
A new buzz word in “IT”, Master intelligence

The impact of information technology (IT)

Humanity has experienced a variety of revolutions. The most recent one is the rise of technology for information and communication. This revolution has caused a break between the old and new and what is considered to be new in the present is quickly transformed into an outdated trend in the near future. Due to these changes that demand for these technologies has grown. This has led to the fact that it has grown to be the most commonly utilized resource in comparison to traditional resources, leading to the growth of interest in the latest information and communication technologies from individuals as well as companies.

Today, the world is experiencing an rapid change in the demand for information services in terms of volume quality and accessibility to information, so as to make the most informed decision based upon the diverse shifts and changes in the business environment. This shows the increasing significance of Information Systems and the capacity to provide businesses for information. This highlights the need to create these systems in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. One of the most important aspects that have led to the success for these technologies is that they are dependent on the latest technology, which have significantly facilitated access to information, and evidently reduced the costs of access.

The industry of telecommunications has seen significant changes in only a few years thanks to the technological advancements which underpin it. It has evolved into the core of what is now known as the”knowledge economy”, which is dependent on technology of information and the methods used to deliver it in the shortest period of time and at the lowest cost feasible. Thanks to the massive growth that this sector has experienced and the way it has helped in every field, but especially because of the use of satellites, mobile phones and the Internet which has put companies at risk of a brand new challenge that involves the development of technology for information and communication.

There is no doubt that technology has been an essential and revolutionary revolution that has affected people’s lives significantly during the last century. In fact, rather than being a flashy phenomenon, or even a temporary trend in the field of information and communications technology, it has been utilized throughout all aspects of our lives. Every domain has been subject to this rule which has facilitated tasks for both the business and its employees.

When we speak of information technology, it’s usually brought to the minds of people the notion that “information technology (IT) is the application of computer, storage, network and other physical equipment, infrastructure, and processes to generate processes storage, secure, and exchange any type of electronic information. It is typically used within the context of business operations, and not as entertainment or personal technology. The commercial usage of IT includes the technology of computers and telephony.” 

Our world has been deemed to be an isolated village because of technology in information. The process of communicating and the transmission of information has gotten rapid enough that it has spread rapidly, and it has significantly impacted the way we live as well as brought about dramatic transformation. The world is now completely dependent on technology, with the knowledge that technology poses an enormous risk that could ruin society. This leads us to ask what exactly the latest technologies of information and communications consist of? What impact do they have on the everyday lives of individuals , and what impact can they have on various areas of life, social, political, as well as social?

The definition of information technology

Information technology, also known as abbreviation (IT) is described as “the study and practice of making use of computers and other electronic devices to store and transmit data” [2].

“Many aspects in public health such as vital research, statistics, investigation surveillance, epidemiology, surveys, lab technological, maternal and infant health, as well as environmental health, utilize technologies of the information age (IT) to accomplish their objectives and goals. IT involves the use of computers and communication, as well as changing data in knowledge and information” [3].

“Most modern companies rely extensively on systems of information that include everything from employee e-mails to managing databases to e-commerce web websites. Hospitals have huge databases of patients to keep up. Universities have vast networks to manage. Even a modest, home-based cookie business requires an order-tracking system. It is reported that the Information Technology Association of America says that 92 percent IT professionals work for companies that are not IT-related” [4].

Impacts of information technology in our everyday routine

1. Education and its effects

The advancement of information technology has helped make the process of education more efficient and efficient. It has improved the health of students. The development of methods for education has made the process simpler for students, including replacing books with laptops and tablets. Additionally, the rise of online learning platforms allows students to study from their home. These platforms are an ideal alternative for students who do not attend school or have difficulty maintaining their pace with their teachers at school. These platforms give students the chance to revisit the lessons with easier and more specific explanations every minute which enhances the process of learning and can lead to better grades at school for the majority of them.

2.Effects to the health system

In the medical field, medical devices have experienced an incredible improvement. They have improved their efficiency. Technology has entered these devices and transformed these devices into electronic ones that ease their programming and management. Because of IT areas likeArtificial intelligence (AI) the world has seen distance surgery through robots, the use of artificial members such as hands, legs, and even artificial valves for the heart.

“Information technologies are of great importance for health care delivery. Computerized patient records will increase the effectiveness, efficiency and accessibility of health care. As managed care programs evolve data based on population will be more important for health professionals and for the health care sector. The capability to share this information via telecommunications and telemedicine could transform the accessibility of health care for those in areas that are not served that include urban and rural populations. These advancements will create significant questions about privacy and confidentiality as health-related information can be crucial to job opportunities and insurability. Effective, efficient, and reliable information systems can actually improve the quality of doctor-patient interactions by focusing on the clinical process and preferences of patients, rather than the routine collection of data. In this respect the use of information technology could, actually enhance the quality of the relationship” [5].

The growth of the medical field is crucial for the human race. It’s the foundation to live a long and healthy life free from pain and illness.

The impact of information technology

1. The political implications of (IT)

Technology plays a role in power. Technology plays a significant influence on the political landscape of nations. They are now widely utilized in elections to influence public opinion and , in particular, to bring young people into the political process.

Polititicians use technology in a variety of ways to affect the progress of individuals within their respective areas. The platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are all powerful media platforms that easily increase the reputation of politicians. Technology is the primary aspect in all political contests. With technology it is possible for politicians to get access to funds, gain backing, and also spend less on campaigning and promoting their candidature. [6] Housley asserts that “technology is appealing to a particular group of people: the wealthy educated, the wealthy, and young”. Furthermore, “while a YouTube video might not influence the grandparents in the crowd, young voters are watching. Is technology able to transform the way we think about the political landscape? The younger generation in America do not appear to be an active vote-bank however, the younger generation is likely to grow older and it’s just the beginning of the time that technology becomes a major factor in the process of voting”.

2. The economic consequences of (IT)

The advancement of technology and the maturity of organizations have led to an increase in productivity, accumulation of capital, and the development of a fierce competition among manufacturers. In light of this competitive environment in the market, research and development R & D concept emerged as a means of generating advancement through the integration of scientific concepts and the practical application of scientists and engineers, dividing an R & D role into vast sections that have technological, legal, and administrative capabilities to maintain the industrial area and making concern for the quality, productivity and cost. This has led to an industrial culture that draws its energy from the advancements in science and technology that grow and develop in the course from research and development. [7]

“Information technology (IT) is a pervasive transformation that has a profound impact on the design of a variety of existing goods and services and the methods of manufacturing and marketing nearly all of them. […] This idea is becoming each day with greater force through sector research in manufacturing or services, and from general developments within R & D, patenting and in the field of innovation” [8].

“The application of different manufacturing techniques in factories is an essential aspect to consider when evaluating the effects of technological innovations on businesses. […] Today there is a growing competition and moved from the local to global level and the product’s life cycle have decreased, yet there is a rising need to meet the needs of customers’ particular and individual requirements” [9].

The world economy is currently in the midst of rapid change. Internet, Mobile technology, social media, and Big Data trends have unleashed an explosion of new technologies that are creating thousands of jobs and startups and is redefining traditional industries. We are seeing a number of major technological trends that are changing the way we live, as well as our economics and business. Every sector today is greatly or even completely affected by the rapid growth of new technologies such as Cloud, Social Media, big data that are redrawing the world’s economy. The most significant consequence of this change is the loss of certain jobs, which is changing the location of jobs that are most demanded on the market globally and can also create new positions for jobs.

3. The social consequences of (IT)

It is possible to say that the impact on society of information technology is a matter of two aspects. It is not one hundred percent negative, nor 100 percent positive. It’s a double-sided weapon.

Sociologists have compared the impact of technology and information to changing the world from huge continents that separate people from relatives and a tiny village that covers the entire world’s population, also known as globalization. Before the advent of technology, communications between people needed days even months to reach one another. With the advent of technology the ability to communicate between people from various parts of the world is now a straightforward and speedy process. This is accomplished through various methods: instant messages, phone calls, or video calls.

Technology has changed how people view reality. It has also caused quite a rift in notions and views. Technology has altered our perception of many concepts. Also, it has changed the way we interact with many customs and traditions which were once considered sacred and the foundations of society. Despite the fact that technology of today has created a tiny village that allows for communication but also caused the feeling of divisiveness and alienation within families. Family communication is virtually absent, while the communication between people is now virtual. We can see the demise of human connections.

The other negative effect associated with (IT) for society, is “poor ability to communicate. Language proficiency refers to the capacity for a person to communicate or use an additional language. This is a major issue to be concerned about the ever-changing impact of information technology impact on our society. The reason is that the latest technology allows students to communicate with their family and friends immediately using applications like Line, WeChat and WhatsApp. The application makes it easier for them to communicate with one others. However, it could result in them ignoring the spelling of various words as well as the use of correct grammar. In addition, due to the growing quantity of information available on the internet, Internet users may come across incorrect information that could cause confusion or somewhat distorted being” [11].

Affect of info technology on business Case research of Capgimini

Capgimini Company Capgimini Company confirms the positive impact of of ICTs to improve working conditions. The confirmation came through various studies conducted within the organization. In adopting a method that is open to new ways in production and interaction and interaction, the use cases have led to tangible improvement and been a direct and tangible contribution to the perception of satisfaction at work. They are typically considered suitable by employees to the challenges they must manage within the context of their current work (safety as well as the interest in the job, need for sense, being an active participant in the development of their work …) as well as throughout their professional lives (work and life work balance, employability …)

The current company has brought the following benefits:

1. Reduced occupational risk and workplace accidents

Technology and information enable to, for instance, gain access to information faster or to secure procedures and to connect with a colleague quicker if required.

2. focusing on activities that have higher value

The dematerialization of papers reduces certain repetitive tasks within the commercial or administrative sector and allows more time for interactions with customers.

3. Professionalization

Laptops for instance, has allowed the company to gain in terms time particularly, by providing immediate details to people that require it, speeding up decision-making and increasing profits of the company. Because of the interactivity and advanced system, the company constantly strives to meet the demands of its customers and enhance the quality of its services.

Social networks have helped facilitate data sharing. NTICS has also been instrumental in helping create a new method to work, including meetings and conferences that are remotely held as well as online training, and more.

4. The integration of private life and professional

The majority of employees utilize their personal computers at home for business for business. This lets them complete their tasks at work. For instance, for employees, they just has to be able to identify himself as well as an access code to the server of the company, that allows him to perform the job and share it with the network, even in the absence of vacation or in a trip.

5. Renewal and growth of work collectives

The development of modern technology, along with the ability to communicate and sharing platforms working together is becoming expanded and more organized, due to an integration between workflow system as well as system for managing tickets. Employees consult and are aware of the administrative route and status that the data (created or approved) and are informed …) that strengthens the collaboration without eliminating the informal ones. “Employees modify their work practices depending on their own needs to enhance and strengthen interactions with colleagues of a certain type while reducing formal exchanges with other colleagues”.

6. The growth of collective intelligence

The application of NTICS specifically with regard to social networks, may encourage the development of negotiated solutions that could be in the form of new methods and structures, as well as innovative product … beyond the use of tools any successful collaboration will require to be able to combine a certain quantity of managerial and organizational requirements (governance and the assignment of responsibility and roles)


The Information Technology is the main necessity of our times. Technological advancement is making its way into all areas. Education is an crucial element of the development and advancement.

The advancement of technology has altered the way we live, but not all modifications are positive. Certain aspects could be detrimental and can have negative effects on individuals as well as the entire community. Traffickers, for instance, use the Internet to promote and offer their merchandise to sell.

There are a variety of ways to utilize technology, which includes what is used for the economy, education and science. There is a strong connection between technology and science. It is said that the premise of technology is the study of science and implement (IT) technologies in various areas of life to satisfy the demands of people and societies. This is why it connects government, businesses and communities in the development of strategies to improve the quality of life for people.



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