking part in discussions on the latest innovations and the promotion of image. The management of social networks to manage knowledge is essential, since they help in the creation of knowledge, sharing and learning. They are also a source of innovation and creativity since many stakeholders can contribute value to the company’s various products or processes.The change in the role of the consumer from being a passive customer to an active customer who is eager to be involved in every production process and the rise of social media are altering the perception of production itself and requiring companies to establish an interconnected link with the market and corporate and open with their customers and other stakeholders throughout the production process from the initial definition of the product all the way through the production, development, and logistics or distribution and finally, the positioning, communication branding, and salesservice.

Examples of Change:

As an illustration of these changes it is possible to use advanced information systems which have enabled the growth of firms like the Spanish-based retailer Zara with its trendy retail network, or “rapid-fire fulfillment” since it collects information about the items its customers buy each day. Zara can design the products, producing them, and placing them at its retail stores across the globe within 15 days in accordance with specific store information and the latest consumer preference trends(Ferdowset and al. 2004; Sull and Turconi, 2008). For example, Zara is able to adapt to changing markets and forecast the sale of the item within a single store in a replenishment time according to forecasts for demand and the amount of inventory for each size initially in stock, along with the policy for managing inventory in stores (Caroand Gallien, 2009). Another case concerns the revenue management policies of airlines,MD50,101884which allow them to set prices according to demand and some production factors, oreven the policy of Carrefour (Yoon and Zhou, 2011), which allows customers to manage their personal loyalty card account, (track purchase history, create shopping lists,share with friends or family, etc.) and allows interaction with customers via its website.

The company can also make use of the information to determine the needs of its customers (by knowing what products they’ve used and their family and demographic information) and offer customers new offers in line with these needs as well as the attributes of the items that are available in its stores.However aside from these examples, the latest developments indicate that the brand new management and marketing systems that are being developed by Web 3.0  impact on marketing is ultimately based on the enhancement of involvement and collaboration in the growth of companies, not just from employees , but also from clients and others across various networks.

Participation is essential, as it increases the involvement of customers and other stakeholders with organizations,thereby improving their reputation and marketing, and also enhancing very diverse innovations that allow the creation of new business models and the upgrading of those established in the different organizations. It is crucial to identify specific strategies within networks that will increase the participation and collaboration of employees as well as customers and other stakeholders using appropriate community managers as well as the promotion of methods for crowdsourcing which we’ll later develop.This viewpoint is crucial because it allows the effective outsourcing of various procedures, allowing companies to become more competitive because they are able to free the resources and resources to focus on the customer and their requirements.

In web 3.0, it’s all about improving and consolidating.

In the context of the changing environment in the hope of improving and consolidating these goals we should insist on paying attention to two major advancements for enterprises: improving the trust of customers as well as the image and reputation of companies through the proper use of social media and figures like the”community administrator”; and enhancing the involvement of people who work for you through personalization of websites and the promotion of the community managers of crowdsourcing.


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