Data Analytics

How today’s Businesses Being Transformed by Data Analytics?

Technology is an enabler for business transformation in real-time – data analytics technology allows businesses to be more flexible in terms of keeping up with changing customer demands and trends in business. Today’s big data pioneers employ analytical tools to aid in high-level forecasting and real-time visualization. Companies that use analytics technologies change their business models and uncover new products, customer revenue streams, and service options. From sourcing materials to forecasting demand, to HR and accounting processes all aspects of business can be improved through analytics.

One of our prior posts – solving common business issues using Analytics Solutions – we discussed the advantages of using analytical solutions. We will now show how companies are evolving in the wake of the use of analytics technology.

How are Organizations Using  Analytics?

Data analytics empowers your team to manage and analyse the data that comes in a variety of types. Apart from taking advantage of data, your team can use it to find new possibilities and to improve the quality of products.

In the 2018 Global State of Enterprise Analytics Report 57% of enterprises use large data analytics and big data to improve efficiency in processes and cost as well as to drive change and strategy.

Leading companies have invested in the latest technology to create developments in the collection of new data, combining internal and external data, and using large-scale data analysis to outdo the competition. These executives don’t only embrace the benefits of analytics and actionable data however, they also advance them to the next level using analytics that combine in a variety of ways such as:

  • Promoting high quality data and accessibility
  • Incorporating analytics into every job
  • Effectively using analytics tools to support business innovation
  • Building a quantitative innovation culture


Enterprises that are using large data analytics and  data to gain business insight are gaining the competitive advantage that will ensure future success. They aren’t just using data to improve fundamental operations, but also to boost the positive momentum of the entire organization.

How is Data Analytics Changing the business?

data analytics changing the business

The increasing digitization rate will lead to the development of new data sources, and consequently the warehouse will have a huge amount of data that will be stored in the warehouse. The data gathered by the analytics software can be utilized in a variety of efficient ways to boost businesses across different sectors. Big data analytics helps companies to alter their relationships with customers, sell products more efficiently and generate more revenue.

According to the 2018 Global State of Enterprise Analytics Report, 90 percent of firms recognise analytics as a critical component of their digital transformation initiatives. Utilizing these technologies gives companies a competitive edge as well as the ability to promote a more customer-centric approach.

An accurate definition of data analytics that is integrated into business processes enables essential actions for digital transformation including:

  • Improved productivity
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Revenue streams that are created
  • Products and services that are more competitive
  • Improvement in operational efficiency


Let’s explore the different ways that analytics technology can revolutionize business:


Transform Customer Relationship

Customers are the primary resource that every business relies on. Monitoring customer behavior is essential to build loyalty. The more information an enterprise gathers and analyzes, the more patterns and patterns it can spot. In the current technological age it is easy for businesses to gather the data about its customers it needs. If it is able to use the right technology for data analysis businesses can gain vital insights about behavior that it needs to take action to keep the customers. Furthermore this technology permits enterprises to improve their offerings and to improve the realm of customer service. This blurs the lines between business and customer.

Smarter In Decision Making

Analytics and big data can aid in making crucial business decisions like designing expanding business areas or revamping products. In the past, a lot of information sat unnoticed by businesses in regards to maintenance or maintenance of equipment customers, their base of customers as well as delivery schedules and payment for employees. Analytics tools can analyse this information and suggest the best actions to plan for the best decision-making. Because these tools let you display the results of their analysis via visuals and dashboards, most influential decision makers can make well-informed choices.

Better Business Intelligence

With the adoption of the use of big data analysis, businesses have improved BI processes because this technology allows for better methods of delivering products and services. Prior to the advent of analytics, the business intelligence was very limited.

But, the advancement of analytics has led to BI within the business environment , since it can help in taking the business up a notch. It is now commonplace to see business intelligence within every business that produces information, and it’s difficult to locate a business which doesn’t produce any kind of data. Through the business intelligence feature, you and your client will have access to the information they require to make informed decisions.

Embed AI in Data Analytics Technology

The growing demands of customers and the constant technological changes in the sales and service channels have led to the elimination of systems that rely on bandwidth to keep managing the tasks. Companies are moving towards artificial intelligence and automation technology to tackle the new challenges.

The information obtained from the big data analytics tool has assisted in identifying efficient and scalable systems that can be used for the automated and contextual marketing. Based on PwC’s survey,59% of executives stated the idea that analytics and big data within their organization would be improved by artificial intelligence.

Reduce Go-To-Market Costs

Nowadays, a majority of businesses rely on Geo-analytical data in order to focus on their strategies for going-to-market. By doing this, they’re able to identify territories that have more potential for sales and can decrease their cost of go-to-market. Geo-analytics helps businesses target their customers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Google Search engine Optimization is the primary sector where the impact on data analysis is most obvious. Analytical tools play an essential part in this. Marketers are betting on the power of social media marketing SEO, SEM, SEO mobile marketing as well as email marketing. I think these strategies are essential for long-term success.

Innovative and Effective Branding Strategies

Analytics have enabled businesses to not waste the millions invested in advertising campaigns which aren’t generating any results. Businesses employ innovative techniques such as sentiment analysis, text analysis , and understanding the data from customer traffic to discover important insights into a potential customer.


With more specific and a more targeted ad campaign, they will save money by reducing costs for customer acquisition and create an effective branding. Additionally, analytics helps to determine if an innovation in branding is working.

Achieve Productivity Breakthroughs

Companies are always looking to improve their productivity further. Because of the advancements in digital transformation and analytics companies are implementing four new methods that can lead to productivity gains. Based on Mckinsey the four structures that boost productivity include Zero-based Budgeting (ZBB) Digital manufacturing, End-to end digital enablement, and Analytics to Value (AtV).

Better Product Management

Companies today provide a wide range of diverse products and also services. It is essential to determine what are the most sought-after items. This too is subject to change according to the season and location. Analytical solutions will allow the business that they are able to focus on the appropriate item or service in the appropriate time , and also increase sales.

Ensured Risk Management

To ensure that they are profitable, companies use analytics technology to anticipate a risk and take action before it happens. Big data analytics has been a major factor in the creation of risk management solutions that are effective. The analytical tools that are available enable users to quantify and also model risks they face each day. Businesses can improve the effectiveness of risk management strategies by utilizing sophisticated identification of weaknesses.

Create New Revenue Streams

The analytics that are in place for data allows companies to generate new revenue streams using data being gathered and then analyzed. When the value of data has been discovered internally, it’s easy to use it to profit the clients and customers. They can create new, innovative services that are in line with customers’ needs and desires. If they are done right, analysing data from customers will help improve the current product or uncover opportunities for revenue.

Enhanced Use of Technologies

Numerous technologies and a variety of tools for analytics are available to help businesses with large-scale data analysis. Furthermore, analytics that derive from big data that are compiled using blockchain are being developed to build automated systems that are intelligent, such as Chatbots, digital assistants and automated analysts that can perform all analysis on their own. In fact, the automated and intelligent process and the making use of IoT helps improve business processes and leads to a greater digital transformation of businesses.

Innovation in Product Development

Another significant change in the field of business analytics is the use of technology to create the development of new products and in redesigning existing products. As previously mentioned the technology has created an opportunity to generate additional revenue streams by implementing new products and innovations. Thus, the products are able to reflect the views of clients.

Transform the Nature of Competition

In addition to changing business processes Analytics and big data change the nature of competition. Referring to Mckinsey study below, the graph shows the evolution of the nature of competition.

The most frequent change embraced by the majority participants is the introduction of data-driven businesses that weaken traditional business models.

Outperform Competitors

The businesses that are leading the way in the revolution of analytics, have strong competitive advantages using analytics. Big data analytics technology gives you a wealth of information about crucial growth opportunities, trends in sales and areas of the market to fill. The unique chance to conduct deep market research as well as gain access to the ever-growing volume of data gives you an important competitive advantage.

Planning For the Future

Because analytics can provide insights that are predictive and a company can implement its plans for the future strategically. Business models are based on large amounts of data to obvious market trends and make business decisions in line with them.

Improve Efficiency

The efficiency of operations is one of the most important indicators of performance of a company. The efficiency of operations depends on the correct planning and the implementation of these plans. Businesses can maximize their assets using analytics because it identifies areas where efficiency could be increased. Therefore, the business is more flexible and flexible.

Effective Financial Planning

Analytics and Big Data solutions allow administrators to allocate funds efficiently. Additionally, businesses are able to use analytics tools to identify fraud and improper payments. Thus, the chance of embezzlement or fraud could be reduced, which in turn will result in a better financial plan.

Proper Labour Utilization

In addition to data about the customer and trends, analytics can also record the data of employees. The business can monitor employee performance and identify inefficiencies or gaps in its internal process. Based on these insights they are able to strategically plan the resources across departments.

Strategic Edges in Business Transformation:

Overall, big data and analytics offer the tools and technology to ensure that there are businesses that can operate with maximum efficiency , and produce the least amount of time and resources. Companies who are serious about business transformation must invest in analytics in order to benefit from the benefits of using data which creates innovative internal and customer-facing strategic edges.






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