brisklogic Big Data Analytics

Why choose Big Data Analytics for digital transformation?

In today’s competitive and crowded market digital transformation has become vital. Numerous companies have begun their journey to transform themselves by conceiving innovative business models, processes and technology. In addition, many are already witnessing the potential of Big Data Analytics with their initiatives centered around innovations. Brisk Logic plays a major role in strategic thinking to enhance business results and set the roadmap to plan for the next.

What  is Big Data?

Big data is some of the terms that has been circulating in recent years, and has become a common phrase in some circles. It’s a frightening idea for companies who don’t know what it is and do not know how to make use of the capabilities of analytics based on big data to digitize their company’s digitization.

Big data refers to the massive amount of data daily gathered by businesses. Big data is distinguished by its massive size of data, its variety, and its complexity , which makes it difficult to manage using conventional processes for managing data. Due to this, large data requires innovative and new techniques for processing data which is the area where data analytics come in.

Data analytics process massive amounts of data in order to get useful information from it that businesses can make business decisions, while going through a total technological transformation.


Connection Between Big Data and Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has enabled companies to adapt to change and stay competitive in a market that is rapidly becoming digital. The importance of big data during the digital transformation lies in the capability for an organization to mix both efforts to facilitate both automation and digitization of business processes. The automation and digitization are what boosts efficiency, encourages innovation, and eventually leads to the development of new business models.

Big data analytics allows companies to collect granular data regarding specific or various categories of customers. This could include information on what they do on their websites, the products they buy and how often they purchase it, and whether they plan to purchase the same products in the near future. By analyzing all of this information business owners can make adjustments to meet the demands of their customers as well as creating goals to satisfy these needs. To fully realize their digital transformation companies must adopt massive data, as well as analytics.

Have a few goals in mind

A major hurdle for using big data and data analytics within your company is the data. Many companies collect more information than they require. In some instances they also store kinds of information they don’t need.

As the amount and types of data a company accumulates, the difficulty of analyzing the data gets more complex. Companies should, therefore, reduce the kinds of data they believe will be most beneficial to them, which will help in reducing the amount of data they gather throughout the process. Before data is collected the business must determine the most significant problems it will face in the short as well as the long-term. After identifying the challenges businesses can begin deconstructing the information it gathers to gain valuable insights that can be utilized to make better decisions and ensure the success of its business.

As more companies realize the benefits of this model, the need for workers who have data analytics expertise will continue to increase. This is among the main reasons why analytics and data science skills are so in great demand. For more reasons as to why the skills are in great demand, check out this website for more details and insights.

When setting objectives, it is crucial to be as precise as possible. Specific goals like “improve the bottom line” aren’t specific enough. Instead, companies should concentrate on the why and the what. For instance, it could establish specific goals, such as cutting operational costs and keeping customers as well as to improve the performance of the bottom line.

Gather the Right Data

After you’ve identified your goals, be focusing on gathering data sets that can assist you in reaching your objectives. For example, if , for instance, you seek to increase the number of customers you sell to, it is best to concentrate on data directly from social media channels and sales channels because that’s the information that will reveal if your acquisition strategies work.

Data Management is Vital

Data analytics and big data can hinder digital transformation in certain situations. This is typically the case with companies where data isn’t appropriately managed. Accessing greater amounts of data is not a big deal in the event that an organization fails to organize and manage it to ensure that it is efficiently used.


To fully appreciate the power of advanced analysis and machine learning models the data being fed into these systems must be reliable. This is why it’s crucial to not just get the right data but also to take care of it so that it’s free of contamination by unrelated data. If the data is able to be trusted, companies can reap the greatest benefits by using this information.

Getting Started

Although businesses must hire an analyst for data to understand the huge amounts of data they gather, small-scale businesses that only collect only a tiny amount of data or are unable to afford hiring an analyst for data do not need to take this route.

There are a variety of tools and platforms that allow business owners to gather information, divide it into sets, modify it, and then organize it in a way their teams are able to evaluate and analyze. Furthermore, these tools can aid small-scale business owners to understand the consequences of the choices they make based on this information and also the current trends and projections.

When a company has the ability to analyze large or smaller sets of data, either using tools or employing a digital analyst the company is able to begin moving forward in the digital transformation process. The digital transformation will be applied to boost competitiveness in a particular market.


The role of Big Data Analytics in Driving Digital Transformation

The growing volume of data, regardless of whether it’s structured or unstructured data that is massive in volume or velocity, is driving companies to digitalize their critical business processes. Brisk Logic  is focusing on making use of organizational data to increase business value. They can do this through the implementation of the use of Big Data Analytics for faster smart decision-making. Being able to access the correct information at the right moment can give you the best business insights which can help with intelligent planning and improve the performance of the business in a significant way.

However, effective data use is a crucial task, and continues to be a hot topic. Businesses require crucial insights to better decision-making speed and faster execution. Analytic models could be developed from the available data to uncover business insights and help achieve strategic business objectives. Incorporating Big Data Analytics implementation in existing business models will yield tangible results, which could really empower an organization to implement the transformation of its entire business. Gartner’s research shows about 25% of the largest companies will be either a buyer or sellers of data in the year 2020. This is a clear indication that Brisk Logic is preparing to implement the use of big data analytics in their strategy to make digital transformation a reality. Let’s go through several examples of how Big Data Analytics implementation has brought about a revolutionary transformation.

The Predict Analysis of Business Optimisation and the Optimization for Profit

Big data can enable businesses to gather raw data, whether structured or unstructured that comes from various sources. By implementing big predictive models for data and machine learning technology that can predict customer behaviour and machine malfunctions can be made. This means that firms can enhance their strategies by offering discounts and other promotions or even suggest alternative products to purchase. They can also perform predictive maintenance on equipment prior to it failing.

Knowing your customers better

Big data analysis allows companies to understand their clients by analyzing their thinking process and the feedback they provide prior. Companies can adapt their strategies accordingly. Additionally, companies can reduce complaints and resolve the issue prior to it causing customers to be upset. Numerous large analytical tools for data are available in the marketplace that predict negative emotions, allowing companies to take immediate action on these to reduce.

Better insight means better strategy

Today, all kinds of data are flooding the internet. This includes smartphones, social media, sensors, websites, search engines, devices, video, messages and more. The analysis of these data may provide insights into individual behaviour and habits. In addition, several departments can store the same type of data, however each department is not aware of the data of the other departments. Big data analysis could give more insight into different sources of data in a unique fashion that can be more useful in the formulation of the overall strategy.

Brisk Logic experts team in data analytics designed an efficient data platform using software to simplify the wind farm’s operations in a way that is efficient.

Improved customer experience

The way customers feel about their experience is crucial to your success as a business. By analyzing big data businesses can determine what their customers are feeling and be able to get them emotionally connected, earning their confidence. In addition, businesses can improve their services and reduce clients’ precious time enhancing the process. For instance, businesses can select the nearest warehouse to the customer or vendor to complete the order. This can save up to 40% in shipping costs and makes the order quicker to be fulfilled.

To conclude

Brisk Logic make use of the power of data from their organization in all aspects of their business to identify possibilities for growth. Through Big Data Analytics consulting and development companies are able to become more data-driven in order to achieve their business objectives and strategic goals on their digital transformation.




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