
Business Process Automation- A complete guide for 2022

How Can Business Process Automation Improve the Profitability of Your Company?

It is possible that two decades ago we saw very far the business process automation of regular processes of a company using robotics or software, but now it is a reality. According to a McKinsey’s study, 40% of work activities carried out by humans with current technology can now be replaced.

Process automation is a fact that has come to improve the operability of companies both internally, by replacing repetitive and external work; that is, in the attraction and conversion of customers.

Internally, and according to the aforementioned study, 60% of job occupations could automate 30% or more of its constituent activities.

And externally, process automation, as well as marketing tasks, can generate other benefits such as the correct filtering of qualified leads, the decrease in CAC or customized promotional processes, among other key points.

What Is the Importance of Business Process Automation of Your Company?

Process automation is a method whose adoption must already be considered by companies. This method helps to configure several autopilot functions without requiring more time and effort from human talent.

Some process automation tools are all-in-one software; therefore, several operational points of the company can coexist within the same environment without this meaning a catastrophe.

For example, marketing management with budget management can be under the same software in a synchronized way, one feeding the other, to get more and better information that helps your company make decisions on time.

If you are still doing all these tasks manually, stop for a moment to think how much time are you wasting on managing and aligning human talent to synchronize information?

Then you are not only wasting time, but you are also adding responsibilities to human talent. If you automate certain tasks you could reduce the workload and, of course, save money on HR.

A study shared by IT Chronicles indicates that employees spend around 69 days a year on administrative tasks, resulting in a loss of $ 5 billion annually.

Also, 67% of respondents said they agreed to implement process automation in companies, due to their great contribution to remain competitive.

And if you don’t like it, a report shared by M-Files states that professionals can spend 18 minutes on average looking for a document manually.

So, in short, it is essential to adopt the automation of processes, because in this way we streamline all the information about the company in a natural and organized way. So all operations increase inefficiency. 

Check out Rex Web Solutions, a leading custom software development company for a customized business process automation software. Click  IoT solutions for more details…

Main Benefits of Business Process Automation

Once you have identified the needs of your company and all the actions you want to automate, we begin to evaluate the main benefits of process automation:


If it is a small team that directs its actions to a very closed segment of the market, process automation may not be one of the most immediate actions to take. 

But its early implementation is giving results directly related to the growth of the company in every way: customers, expansion, sales, etc. And these improvements will drive the adaptation process.

At the moment that the equipment is not supplied, it is also necessary to consider the adoption of process automation because, as you could see, professionals devote too much time to manual tasks that increase our entire budget.

Costs Reduction

Process automation software has an intelligent approach that allows cost reduction, as repetitive tasks, human talent participation and time per task decrease; therefore, the operational costs of the company are systematically reduced and without affecting customer service.


With the imminent growth of the company, productivity is becoming an increasingly real and intense concern, because the performance of tasks per batch is substantially reduced.

With process automation tools, productivity rises to a higher level and in a few seconds. Once the work schedule is defined, the software executes the commands accurately, in the correct sequence and respecting the times.

Another point in favor of process automation is the reduction of faults. As humans we usually make mistakes, these cause losses in money and time. With automation, common errors in operations are eliminated when they are carried out manually.

Operational Stability

The sum of all the previous points, that is, the saving of time and costs, the increase in productivity and the elimination of errors result in the operational stability of the company. Therefore, we obtain the desired results while the company is experiencing growth.

Now, that you know the benefits of process automation so, are you ready to automate your business process. Then get your customized software for automation now, check the best IoT solutions for more details…

Phases of Business Process Automation 

The idea of ​​automating the processes in the company helps accelerate its growth, but where to start when you decide to start this conversion?

1. Determine what the company’s repetitive tasks are

It is necessary to deeply understand the cyclical process of the company to find the workflow that repeats over time, and that generally consumes more time of human talent.

You can rely on people interested in reducing the workload and leaders of each team to determine delivery times, dedication times per task, etc. 

So you can also measure the times that human talent dedicates to complete each task. In this way you can eliminate steps or simplify them when applying automation.

2. Set the business objectives of the company

Once you have identified the problem and the tasks that demand more time and attention, you must advance to the next phase: determine what your goals are with the adoption of process automation.

Are they related to performance? To the reduction of time? Less participation of your workforce? To reduce human errors?

It is possible that instead of creating objectives based on one of the above questions, you want to adopt automation to address this set of problems.

3. Model the process

It is important that before modeling the process consider creating a diagram that allows you to know how tasks are going to be automated, once they start using the software. Some of the data that you can use to begin to give body to the automated process are:

  • Name of process.
  • Objective (we saw it before).
  • Justification.
  • Scope.
  • Participants.
  • Process diagram.

4. Select the tool for business process automation

The next phase is to select the software that will help you automate tasks based on the objectives you have previously set or got customized software for business process automation. Click here to check the best IoT solutions for customized software.

Consider that different tools help you automate processes, but not all of them are to cover specific needs. 

So, before starting the process of consideration and decision you must look at how it adds value to your fulfillment of objectives. Would this work for you? 

It is also important that the provider you decide to hire helps you to model the process in a beta mode or adjusted to your business, and see in real-time how your model works. Check out the best IoT service Providers.

Consider that depending on your needs you may need more than one provider. This will allow you to manage your tasks synchronously and automatically.

5. Train human talent

In the face of changing times, your workforce may resist a bit, but because the automation of processes is a vital step, you have to take the time to train them.

Considers that automation exists to execute repetitive tasks; however, these workflows are not managed alone. Your team should operate them efficiently to understand how the architecture of these software works to accomplish the tasks more simply.

Simply put, workflows must be managed by a trained team and time must be devoted to their training.

6. Execute the modeling process

Start with a simulation exercise to resolve doubts and concerns as they arise. Then, define a starting point to see the process go automatically.

It can be from a date, an order, a registration, etc. The important thing is to define what the beginning is for the cyclic process to occur automatically.

7. Measure the most important indicators to determine software performance 

Upon reaching this stage, surely the software already has time working towards the objectives you set. You will also have your team familiar with the process automation tool.

Was the performance of the tool? How much time, money, mistakes, did you manage to decrease? Some clues to follow up on the process can be:

  • Duration from start to end of the process.
  • Average time to complete the task.
  • Average time in stages.
  • Frequent problems during execution.

You know that measuring results is crucial to advance within any strategy. Your process automation software is part of your strategy to achieve the performance and growth of the company; Therefore, you have to follow it correctly.

Automation of Administrative Processes

Focusing on the automation of processes merits the participation of a large part of your team as long as everyone is clear about their roles mainly because, before automating certain tasks you have to make a diagram to define workflows that facilitate the tasks.

The automation of administrative processes facilitates the crossing of information from the different areas of the organization

Everything that has to do with administrative, sales, HR and warehouse movements, through Business Project Management System technologies, or workflow systems. For example:

  1. Contracts and agreements.
  2. Budgets and invoices.
  3. Bill payments.
  4. Appointments and meetings.
  5. Incorporation of new employees.
  6. Purchase Orders

In general, any repetitive process of great volume that merits the participation of several people or that is of a sensitive and audit nature can be automated. You can control it directly by your mobile phone. You can get the best IoT solutions to automate your business process.

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